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I went to the docs yesterday and on top of my already infamous prolapsed disk in my neck I have now been diagnoses with an ear infection, tennis elbow and depression brought on by low testosterone (testosterone implant is overdue by 3 months). That on top of giving the physio a nudge to give me exercises for my sciatic hip, I have also had a letter from my neck specialist telling me feck all really, just more of 'wait for your clinic appointment'.

So, I wait for the day I am searched, because I will surely be arrested as a drug trafficker with all the prescription medicines I carry for both my hubby, my son and myself in my handbag. That plus the ear drops and the 10% anti-inflammatory cream for my elbow, the artificial tears for dry eyes, the nasal spray for my rhinitis and the vaseline for everything else (including rusty nuts and bolts). You get the picture, I'm a walking pharmacy (chemist).

I remember when I was a kid I used to look in my Grandmothers cupboard at all her 'stuff' and think, 'Wow, she's OLD'. Now, I am my Grandmother!
No good, Julieathome,I'd be whingeing too. How fabulous though, that you've lost 18.37 kgs! That must really improve your health outlook and you'll keep losing weight on this WOE. You have something your grandmother didn't know about. The ear infection will go away, the tennis elbow will pass. Things can only get better, one day at a time. Hugs.
Sorry julieathome but I had to laugh just a little at your description of the bits and bobs you travel around with - if you didn't laugh you might cry. For someone who has depression you sound like you are taking all the garbage fairly well in your stride, which I think is amazing and very well done. And on top of all the garbage you are still losing weight and keeping yourself on your plan - you must be incredibly strong to do that. Sallyo is right, things will get better for you!
Hi Julie, I think you most certainly need to check in to the Hugs thread! :heart:

You are such a strong amazing woman with all you cope with. Sometimes it doesn't seem right when one person is loaded up with so many problems, but as Sallyo says, you are taking control and helping yourself in the best way you can.
Also being a fabulous example to the rest of us with your wonderful weight loss. :like:
Now, off you go to the hugs. xx
Aww,, Julie, c'mere you, have a big hug :hugleft: :hugright:
The depression is 'controllable' at the moment as I know it has a medical reason and will be cured within 3 days of having my new implant in. So when things get on top of me I 'know' for certain its only short term, so can generally be pulled out of the morass by hubby. I can't believe how many years I suffered before my doctor tested my testosterone and found it low.

BBT053 I will check that page out, it looks interesting. I have also forwarded it to my daughter who is an athlete and if not injured herself, knows lots of other athletes who can and do suffer from injuries.
I can so relate to that lot Julie! I have a massive handbag complete with pharmacy and large bottle of water for getting it all down! Its even worse since hubby started to suffer from the rot! I have his kit as well now.

When my kids were little a young woman I knew said that you could tell a mum by her handbag, it always contained a plastic bag with a damp flannel! I suppose its wet wipes now but I never realised that I would progress from damp flannel to full medicine kit!
I'm so sorry your health is ailing Julie- yet you are so generous and giving of your time and comments to others on this forum and I'm sure to your family and friends. I think you are wonderful and so brave. Sending you a virtual (((((((( hug)))))))))) right now.
Xxx julianna. :heart:
Sending you hugs Julie. :heart:
Hugs from me too Julie. You have too many challenges for sure. I wonder if your have an allergy problem such as food, chemicals in cleaning products, medications, environment etc. Might be worth getting tested. I know my Dad took many long term medications that ended up causing other problems. Meds really are double edged swords. On the bright side when you get to your goal weight your body is going to be so much happier. There is a martial art called, and I'll spell it wrong, Qi Dong? A very gentle slow movement that is meditative. What about accupunture?
How are you feeling this morning Julie?
Hope the day brings a better lot for you and yours :)
Thinking of you Julie and your unfair load. Hope the sun is shining for you and things improve soon. You have an awesome weight loss to be very proud of.
Take care and keep in touch.
Julie, there are some people on this forum whose 'stories' and perseverance keep others motivated to continue - and you are one of those if you don't mind my saying so. I think you have lost a phenomenal amount of weight at a time when I suspect lots of people would just want to eat more and you always sound like you have discipline and determination. Sorry you are feeling rubbish at the moment and hope it improves soon.
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