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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Hi Claire and welcome back. You've been missed. Ballerina and Wineoclock have said it all really so nothing to add, except take it slowly and ease yourself back in, don't set too hard a target for yourself, cos it's not about targets in the long term. Lots happened on here while you've been away, so have a look around and enjoy being back on here amongst friends and supporters again. See you Monday! :heart: :victory: :smile:
I too have fallen by the way - my excuse being the long school hols and looking after the grandchildren, although I started to fail a few weeks before that. However, I'm determined to restart on september 2nd. I really do think that this is the best way of losing weight. The only good thing is that I have not gained any weight. I do find this forum really encouraging and helpful. One can always find someone who is having similar problems!
I have just popped on here on my lunch break (working 9am - 8pm today!) and am overwhelmed by all the support, so much so I feel a little tearful which is silly I know! Thank you so much everyone, I knew coming back on would be a good idea.

I totally forgot its a new month next week so even more reason to go for it, I am 27 on the 23rd Sept so I would like to lose half a stone for then which I think it a nice little goal. I am going on holiday in Feb and would like to lose 3 stone for is a hurdle im not even considering yet...
Right Claire- get yourself over here for a minute
here's a hug from me ( a very very rare event!)
Now, it's all been said in the lovely posts above, I'm feeling a bit emotional reading them too.
Depression is the pits and you are working on overcoming it and getting the necessary help too.
Small achievable goals like you have set, wee victories like you've had and lots of support which you can get here
You'll get there and we'll make sure you do.
Don;t be a stranger - it's easy to hide in real life but we'll find you in cyberspace!
And I've got a wet fish itching to help if it gets too bad!
oh, and maybe sign up for the super September thread (or whatever it'll be called) and get even more support on that?
I've missed your posts, too. Just pick your target and go for it. We'll support you all the way! Hang in there, honey! :heart:
Good to see you back and ready to get on track. Try not to focus on the negative as you'll still get to your goal! I started around 17 stone something and suddenly really starting to see the results now after 6months so be realistic and kind to yourself! It does take a bit of dedication when you have a lot to lose, but we can both do this! Do whatever you need to do to make it less daunting, but I remember thinking how difficult fasting would be and yet it turned out to be relatively straight forward, hunger is not the enemy to be avoided, being overweight is as it causes everything to feel so much worse as you struggle to carry all that baggage around.
It really is worth it to feel healthier and there is nothing stopping you but your own self doubt, try to flip that into something positive, imagine how accomplished you'll feel after your first fast! We're all here with you :0)
Hi Claire

Good to see you back, :like: missed you.

Chris x
Ahhhh so that's where you are. I had been wondering where you had got to. Welcome home Claire :smile: some of us have been eating in a daily 8 hour window while you have been away. Check out Ballerinas posts ref 16:8 also her other posts for a good laugh when you're feeling down. Some people are doing the 8 hour eating window and not doing 5:2. Take it easy and find the way that suits you best then keep at it.

I am still 5:2ing and doing the 8 hour window on the other days as it helps to keep me focused. I have been loving my carbs a bit too much recently and my weight loss has slowed so I'm now cutting the wine, bread, potatoes, pasta and rice out completely for a while to see if that helps. I also weigh daily and track on the true weight app. I won't tell you that Janeg is hiding round the corner with her wet fish because the others have already warned you. However, I will say that it's a bit stinky now, so beware :lol:

Really good to see you back. I will look out for you on Monday. Baby steps, come on, we can do this x
Hi @Claire23 I too had noticed that you weren't around. It's lovely to have you back! :victory:
Lots of fab advice above, keep rereading the messages as I'm sure they will help in low moments. And don't worry, this WoE doesn't have to be 'all or nothing', ignore occasional falls off the wagon and climb back on. Nobody will judge you for that, so don't be hard on yourself. :heart:
I wish I could wave a magic wand to help you into a less dark place and your feelings onto a more even keel. Remember that support is here even when you're not feeling up to sharing with your real friends/family. Very best wishes. :clover:
Yes, absolutely agree with Golarne. We are your virtual family, isn't that a cosy thought? You can rant, cry, rejoice or whatever and we won't judge. We are just all here for each other x
Me too Clare - I blame summer, well i'll blame anything but that's not going to help, is it?

It looks like there are quite a few of us. Perhaps we should hire a new wagon and all get back on together. Let's hire one with a lock :grin:
You are all so lovely :)

My best friend has let me down bigtime, saying things about me on a Labrador forum which I have been badly bullied on then banned from so she thought I wouldn't be able to see she had been writing about me, we had a holiday booked for Feb which I have had to cancel. What with that my sisters wedding being next Saturday that im not going to because her fiancé is a nut feeling a little down.

Im ranting aren't I?

On a positive note me and hubby are off to sainsburys to get a nice dinner and pudding....but don't worry we are also getting my fast day meals for the week so I am all ready for my first fast on Monday. I am going to bite the bullet and weigh myself Monday morning and put my stats back on here.
Oh Claire,

You poor wee thing, nothing can be worse than feeling badly treated or let down by those closest to us so take a little time to get over it and then come back out fighting again, you CAN do it, :like:

Ballerina x :heart:
Well you don't need friends like her, what a bitch, good thing you found out before the holiday.
Shame about your Sister's wedding though, plan a a day out with your nice hubby instead.
I'm biting the bullet and getting back on the 5:2 wagon on Monday, nothing dramatic but I can feel podge slipping back on. I have a feeling this Monday is going to see a lot of us in the same boat. (what a lot of mixed metaphors :oops: )
Yes, Sian has said it. You sound to have a lovely hubs, and you can see things now for what they are. And you have a plan. Wishing you lots of luck for the coming week Claire and keep popping on here whenever the going gets tough, or you feel like a laugh :smile: :clover: :victory:
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