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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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SianS - very blunt but very true...she doesn't deserve my friendship.

Ballerina - I haven't known her that long, only since the beginning of this year, we met through the Labrador forum but we got really close and she and he partner came here to stop over and have takeaways etc. And then the holiday was planned. Ah well. It does hurt though as I have always been there for her as she has had some personal issues.

Silverdarling - my hubby is a godsend, on my low days he is always there just for a hug

I just ate some olives stuffed with garlic and have pizza for dinner...followed by toffee popcorn..oh and cider :)
Roll on Monday! Is it possible to put on another half stone in two days lol
Hi honey and welcome back!
We did miss you, don't you go AWOL again on us, OK?

Now, don't forget that nobody will love you or hate you more than yourself so you gotta give you some loving and stop feeling bad. Whatever is done, is done. New start is in order and I'm sure that you will do very well.

You have your hubby there for you, obviously, so who needs frenemies?

Best of luck, I'm sure that you will do very well! :-)
I should never have come off here and buried my head in the sand! Never again I promise!
Claire you don't want or need friends like her :pissedoff: they are not true friends, unlike everyone one this forum, no bitching/backbitting and no judging, we're all on differing journeys but all wanting + getting a similar goal. As for your sister well that is a pity because it would have been great for you to be there, but we understand you not wanting to go, and if that's what you need/want to do good on you + live with decision. Because later in life it will be her with the regrets not you, maybe you have to reach a certain age (old like me ) before you truly Know life is for living, and you have to get the right person in your life to live it to the full as you only get this one this is not a rehearsal :heart: :heart:
Enjoy your weekend don't overeat/drink just enjoy, then go for it on Monday and fast along with the rest of us making each fastday count whether its 2or3 days do them for real and be careful on all other days you know how to do it :like: and at the time you went AWOL just look at my progress, me starting at 19 stone ( not a pretty picture). A BMI of over 44 and a pensioner. Please take control NOW as I so wished I had many years ago basically you'll never get a better chance than this WOL will give to you. Good Luck + let's do it together :clover: Sue
Thanks Sue, your right I don't need her

You have done amazingly well with your weight loss. I remember when I was overweight at 22 and thought yes I am doing this now, well it didn't happen till I got to 25 and lost 4 stone for my wedding, 2 years later and 3 and abit stone heavier and nearly 27. I HAVE to do it now
You will do it because you know you can and because a catering pack from Findus frozen foods round the back of the head hurts, ask Janeg! :shock:

We are all rooting for you so, what are you waiting for? GET GOING!! :like:

Ballerina x :heart:
Yes Claire you need to get a grip Now !! But you also need to Want to and I believe you have: now reached that point so good on you for reaching and admitting that fact that you ''Fell of the wagon '' so we just get back on board and just do it :heart: For you own sake mainly but obviously a close second also for your lovely husband, we do put them through it sometimes. Good Luck :clover: Sue
I am so motivated for Monday now thanks to you lot :)
I am here to cheer you on as well. You have done it before and you know with planning and preparation and support you can do it again. So here's to Monday.
That was last Monday so managed two fast days this week, today was meant to be a fast day !
Yay Claire! Good to see you back and to see you were able to fast twice this week. We're cheering you on! :heart:
Hey Claire, where are you? you had such a good week last week, hope everything is OK
Hello :) Thought I'd pop in and say how lovely it is when I see your smiley face on here.

How is this week going? Thinking of you xx
Oh dear I've only just read some of this. Ditto what everyone said. Not much of a friend so don't worry. Family, arrrrgggghhhhh!! I'm having issues with my brother, at 53 you'd think he'd grow up a bit, never mind his loss, same with your sister, her loss.
Hope it's all gone ok since then. :heart: :smile:
Hmm.., sorry if I haven't read this thread through, but I get the impression you focus too much on various "failures" instead of some positive goal, like how nice it will be to feel and look as healthy and fit as you can, and what next small step you can take towards such a goal.

It might be it's like you're sitting in the back of a taxi and instead of telling the driver where you want to go, you're telling him (him=you) about all the horrible places you never want to go to again.

Possibly it's the same problem for most of us, we waste energy on dwelling on situations that have passed and can not be changed, they are usually quite irrelevant.
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