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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Haven't been on the forum for a good few months and I have totally fell off the wagon. The weight loss slowed so I decided to calorie count using fitness pal and then I just lost control so here I am half a stone heavier, feeling fat and disgusted with myself.

Weighed myself last Monday and was 17st managed to fast all day apart from a yogurt then had around a 700 cal dinner then the next day just lost control again.

My clothes feel horrid but even this isn't kicking me into gear :cry:
Also when walking my knee has starting hurting again from a previous injury and even this isn't making me stop eating rubbish!
Oh dear, claire23! Look - we've all been there, either with 5/2 or with past diets and weight loss! I once lost 2 stone, maintained for 3 years and then fell ill with glandular fever, leaving me with an excuse to be lazy and eat more, as I had 'bigger things to worry about'...four years later I found myself four stone heavier and with a bingeing drinking habit!

Basically - calm down. We all are susceptible to 'falling off the wagon' every now and again. Try and evaluate why it is that you wanted to lose weight in the first place - are those reasons still valid? I like to think of my weight loss not just as a way of me becoming slim once more, but as an excuse to try new, delicious foods, home-cooking and make my own recipes using healthy, interesting foods. I know that this isn't an interest of everyone's, but surely the fact that you have posted means that you overall health and wellbeing are important to you.

You need to find a way to feel passionate about yourself, your health and see this WoE as an exciting new life project, as opposed to something that you 'have to do' in order to fit back into a particular pair of jeans!

I wish you luck xx
So Claire the first thing to do is stop feeling disgusted with yourself. So you felll off the wagon, who hasn't done that before.
Why do you think things have gone the way they have? When you were fasting the weight loss slowed, but were you gaining weight. Ive had the longest plateau ever but now seem to be losing even though its only 200 grams a week average.
And you did fast you got through the fast day. Keep fasting and don't stress about the feed days and I bet they will get better in time. You can do it you know you can. :heart: :victory:
:clover: Oh dear, sorry to hear this Claire23. But take heart, the good thing about this WOE is you can stop for a while, fall off the wagon or whatever and then climb back on and begin again when you feel ready.
Personally I find this website really helpful to keep me on track and read that others are having the same issues or craves as I am! That helps me!
Hang in there, come back and join us when you feel the time is right. We are all here for you. Please don't feel ashamed or disgusted with yourself. :smile:

Good luck and I look forward to seeing more posts from you soon. :heart: :heart: :victory:
OK. Where is Jeng and her wet fish?

Come on Claire, dust yourself down and jump back into it. You CAN do it and we will all be here to support you.

Thank you for the replies guys, it helps.

I suffer from depression and decreased my anti-depressent dosage so I think that played a part, the doctor increased them again a few weeks back but I am still struggling. Some days I feel great, and other days I wake up with this sense of dread, which is the majority of the time at the moment.

My weight does play a part in my depression I think, but then I eat for comfort so its just one big vicious circle.

I am thinking of starting on Monday and sticking to around 700 cals on 4:3, so do Mon, Weds and Fri to ease myself in. I liked this diet as it kept me in control on the non-fast days as I didnt want to spoil the hard work from the fast days.
Claire I'm sorry to hear you have depression. If 4:3 gets a bit hard don't stress. I couldn't do 4:3 but can cope with 5:2. Hopefully now your medication is on track then you will get back on track too. Also don't forget the benefits of exercise for overall well being.
All the best and we are all here for you.
Also I love your photo. You are a beautiful girl and please don't forget that.
I will be there with you on Monday Claire. Keep us posted.

Good luck. :clover:
We all lose control on feast days sometimes - I used to be able to eat 5000kcal at one meal when you added in the alcohol!! Over time though you just can't fit the food in anymore, I can't finish most meals now and I have even chucked half a biscuit/piece of cake in the bin when I felt I didn't want it anymore!
You WILL get there but it will take time. This is about long term training of your body and appetite. Set yourself a 12 month goal not a 2 week one!
My Mum has suffered with depression for years so I have witnessed its self destructiveness and I send you all the best wishes.
P.S Look hard in the mirror, beyond your weight, and realise you are actually a really pretty girl! You have lovely eyes and I would love shiny hair like yours x
Hello Claire, sorry to hear you are struggling so much at the moment..but take some time and be kind to yourself, concentrate on your health and well being and In time you will be back ...I have not done 5:2 for probably 8 weeks now but for the last 2 weeks gently introduced Ballerina's excellent method of 16:8 to get me back and it is working in a much easier and gentler way..keep posting!
Hi Claire,

Sorry to hear about your struggles, you seemed to be doing so well. Try re-reading around the forum again, read some of the success stories, tips and some of the dafter threads just to lift your mood :lol: and try and build up a little bit of enthusiasm again. Your self esteem seems to be rather low so, :bigfrown: :like: look in the mirror and admire the beautiful girl that Wineoclock and the rest of us can see, make a sensible, do-able plan, write it down with fast days highlighted on your calendar and try to think of Monday as the exciting start to a new you. Don't cut calories til Monday, build up the feel good factor about what is to come and anticipate it, also, easing yourself in is a good idea.

Good luck with Monday, let us know how it goes and we are all here for you, willing you to succeed, and ENJOY it so, just go for it,you KNOW you can do it :victory:

Ballerina x :heart:
I've missed you Claire. I'm welcoming you back with open arms and a big hug from us all. One day at a time. :heart: :clover: :heart: julianna
Hi claire23
I too went AWOL for about 2 months earlier this year. Like you, I got a bit despondent with the slow weight loss. I had lost 1 stone and surprise surprise put 6lbs back in again when I stopped 5:2ing.
The thing is some people seem to sail right from the beginning steadily losing weight every week and that's brilliant for them (I'm not jealous, honest!!!!)
But we're all different and yet lots of us are the same.
My weight has been up and down like a yo-yo. But I believe in this WOE better than anything I've ever done before so I keep coming back to it. And that's what you've done today.
Just keep coming back, fast when you can and don't speak unkindly to yourself when you can't.
It might take longer than some but you will get there. We all will.

You're fighting an extra battle too with depression and its great that you've openly talked about it here. It means you're open to reaching out, which is half the battle.
So don't ever hesitate to come onto the forum if you're feeling low.
The people here are so wonderful and supportive.
A kind and friendly ear can really help on a bad day.

So be nice to yourself. Read some of the success stories for motivation and keep in touch.
I wish you the very best :clover: :heart:
Hi Clare Welcome back. ( was wondering where you'd got to )
Right FirSt stage done you actually came back and admitted your mistakes 2 nd stage do a fast and you've done one :heart:
Your plan of 3 days next week on extra calories sounds good and doable but don't pressure yourself in anyway at all, focus on how well you were doing before and take it one day at a time. If I remember you started to struggle after your holiday well we all do that were only human afterall. I've done 4:3 for most of my weeks and truthfully not religiously each day BUT because of my size I've got away with it, my motivation is my loss every week 1 lb here and there has add ad up to 35 lbs in 20 weeks which is amazing I've dropped a group on my BMI and 3 sizes in clothing a totally new ''interim '' wardrobe of clothing because everything was hanging off me and obviously I've tweeked those little cheats that were going on !!! But I do treat myself on most other days small chocky treat if that's what I want, I only eat evening meal because I found once I started to eat lunch/snack I actually became more hungry so all of my 3 fasts I do 2 courses by way of a reward for going the 24 hrs I walk on each of these days as I'm at home all day, this is my fastday rota and what works for me, you know what works best for you and you have all the tools to do the job !!! I know how you must be feeling right now but if you don't get a grip Now your depression will get worse because of your weight. You really don't want to be fighting this battle at the age I am now believe me its so very much worse because the stones get more + more
Good Luck with your plan and join us all on Monday :clover: Sue
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