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our local animal shelter always needs volunteers to do dog walking...maybe there's one in Reading that also does?
Your story reminded me my beautiful dog, Fiona, when she was still with us. We had a wonderful bond her and I and she litteraly saved my life. When I was very sick, she stayed with me, slept her body against mine as if she knew it gave me strenght. The bond was so strong that, at the end, I was the only one to calm her down and she came to me just before her passing, in my arms. :heart:

I don't agree with the fact that you should have a dog, you are way too busy for that and, it would be to "replace" Bella and it wouldn't be fair for this one anyway.

Instead, you should cherish your memories with her, maybe try to come andsee your nan more often and see her by the same occasion and never forget that dogs have an excellent memory.She will remember you and each time you will see her, the bond will still be here. :wink:
That's lovely. :) I think Everyone should be owned by a dog at least once in their lives. I lost my love earlier this year, it's still hard, but we're coping now, and even considering looking for another pooch to give out hearts to.
I am owned by 2 cats and it's great. One of them surely was a dog in a past life, she acts like one anyway

Fiona died 7 years ago and I still miss her, even if my parents have another dog who is wonderful. It's not the same and I wouldn't want it to be. Fiona was and still is unique, as all the pets I had/have were/are. :heart:
Hi Pinchypops!!

I can soooo relate to you awwww I hope you get to see Bella very soon again!! like someone said she will miss you too!
I commute to London for work and I have to leave my two babies behind and I really really hate it, you know, how they sit behind the glazed front door and I try not to look behind to see them and their sad little faces arghhhhhh
but time soon goes and am back home :-) I love dogs me!
take care and all the best with job and your studying too...

I'm sure any dog owner would love you to walk their dog. Many pay dog walkers and some of them do very little 'walking' if the local ones are anything to go by. Sitting on the bench with the dog on a lead next to them, texting away or whatever it is they are doing on their mobile phone.

You're going to make some dog very happy :)
You are destined to fall in love again...... :heart:
Good idea, pinchypops. If I were closer, you could take our 2 springers out!!
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