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Having a wobble...
29 Nov 2013, 09:22
Have noticed this last week that ive been finding it difficult not to overeat,tho i havent succumbed to temptation,and my fast n repair days have been tricky to say the least.
Just realised its 100 days tomorrow since i started out on thats a little over three months..i am sure i remember someone on here saying three months in,this WOE can start to feel a bit of a chore? Or something along those lines.
I have to say tho that i have never managed to get past three months on any diet without wanting to throw in the towel,or indeed throwing in the towel AND all the kitchen implements...
and as i have lost a stone and a half in the last 14 weeks,i know 5:2 is working for me and i want to continue.

Any tips please to help me get past this sticking point...did it happen to you too? :confused:

I' m so hungry this week i could eat a horse between two bread vans - so the thought of more fasting and calorie watching just isnt very appealing right now! :0(
I need to get off my downward spiral and back on the upward one!
Thanks for reading!
Re: Having a wobble...
29 Nov 2013, 09:24
I'm starving at the moment too. It's cold here and I'm craving carbs. I've started drinking herbal tea and it's really helping. It took a while to get used to it but I'm starting to enjoy it now, I think it's a case of finding a flavour you like. Hope this helps!
Re: Having a wobble...
29 Nov 2013, 09:31
My experience is that periodic blow outs result in faster weightloss afterwards. I suggest you eat that horse and accompanying bread vans, don't feel guilty about it and then get back to fasting next week. (I was going to say "get back on the horse" but then I realised you'd have eaten it :lol:)
Re: Having a wobble...
29 Nov 2013, 09:36
Sorry you are feeling down. Wobbles happen- but do you really want to undo 100 days effort when you are doing so well. Give yourself a good talking to and fine some no calorie treats. Nice bubble bath , soppy film, trashy novel, and look around for some interesting low calorie food for fast days and some modest treats for feast days.
Re: Having a wobble...
29 Nov 2013, 09:39
:heart: Hi Candicemarie hope you are recovering and maybe that's the reason you're struggling :shock: But as you know this WOL/WOE works for you and me well we're not allowed to give up especially at the 3 month stage :heart: :heart:
I think its the weather too and yes the last few weeks have been bad for me ( life's got in the way) and each week I've scrapped in with a tiny loss. Yesterday I did a brilliant fast dayjust like the first ones but that was only because I was busy allday having skipped breakfast and then taking a friend to an appointment telling her I'd had lunch because I knew she had already. We all know that's the secret to keep busy and yesterday reminded me Totally how important it is :heart: :heart: So come on I'm not doing this on my own you've got to be with me Candicemarie to keep me company we've less than 4weeks away now before the temptation
:clover: Sue :clover:
Re: Having a wobble...
29 Nov 2013, 09:46
Morning CandiceMarie. I'm just a couple of days ahead of you and had precisely the same challenges this week. I have failed two fasts this week and today I'm on a second fast this week which will be a back to back. I normally do 4:3/16:8 so to do a 5:2 is still very good.

I have had the odd blow out over the last 100 days but sorry to report that I just ended up gaining rather than it triggering a faster loss. :cry:

I have just blogged my reflections. If you have not read it, please do as it might inspire you to stick with it. When I finished unloading it hardened my resolve that all of this is truly worthwhile :grin:

Big hug to you Candice. You have done amazingly well. I don't think a couple of days off will do you any harm whatsoever, so eat the vans, the horse and anything else you can manage :heart: :heart: :heart: We are all here to cheer you on. Besides, I don't want to do this without you.
Re: Having a wobble...
29 Nov 2013, 09:51
Hi Candice!! :-)

all very good sound advice so i wont add to it, just to say we are all in with you!!
big hug from me too, hang in there and as Karen said, i dont want to do this without you either! :-)

(just dont get the horse from Tesco's hahaha ) xxxxxx
Re: Having a wobble...
29 Nov 2013, 09:53
I think it's quite healthy (mentally) to have the occasional wobble! If you deny yourself too much it may end up being far worse! A Megga Pigout or to give up entirely!

During the BBQ season our local supermarket do Hot and Spicy Chicken wings which are so high in calories etc but lovely! Most of the summer I had been good and refrained from temptation! But one day I thought - stuff it! And I in fact had some of all the fattening treats on offer off the grill including the chicken wings. It was a nice treat and it hit the spot just right and it wasn't the end of the world! The next day I just carried on with my new WOE as per normal.
Re: Having a wobble...
29 Nov 2013, 09:54
You are one of the top losers on this WOE CandiceMarie :victory: :like: ,so you know it works and you will reach your target weight if you keep going. Having said that I think we all rebel from time to time so I'd say give yourself a break, eat more if you really feel the need and ENJOY IT WITHOUT GUILT! then get back on the wagon pronto!xx
After all, you don't want @janegcoming round your house with that very smelly wet fish, do you? :shock:
Re: Having a wobble...
29 Nov 2013, 09:55
It's basically about balancing out the ups and downs! Good luck :clover:
Re: Having a wobble...
29 Nov 2013, 09:56
I would say eat wholesome and healthy stuff as you body might be craving something so feed it but not junk food. Then stick to 5:2 days as well. Keep on keeping on. I had the wobbles end of July for me that was after a week off due to a holiday. Mind you I have plateaued since then so maybe my advice isn't the best

You will pass through the stage you are in, just press on and pamper yourself with some nice zen fast days fasting the way you prefer. :clover: :heart: :clover:
Re: Having a wobble...
29 Nov 2013, 13:00
In the 14 weeks I have been doing 5:2 I have had a couple of breaks; a week on a Pacific island and a four-day interstate visit with lots of food and wine. In both cases I took a few days before feeling ready to fast again but picked it up, and didn't gain too much weight. Very pleased with 5:2 and myself.

Only this week I have started to stress about it. Finding fasting hard and feeling guilty about eating chocolate on non-fast days. It might have todo with hormonal chances too.

I suggest you treat yourself a bit, don't overdo it, and try again next week. Stay well!
Re: Having a wobble...
29 Nov 2013, 13:32
Well Candice, I would just like to remind you of what you said to me yesterday. Do you remember, when I wasn't feeling great about said "concentrate on the positive and eliminate the negative" your weight loss is absolutely brilliant. It's part of our journey. Have your bus, smile and carry on. And many thanks for the comforting cat pic yesterday too. :heart:
Re: Having a wobble...
29 Nov 2013, 13:42
Thanks friends,youve motivated and cheered me in equal measure :smile:
...What's mainly wrong is i 've been so unwell the last few weeks and havent slept much either..whenever i' m unwell i think that if i eat,i ' ll feel better, but it isnt true coz i then want comfort food rather than nourishing food :confused:

@Carorees and@angie090465 You both made me laugh soooo much about the horses! And @tickatape " Megga Piggout " is a great saying,made me giggle! :lol:

@Jejum and @rawkaren sorry youre struggling too but thank you for your empathy and fellowship. Dont like to think of you battling along but its a comfort to know others are going thru something similar. Karen, i will definitely read yr reflections later on today x

Thanks too, @Sue.Q @callyanna@gillymary@Wmr309 and @carieoates for taking the time to encourage me and empathise with me..I appreciate your words x
And @Merlin you have put me back on the right track - there are plenty of non food treats to be had after all! X

..I think this weekend i' ll have my full TDEE which is what i normally do sat/ sun, but if i go a bit over, i won't beat myself up.. As mentioned here, sometimes it gives the body a nudge!
Then onwards and downwards,back in for repair on Monday! Otherwise,tell jane to get the wet fish out,i deserve it!
Have a fab weekend everyone and thanks again!
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Re: Having a wobble...
29 Nov 2013, 15:18
Hello Candice, glad to see you on-line (i've been out of things for a while). Dont' beat yourself up, as others have said, you are doing brilliantly!

Unfortunately, I've fallen of the waggon too - sad, as I have an event next week Friday. However, I'm going to pick up myself again and try to be more focused and hide the digestive biscuits that I've been scoffing recently.

Christmas is so near and I'm sure all of us will be lovely in our dresses and suits!

Keep the faith in 5:2, you know it works :heart: :clover:
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