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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I'm curious to see people's methods :) I know this is a common theme on threads but I thought people might be making some changes, like I am!

I used to weigh only with the scales, for years it was every day and for the first few months of 5:2 it was once a week. Unfortunately I am very sensitive to the numbers and it often makes me grumpy. This year I am branching out and trying to measure my progress in as many ways as possible:

1. TrueWeight app (so I can see if my overall progress is going down but still lets me weigh myself every day! Whoever suggested this is amazing.)
2. MyFitnessPal (more for calorie counting but I log my weight on there too)
3. Progress Tracker on here (obviously!)
4. Tape measure (every week)
5. Photographs (when I'm back at uni it will be time to get the camera out again and monitor how my body looks as well as how it feels. Especially after I get back on the Jillian Michaels bandwagon again!)
6. Red jeans (which are semi-uncomfortable but a solid size 10. I hate jeans because they have no mercy, which makes fitting into them a pretty big goal)

So, how are you all approaching it this year? Are you going measure-mad like me or sticking to one option?
I get weighed every Wednesday (into my 2nd year now) I log that on MyFitnessPal and in my diary. I sometimes measure myself but it's the clothes I wear that often show the result! :grin:
I too am not weighing so much, perhaps every 2 weeks I'm on maintenance , but I do regularly measure my waist (that's where my weight goes first) to keep it in check. Since not weighing I have become aware more of how I feel, what I look like in the mirror and how my clothes feel, I feel a much more realistic way for me :)
I wish I could just count on my clothes, but unfortunately I am very impatient! Sounds like it's really working for you though tickatape, congratulations on losing so much in the year :)

Congratulations on getting to maintenance Lynzinthesun! I wish weight went off my waist first, it's my biggest problem area. I'm glad you are more in tune with your body. Hopefully one day I will be as well and I can dump the scales!
I officially weight myself every week. I sometimes weigh in between, but I don't worry too much about those weights. I track the weekly ones on here and myfitnesspal too. I did measure myself at the beginning and will probably remeasure eventually, but not regularly. I guess I'll also know if my clothes are fitting better!
I'm afraid I'll still be using the faithful scales most days - I don't get as upset as I used to now I understand the natural variation in weight and it helps me to keep track of things. Over the years I've learned that if I stop weighing, that's when I'm prone to gain weight - then I'm scared to weigh, gain more weight until eventually I scare myself silly when I do step on!

Once a week I'll step on my Withings scales which are more accurate than my others and log it automatically in the Withings app. I'll have to try to remember to log in the progress tracker more often too as I sort of forgot quite a bit after I started using Withings!

I'll be measuring my waist once a week as usual, though not expecting to see much change in that now the loss has slowed down.
I'm going back to once a month (anniversary of start date), plus a photo of me in my shorts. More regularly than that did not make any difference to my loss, if anything I started to manipulate the numbers and I slowed slightly. I know this is not the conventional wisdom but I'm not conventional. The numbers get reported on the progress tracker on this site which IMHO is all you need.

The tape measure gets wrapped around my waist most days though.
Sticking to once a week after the first fast until I reach maintenance, then prob twice a week to monitor until I know what my body need to remain stable.

Tape measure say once a month or if I am feeling slim, take a measurement :)

Log in tracker here to keep me focused :)
I used to weigh myself about once a week, but since being on maintenance it's more often. I got into the habit of weighing every day after joining the Christmas club but that was just too much for me, it seemed like an obsession.

So for 2014 it will be back to once a week - if that.
sticking with the once a month weighing - if I remember! I last weighed at the beginning of December and it'll be the beginning of Feb before I get on the scales again. I measure monthly too- might see if I can do that fortnightly...

In this order:

'Before' photo on fridge
Weekly waist measurement
Weekly weigh in
GAP jeans (to fit for 14 Feb Challenge)

Safe trip back to Uni
Simply put I measure how I lose weight in three ways, with my scales (I weigh daily now as I get a better idea of what my body is doing), with my tape measure and how my clothes fit. :heart:
Daily weight recorded in my bathroom note book,
weekly tape measure also recorded in note book
Fit of clothes,
enter my forum tracker when I have as new low as this has been my tradition from the start.
Enter in the monthly thread

Thinking if found might get some aspirational jeans
I weigh myself every day, but only record that on the progress tracker once a week on a Monday. I have learned to understand the daily variations and with daily weigh-ins, I can keep them under much better control, thus making it a lot easier for me to maintain my ideal weight.

I also measure my waist size and blood pressure once a week on Monday (for blood pressure, I take the three most consistent readings and record the best reading out of that lot). Finally, I'm also getting a better idea of where I am at from how my trousers are fitting me.

My trousers or of a size 32" in the waist and if they are quite tight on me, that indicates that I've probably gained a bit too much weight. If on the other hand, my trousers are quite loose on me, that is a signal for me to stop losing more weight.
I was a daily weigher until Christmas. I am now trying to lose the Christmas excess But I am not going to weigh until I think it has gone-too depressing otherwise. I haven't weighed to find how much I have to lose again either.
I suppose I am playing mind games with myself.
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