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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I hope I am not going against any rules here, but I am a little confused cause sometimes, underneath your avatar, the info says some of you have lost an absolutely staggering amount of weight (20-30kgs) but then it says you've only been on the fast diet for 4-5-6 months etc.... :bugeyes:
:heart: For me @humptydumpty 50lbs :heart:
But that was in my first 8months April - December Now I'm into 10 months still roughly same 50 so I assume my body is now resting up lol. :heart: Sue
Ooops forgot to say some members started 5:2 long before finding this fantastic forum for me this was roughly 3 wks
12 lb since June. But you need to look at our trackers to see what's really happened. As some have had big holidays where they've gained loads and then had to get back to it and re-lose. Does that make sense.
And as Sue says some who've done phenomenally well might now be struggling with their bodies saying "hang on now what's going on?"

Every tracker tells a different story. I am a very slow loser, but I am also an exercise nut, plus I had surgery in December which upset my apple cart! Then Christmas did seem to take its toll with delayed results in some cases.
Here's the link to our forum weigh-in for 2013: news-f17/final-2013-weigh-in-results-t10431.html

In it forum members have posted how much weight they have lost since they started 5:2 (or in 2013 if they were following 5:2 for over a year). Some inspirational stories there plus you can see how long it has taken!

For me, it's nearly 67 weeks and about 37 kg (81 lb)
Started end Jan 2013 at 14 st 3lbs (199lbs) and in Jan this year I weighed 10 st 7lbs (147lbs) so 52lbs in 12 months (that surprised even me as I hasn't worked it out before!)
A bit lke @Sue.Q says and also...

I actually managed to mess up my starting data, and then to compound things I put my low carb start data in, meh!

Hoping to get it fixed at the moment...

Here are my stats...

Weight Lost Since December 1st 2013: 10lb
Weight Lost Since October 1st 2013: 16lb

Low Carb Initialised: December 1st 2013
Fasting Initialised: October 1st 2013

I only joined the forum towards the end of December. :smile:

* edit to say the squint tracker/forum-user, has now been fixed - Thanks Moogie
As you can see from my profile & signature I started out at 67k (I am 5'4" so that was quite heavy, but not obese) and I now weigh 56.6k: so a loss of 10.4k since September 2013, that's nearly 23lbs. It rather depends on what you weigh to begin with as to how magnificent your weight loss can be and it truly is staggeringly good for some people!
I've lost 30.8 lbs on 5:2 but had already lost about 6 lbs calorie counting before I started
I wonder if you might be confusing our joining the forum date with how long we have been doing 5:2? I was doing it, and losing weight, about six months before I joined here and was close to my target weight by the time I signed up.

Ballerina x :heart:
I've lost a total of 58lbs-mostly with ADF (JUDDD) and then the last few pounds with a 5:2/16:8 combo. I'm now in maintenance and doing a modified 5:2 for that. I started losing weight in October of 2012, hit my original goal in April 2013, and then lost a few more pounds over last summer. Called final goal last fall.

I spent the majority this time over on the JUDDD forum, over on LCF. Found the 5:2 forum here last January but didn't do anything with it at the time. Then I got plugged into MFP last spring/summer. Now I'm no longer a member there or at LCF, and I'm using this forum as my hang out place for maintenance :)

Each site has helped me as I've gone through this process-LCF/JUDDD was an amazing support system while I was actively losing weight, but I 'outgrew' it after I started transitioning into maintenance (and I also didn't care for some of the site's rules). MFP was a great place for info on fitness and it really helped me get plugged into strength training. Now I'm looking for a forum that I can participate in while in maintenance, but something more laid back (MFP's forums can be a bit intense lol). I'm really liking the forums here and plan on hanging out for a while :grin:
I started 5:2 and joined the forum at the same time (April 2013) I did 5:2 for about 3 weeks then switched to 4:3. My tracker shows how much I lost each week. So in 10 months I have lost a staggering amount of weight. I also took up some exercise, started walking on the treadmill every day then started the Couch 2 5K in the summer. My whole lifestyle has changed. I am far more active and eat far less (although we all enjoy a blow out now and then :wink: ) I am now back doing 5:2 as I only have a little bit of weight I want to lose and then switch to maintaining. Good luck with your journey!
At first I only wanted to lose 10 pounds--I lost 4 pounds on 5:2 in the two weeks preceding my joining the forum--almost half my goal!

Since then, I've maintained for a while, then reset my goal to lose 4 more pounds and am now maintaining again. I'm happy with my weight and US size 12--at my age (73) I don't want to get too thin.

Looks like we all have such different stories and many of us lost weight doing IF before joining up here.

Good luck, humptydumpty :clover: hope you enjoy the journey and the friendly support and info available here :smile:
I started on 12th November 2012. My weight loss is slower than some . I reached my 1st target of 2.5 stone (35lb) off in just over a year. I now have a new target of a further 21lb off which I hope to acheive by the end of this year.I had a bit of a plateau last summer because of a series of 60th birthday weekends and a 2 week summer holiday. I have also had a bit of a blip over both christmas periods but otherwise the trend has been very gently downwards.
Very slow weight loss for me; only 24lbs over the whole of last year. Another 20/21lbs to go. At least this WOE is something that I can do for ever!
I started on June 3rd 2013, weighing (although my tracker weight is wrong) 14st (196 lbs). I now weigh 10st 12 so I've lost about 44lbs since then. More to go but I feel 'normal' and a patient (I work in a GP surgery) told me I was 'petite' yesterday. Er....noooo......but it's a nice thought :-)
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