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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I am back....funny story
07 Dec 2013, 01:42
Last night my friend at dinner asked us all if anyone had heard of the 5-2 diet as a friend of hers had lost heaps of weight on it and she was thinking of doing it,
My husband then said one of his work mates had also lost heaps on it and he,too thought he would do it,
Hello,I did it !
Quite a few months ago and then my husband use to call it starving myself and thought I was crazy
I lost a few kilos over a few months,lots of ups and downs
But have maintained my new weight really well
I would like to loose a bit more but haven't done a fast for months
So here goes guys
In support of hubby who started today I am back
Hopefully will loose a bit more but mainly need to help him as the poor guy has no clue about calories
Loved the forum then so will be skulking again and will post our progress
Wish us luck
Day one will be hard
Re: I am back....funny story
07 Dec 2013, 01:47
You've done it before so of course you can do it again Sarah!Welcome back! Isn't it funny how when the 5:2 idea comes from a friend or workmate its a great idea but when it comes from you its starving your self! Haha, you had the last laugh. Good luck to you both.
Xxx julianna
P.s. just show your hubby my stats to see how much weight I've lost since you've been gone. It works!
Re: I am back....funny story
07 Dec 2013, 02:14
Lol! That is funny. Your hubby didn't even remember that you did it before! Now, he wants to do it because it's his idea? lol You've done it successfully before and you can do it again and this time with his support. Good luck to you both. :clover: :)
Re: I am back....funny story
07 Dec 2013, 03:34
Well done on your loss Sarah and good luck to you and Hubsie as you set off on a new journey!
And yes like Juliana and Betsy said,isnt it funny how the same thing can be either a great idea or starving yrself! X x
Re: I am back....funny story
07 Dec 2013, 09:11
What is it with men and the mind set that says that if the wife/partner suggests anything then its kooky, new age or hippy nonsense. But if a friend, person in authority etc suggests it, then its the hottest new thing and must be done.

I've been suggesting to hubby that he gets some vitamins to supplement his low appetite, but noooo, that's not for him, he thinks he gets enough vitamins in his food. So what does he do when the doctor suggests he needs some? He goes out and buys a cupboard full of vitamins.
Men, can't live with them. Can't live without them.
Re: I am back....funny story
07 Dec 2013, 09:28
Welcome back Sarah and good luck to both of you

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: I am back....funny story
07 Dec 2013, 09:43
Well we are reputed to come from different planets ... Mars and Venus

Best of luck Sarah it will be interesting for us to hear how you are BOTH going
Re: I am back....funny story
07 Dec 2013, 09:43
Welcome back and good luck to you both! :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover:
Re: I am back....funny story
07 Dec 2013, 09:45
Well at least your hubby is on board with you this time Sarah so it should make things easier as you give each other moral support! Best of luck to you both.
Re: I am back....funny story
07 Dec 2013, 13:56
:shock: :shock: Men !!! Do they all have memory loss then?

:clover: Good luck Sarah + hubby you can do this :clover: Sue
Re: I am back....funny story
07 Dec 2013, 14:04
Well, that's blokes for you! You soon learn that you have to sow a little seed and then wait for them to decide it was all their idea in the first place!

Good luck this time round. Might be easier if hes doing it too.
Re: I am back....funny story
07 Dec 2013, 14:22
Welcome back to the fold Sarahg and welcome to hubby too.

miffy49 wrote: Well, that's blokes for you! You soon learn that you have to sow a little seed and then wait for them to decide it was all their idea in the first place!

So, so true.
Re: I am back....funny story
08 Dec 2013, 07:43
Thanks all
Nice to be back
Yesterday was our first fast together and in true male fashion it became a bit of competition as to who could eat the least
I had to be very bossy and force him to eat all 600 cals
To his delight he weighed less this morning and is now planning. Fast two
It is nice doing it together but a little harder for me as I am in charge of food and hence all calorie counting.
But at least I can happily fast and not have to justify myself to him.
Re: I am back....funny story
08 Dec 2013, 10:25
Well done for keeping off the weight that you lost first time around!

Aren't men contrary? On the plus side, it is much easier with a partner on board and, like you SarahG, I had to do all the meal planning for both of us. However, it was worth it and we both lost the weight that we wanted to.

The only thing that I had to be careful of is that, when my husband decided that he didn't want/need a fast day, I didn't jump off the wagon and join him.

Good luck to both of you! :clover:
Re: I am back....funny story
08 Dec 2013, 14:28
It will be interesting to see how we go when we go away on holiday for a few weeks
Also,I remember in the past going on diet with him and while the weight fell off him,I lost very little
It seems easier for guys to lose weight.
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