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Re: I'm done with fasting
29 Aug 2013, 08:33
IzzyWizzy let's get bizzy with the low carb way honey. I'm with you on this, also not eating from 7pm to next day noon on alternate days. Just to keep the old body guessing, mix things up a bit, lateral limiting!
Hugs and happiness :0) and stay tuned to tell us how you are *
Re: I'm done with fasting
29 Aug 2013, 08:40
Nooooooo! You can't go, what will we all do without your great posts and the laughs we have. :lol: Steroids are a bummer and I can see that trying to lose weight whilst on them is almost impossible but as others have said, if its not for you then so be it. Please don't forget us and pop back now and again, well everyday would be nice actually. I hope you find some peace and you can ditch the meds eventually,

Take care my friend and keep in touch, many hugs :cry: :cry: :cry:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: I'm done with fasting
29 Aug 2013, 09:20
Dear Izzy you don't have to go and please don't as you are still trying to loose like a lot of us here and this is in reality a supportive place to keep on keeping on to that task.

I know I have really appreciated your point of view, your support and would really miss you if I knew you were not going to post as much.
Re: I'm done with fasting
29 Aug 2013, 09:26
I fell off the fasting wagon & am back on it again, lost 2 kgs in 2 weeks. Maybe try again in a month.
Re: I'm done with fasting
29 Aug 2013, 10:03
Sorry to see you go izzy, but if you feel its not quite right for you then so be it, must be a big decision for you to make, as suggested you could do the low Carb thingy a try. ( we're all trying not to let you go )
As you are I'm doing 4:3 for 3 reasons 1 to lose weight. 2 the health. And 3 because I found it so easy to do, its not for everyone I know. also it is working for me and that's my motivation carrying me forward.
But for you it must be the medication holding you back because you've given it a damn good go :heart: :heart: So Good Luck :clover: Sue
Re: I'm done with fasting
29 Aug 2013, 11:00
I'd be sorry to see you go too, Izzy. Fasting alone doesn't shift weight for me either but I try to incorporate fasting in some form as I'm hoping for long term health benefits.

Weight loss is a real struggle when you're on medication. I have to take hefty amounts of painkillers and hubby has very bad lymphoedema in one leg. Hubby is an evangelical SW man but we try to support each other regardless of method! We just try to stick with our respective plans with the idea that we must actually be reducing actual body fat even if the scales can't demonstrate it very often. Medications/conditions that increase body fluid are going to give false readings whatever method you choose. I can't imagine how many pounds of fluid there must be in hubby's leg some days as just a pint of water weighs over a pound. Best not to dwell on the scales.

Reading Moogie's post I note that its what I've been doing for a few weeks now and its set me back on track. I sort of combined 5:2, 16:8 and the 2Day Diet and I have started to lose again after a 3month plateau. I took the theory of the 2Day Diet in that its sufficient to cut out almost all carbs on 2 consecutive days. On at least 3 days I do 16:8 for the fasting benefits and I allow myself a few extra carbs (ie chocolate!!) at least one day a week. Usually at the weekend.

It would be a shame to give up entirely on fasting given that you have health probs.
Re: I'm done with fasting
29 Aug 2013, 13:49
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Ballerina x :heart: :heart: :heart: :cry:
Re: I'm done with fasting
29 Aug 2013, 15:10
I'm with you there Izzy! Cortisol levels play a huge part and steroids will mess with them. My levels are high due to having FMS and I know what you mean about getting tired to the point of hallucinating and yet not being able to make your brain shut off. If the idea of fasting is stressing you its counter productive. I manage on 16:8 but I was getting really wired on 5:2 and that's why I decided it wasn't worth it.

You take some time out to be kind to yourself. That's more important than anything when you are battling pain and tiredness. I'm sure you will find that the low carb gets much easier as you go along and it does improve my energy levels and positivity. It doesn't lend itself to big cheats but if the cravings get too much just try and go for something in the slow release carbs rather than sugar and you'll not do too much damage.

The link that was posted earlier to the carb cycling site was interesting but I haven't had time to get my heads round it yet but it could be worth a look.
Re: I'm done with fasting
29 Aug 2013, 15:35
Dear Izzy, I hope you do continue to log in here. I have enjoyed reading your posts (Thanks for the ones you have sent me!) - I hope to see more of them! I understand where you are coming from, I was on steroids and other noxious stuff when I had a type of rheumatism that just wandered around my body and attacked various joints. It was, fortunately for me, treatable - just took 5 years, but I am now healthy. I wish you best of health and hope you are soon better. :heart:
Re: I'm done with fasting
30 Aug 2013, 12:52
From an entirely selfish view (I'll be losing my best recipe critic) I'm utterly gubbed that you're going. And I've so enjoyed your posts.

Other than that - very well done in making a really brave decision which I so hope works out right for you.

You will be sorely missed,

xxx FatDog
Re: I'm done with fasting
30 Aug 2013, 18:20
FatDog wrote: I'm utterly gubbed

Good word!!!
Re: I'm done with fasting
30 Aug 2013, 20:21
AnnieD wrote:
FatDog wrote: I'm utterly gubbed

Good word!!!

Re: I'm done with fasting
30 Aug 2013, 22:18
Izzy, I wish you to get rid off the steroids as soon as possible, under the precondition that you will be 100% healthy and on remission.
Feel free to PM me anytime you want a chat with someone who knows how you feel.
I didn't PM you because I didn't want you to feel that I am putting any pressure on you but rest assured that I'm always here for you.
See you soon! :-)
Yous ken whit ah mean, like?
30 Aug 2013, 22:43
Gubbed - Scottish vernacular. 1. To be punched in the gub 2. Broken, destroyed or otherwise burst 3. Knackered, exhausted, jiggered, trashed.

p.s. I'm a complete fraud - born in England, only resident in Scotland since 1987 (but ma pa's Scots, honest). I spent less than a year up North near Rochdale and went home with a broad Mancunian accent which stuck for an age. I still don't have a Scottish accent after near twenty-five years - much to my chagrin - and I've really tried (I just sound like a p*ss take of a character from Dr Finlay's Casebook) ... :) FatDog
Re: I'm done with fasting
30 Aug 2013, 23:30
I still don't understand why Izzy has to leave us, lets face it I don't do fast days either but I' m not going anywhere no matter how many requests I get! Gonna miss that gal x :cry:

Ballerina x :heart:
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