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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I took a break, struggled to get back on it. After lots of false starts I finally had one good fast and after that all was well. I've had days or weeks off since then, and one or two failed fasts, but it's all come good in the end.
callyanna wrote: Hi there! why not take a look at the fastonbury-glamping-grounds-f34/starting-again-tent-anyone-t12437.html

where you'll find lots of other people returning to fasting after a break. Best of luck on trying again!

Thank you @callyanna for the link as I am also starting over and that tent is perfect for me!

@suzed Well done on your first re-start fast, Its a great one to have under your belt! Hope to see you in the starting again tent as it will be great if we can all support each other :wink:
Hi Suzed
Delighted you found your way back to the forums.
Lots of good advice from all the others and I would echo that.
You've got your first fast under your belt so you know you can do it.
If you're struggling on a fast day just remind yourself that whatever you're craving you can have tomorrow. You only have to get through that day and the craving will pass, it always does. Also log onto the forums for support. That's a key part of success for the many that have lost tons of weight with this w.o.l.
Also you're certainly not alone. There's lots of us starting again. The thing is to stick with it and stay connected to the forums. It really does work.
Good Luck :clover:
I am back....again.have tried a few times but just can't seem to stick with it.but on Sunday had a good chat to my husband( who has been doing 5/2 for many months now)
Anyway ,he motivated me to start again.
So two fasts down.
Last time I tried to get back into it I tried ADF and it was just too much for me so this time I plan to do 5/2 and eat well on the other days
Hi Sarahg, I too have started again. I had spent nearly a year away for health reasons and had got even heavier than I had been. Well done for coming back, you're on the right path now. Here's a suggestion of something you may want to consider: if I'm really struggling on a fast day because I am ill, or for whatever reason, I allow myself up to 500 extra calories. Usually I end up at 600-700 on those days, which is so much better than giving up altogether! With my health problems, I have to do whatever I need to to ensure I stick to it, even if it means taking a bit longer.

Anyway, good luck with it, you can do it!
Anyone checking this site for motivation might benefit from a recent article confirming some of the anticipated health benefits ... -t136.html , this study found that release of bad cholesterol from fat deposits on fasting days was converted to energy, and the process is the catalyst which lowers insulin resistance (1 of the key points made in Dr. Moseley's Horizon Program). The conclusion, alternate day fasting can play a role in reducing the likely hood of developing diabetes... Fast Well my Friends.
Thanks,I am doing 4-3 so that if I go a bit over the 500 cals it's ok
I just can't face counting calories,weighing and measuring after years of dieting.I have a pretty good idea though.but having the extra fast day gives me a bit of flexibility
Congrats on joining up again!
One thing that helps me when I've been away for awhile is to be adamant about fasting and 500 cals but that's it. If I open it up that maybe I'll fast or maybe I'll go over then I'm no good, I always end up eating a ton of snacks. But if I say I'll do the 500 but not worry about the fasting times I tend to be better. By that I mean, I can have snacks and meals, veggies and things that don't go over 500,(fruit, raw vegs,Diet popiscles, low cal Jello) but it's easier to me than going all day with no food. Then, by the second fast of the week I'm back on the regime and only eating one or two meals.
Good Luck!
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