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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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It's been months since my last successful fast and I really want to start a fresh and get back into the 5:2 way of life. Leading up to Christmas last year, I'd been doing really well. I was feeling positive and motivated and was really enjoying that other people had started to notice my weight loss.
I knew I was going to have a break over Christmas as we had family staying, but I really thought I'd just be able to get right back into it in the new year. However, I've struggled and find I'm just giving up really easily. As soon as I'm cold or tired I just reach for some comfort food and the weight is creeping back up.
Tomorrow is going to be my fresh start and I'm determined to do it properly. I'd love some words of encouragement from all of you who are doing so well. Remind me why 5:2 is so great....inspire and motivate me please because I think you're all fantastic for making this your way of life :-)
1) no counting calories, no eliminating food groups

2) you only need willpower two days a week

3) you learn how to eat "normally" - i.e. reasonable portion sizes of real, regular, normal food, which teaches you how to stay thin once you get thin.


I love it. I've learned to eat more mindfully, without measuring things or counting out calories. I never could have walked away from 1/2 of a piece of cake before, but I can now.
Thanks Tracieknits! I need to remember all those good points. It is only twice a week and then I don't have to deny myself anything. 5:2 was working so well for me and as of now it will again :-)

On my second fast day of the week sometimes, I reward myself for good behavior with a manicure. Here in the state's than can be pretty cheap, about the cost of lunch out.

Of course if I were in Perth again, I would reward myself with a cuddle with a koala. I got to hold one when I visited Caversham outside of Perth.

But really, it's the only diet I've ever tried where I felt like I could actually keep the weight off later.
Hi suzed ,

I also took a break and it took several tries to get back on that horse again. Once I had a successful start, something inside just clicked, and it became exciting and easy, and somehow more relaxed, too. So what if I had a hard fast day or a failed one . I tried again, but wasn't as stressed out. We are in control. Some days are going to be easy and some hard. You'll find that you'll get your rhythm back. Keep trying! :smile:
Oh cute @Tracieknits, Caversham is my daughters favourite place...all those roos lying around!!
Great idea to reward yourself after 2 successful fasts.

Thanks @piper great to hear you managed to get back into it :-)
Hi. Completely get where you are right now (having also been there).

Keep it simple no complex rules, just straight 5:2 and stick to TDEE. If need be start at a higher calorie level to ease yourself in more gently.
Don't try to be 'perfect'. Keep your food on fast days very simple and protein based. Bouillon to keep you warm during the day. Split the calories across two meals rather than try and go all day. You know the drill.
Get the first one done, you will get comfort once that one is under your belt, you will be back in the groove. The feeling is like coming home as you will remember what it feels like.
Stay on the site as long as you can on fast days - keeps you happily distracted!

Let us know how you get on. :clover: :clover: :clover:
Hi @Suzed welcome back. Six months in .......... and I'm still going strong. The key for me has been this forum, signing up for the challenges (setting realistic goals) and having a fabulous buddy helps keep me in the saddle when I'm tired or out of sorts. I hope that helps! I'm off to sign up to Thursday fasting thread, so the kitchen is closed till dinner time, lots of tea and sparking water will keep me going. Good luck with settling back in ... it really is the best place to be and it has made me a happier person all round. So see you soon......for more chats.... Lizbean PS no counting calories
have low cal snacks around so if the usual water/coffee/tea isn't keeping the hunger at bay, you don't end up derailed. bouillon, miso, celery sticks, cherry tomatoes are all good for this.
Welcome back @suzed Well its all been said, as Karen said go easy on yourself and ease in with few more calories or 16:8 then lengthen the fasting time, yes do keep up with this fab forum and as soon as you drop a few pounds your motivation to continue will return.
Measure everywhere again now and far more importantly keep yourself busy + occupied on fastdays. :clover: :clover:
Hi there! why not take a look at the fastonbury-glamping-grounds-f34/starting-again-tent-anyone-t12437.html

where you'll find lots of other people returning to fasting after a break. Best of luck on trying again!
@suzed I've been exactly where you are. I did really well sept-nov then stopped. I've halfheartedly tried in February and May and came back properly a couple of weeks ago, a stone heavier than in November!
I've joined the springing into fall challenge to keep me motivated.
I find it very easy to make excuses for 'comfort eating' and I'm using the challenge to try and throw away that crutch.
Good luck x
Thanks so much everyone for all the encouragement.
I am fasting today for the first time in a long time. I think I've just needed to get in the right head space, which was why I posted this yesterday and it has really helped.
I'm doing great so far today and know I can complete a successful fast. I've eaten nothing so far, but have miso soup on hand if I feel the need. Otherwise I'm going to try to make it through to late arvo and have dinner with my girls after school.
This morning I nervously stepped on the scales that I have avoided for months, only to find the battery is dead ...maybe that was a good thing so I didn't start the day on a bad note!!!
Thanks again everyone and good luck to all of you too :-)
Go on you can do this you know you can.

Just pick your days, use fasting thread, have a plan, don't beat yourself up if you find the day is too difficult, turn it into a window eating day instead. The weeks will just fly and you will find your groove. Most of all just do it it's a bit like a muscle if you keep at it you develop the habit of IF
Thanks again everyone!
I DID IT!!!!
It's a bit silly how incredibly proud of myself I'm feeling after completing one successful fast day. Haha. Back on track and ready to take on two days next week :-)
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