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Re: I saw 69!!!!
05 Dec 2013, 12:52
Congratulations! Keep up the great work - onwards and downwards.
Re: I saw 69!!!!
05 Dec 2013, 13:28
wendyjane wrote: Ok, Juliana, daily weighing is fine if you're into it, but weighing after the bowl of porridge is definitely against the rules!


hehe it was just that i was curious if i could see it maintain to under 70kg. i wasnt surprised but it does astound me how weight can change within just 2 hours so much
Re: I saw 69!!!!
05 Dec 2013, 13:30
johncs2013 wrote:
ADFnFuel wrote: It could be the effect of a full moon, let's see..

"The force of gravity is proportional to the mass and inversly proportional to the square of the distance.
For a body on the surface of the earth, the distance to the center of earth is about 6,375 km, while to the moon it's 363,104km at perigee. that's about 1/5750. squared that 1/33,062,500.
As for mass the moon is .0123 times the earth, or about 1/8000.
So the affect of the mass of the moon on your weight is about 1/264,500,000,000 times the affect of the earth.
That would have to be one delicate scale."

Nope, that can't be it, so it must have been you. Besides the full moon isn't until the 17th.


Maybe, it might be the recent New Moon because Spring Tides occur at the New Moon as well as at a Full Moon and so, both a New Moon and a Full Moon have the same gravitational effect on the Earth and therefore, the same effect on the tides. That means that if strange things are said to come with a Full Moon, there would therefore be an equal chance of those strange things happening at a New Moon and yet, that same folklore never mentions that.

Anyway, I came within a whisker of joining that 69 club at this morning's weigh-in. When I first stepped on the scales, they initially showed my weight to be 69.8kg before rolling over and settling for bang on 70kg (which is almost bang on 11 stone, and just a few ounces over that). I don't think that you can come any closer to joining that 69 club than that, although this has come at a time when I am not actually actively trying to lose weight. That is a loss of 0.3kg from yesterday's value and was achieved with exactly the same calorie intake as yesterday's calorie intake that led to me staying at the same weight yesterday as on the previous day.

I kind of guessed that this weight loss would happen because of the fact that I had a bowel movement yesterday, and also because of the fact that there is less of a build up of water retention after my last fasting day. I therefore believe that I stick to that same calorie intake once again today, my weight will drop below that 70kg mark (which is ao a new record for my lowest ever weight), and may even drop to below 11 stone which means that as well as joining the 69 club, I would also be recording a weight of 10 stone something for only the first time ever.

However, I had set a target of trying to stay between 11 stone and 11 and a half stone stone at my Monday morning weekly weigh-ins and since I'm currently right at the lower end of that range, I will be relaxing once again over the weekend. Then if I don't get a significant weight gain over the weekend as a result of that, I will then be taking a break from fasting altogether next week to ensure that my weight remains within my maintenance targets.

very thoughtful plan!
Re: I saw 69!!!!
05 Dec 2013, 13:32
pamico wrote: Congratulations! I told you this would happen. Very happy for you!

You did too!
Re: I saw 69!!!!
05 Dec 2013, 13:41
Jejum wrote: Wow! I'm so jealous! What a great achievement!

you probably said it light heartedly i know but jealousy is never something you should feel as we all are different and all start at different points. I think we are all so supportive in here of each other even if some do faster or achieve a lower weight than others, i makes me feel so thrilled about just how community spirited we can be and across the globe.
Re: I saw 69!!!!
05 Dec 2013, 13:50
Well you deserve it after all your hard work and input to the Christmas club!
I was considering abandoning todays fast as it is freezing and windy but youve inspired me to carry on today and keep my own christmas goal in mind xxx
Re: I saw 69!!!!
05 Dec 2013, 14:10
Juliana.Rivers wrote:
johncs2013 wrote:
ADFnFuel wrote: It could be the effect of a full moon, let's see..

"The force of gravity is proportional to the mass and inversly proportional to the square of the distance.
For a body on the surface of the earth, the distance to the center of earth is about 6,375 km, while to the moon it's 363,104km at perigee. that's about 1/5750. squared that 1/33,062,500.
As for mass the moon is .0123 times the earth, or about 1/8000.
So the affect of the mass of the moon on your weight is about 1/264,500,000,000 times the affect of the earth.
That would have to be one delicate scale."

Nope, that can't be it, so it must have been you. Besides the full moon isn't until the 17th.


Maybe, it might be the recent New Moon because Spring Tides occur at the New Moon as well as at a Full Moon and so, both a New Moon and a Full Moon have the same gravitational effect on the Earth and therefore, the same effect on the tides. That means that if strange things are said to come with a Full Moon, there would therefore be an equal chance of those strange things happening at a New Moon and yet, that same folklore never mentions that.

Anyway, I came within a whisker of joining that 69 club at this morning's weigh-in. When I first stepped on the scales, they initially showed my weight to be 69.8kg before rolling over and settling for bang on 70kg (which is almost bang on 11 stone, and just a few ounces over that). I don't think that you can come any closer to joining that 69 club than that, although this has come at a time when I am not actually actively trying to lose weight. That is a loss of 0.3kg from yesterday's value and was achieved with exactly the same calorie intake as yesterday's calorie intake that led to me staying at the same weight yesterday as on the previous day.

I kind of guessed that this weight loss would happen because of the fact that I had a bowel movement yesterday, and also because of the fact that there is less of a build up of water retention after my last fasting day. I therefore believe that I stick to that same calorie intake once again today, my weight will drop below that 70kg mark (which is ao a new record for my lowest ever weight), and may even drop to below 11 stone which means that as well as joining the 69 club, I would also be recording a weight of 10 stone something for only the first time ever.

However, I had set a target of trying to stay between 11 stone and 11 and a half stone stone at my Monday morning weekly weigh-ins and since I'm currently right at the lower end of that range, I will be relaxing once again over the weekend. Then if I don't get a significant weight gain over the weekend as a result of that, I will then be taking a break from fasting altogether next week to ensure that my weight remains within my maintenance targets.

very thoughtful plan!

At the moment, I'm getting some massive weight losses when I'm fasting and then although my weight then goes up a bit as a result of my weekend over-indulges, those weight gains haven't been enough in total, to completely cancel out those big weight losses that come with each fasting day. The net result of that, is that I am still continuing to lose weight over time, and that is what I will need to address.

If I were to stop fasting altogether though, I would then just be left with the normal calorie controlled diet that I was previously on before taking on this WOL, and I would no longer be following this WOE as a result. I therefore believe that my challenge from now on will be to find some way of increasing my overall calorie intake across all of my feeding days so that there are some increases in my weight at times, which would allow me to be able to do some fasting at some point and still remain within my maintenance limits.

The biggest part of that challenge though, will be to find some way of putting that general calorie increase in place whilst still remaining on a fairly low carb diet, and also with dealing with those fears of my weight jumping up by quite a bit if I do introduce those extra calories, and that is why I've been as careful as what I have been recently, especially during the week (weekends of course, are a completely different story).
Re: I saw 69!!!!
05 Dec 2013, 14:36
Congratulations Juliana.Rivers! I'm sure that people who don't want/need to lose weight would find our passion for targets, goals, milestones (call them what you will) very hard to understand. However, I think that, as long as they are attainable, they can be a very useful tool in our weight loss 'journey'.

Thank you for your post. :like: I am fasting today and, unusually, am on my own at home. This would usually mean a massive foraging expedition to find all sorts of unsuitable foods! :frown: Your post has saved me from myself and my hunger pangs have gone as I read all the responses.

Good luck to you, and all the other Christmas Club members, as you work towards your Christmas goals. :clover:
Re: I saw 69!!!!
05 Dec 2013, 15:15
:J R you deserve it after all the encouragement you have given others, enjoy and strut your stuff :lol: :like: :heart:
Re: I saw 69!!!!
05 Dec 2013, 16:20
CreakyPete wrote: @ADFnFuel: try repeating your calculation ...

Waiting for planetary alignment - or just high tide - might work as well without dusting off an abacus or slide rule.

I discovered those calculations during a quick Google search to satisfy curiosity. Hence the quotes that surround it.

Made a few smile, so can a slight subterfuge be forgiven?
Re: I saw 69!!!!
05 Dec 2013, 21:27
spanner wrote: Well you deserve it after all your hard work and input to the Christmas club!
I was considering abandoning todays fast as it is freezing and windy but youve inspired me to carry on today and keep my own christmas goal in mind xxx

Nice to hear.. keep going you only a little bit further to go and even if you make it half way that gives you an awesome start for 2014. Think how you will feel when you are at your ultimate goal and in the gold star club called the Maintainers.
Re: I saw 69!!!!
05 Dec 2013, 21:29
StowgateResident wrote: Congratulations Juliana.Rivers! I'm sure that people who don't want/need to lose weight would find our passion for targets, goals, milestones (call them what you will) very hard to understand. However, I think that, as long as they are attainable, they can be a very useful tool in our weight loss 'journey'.

Thank you for your post. :like: I am fasting today and, unusually, am on my own at home. This would usually mean a massive foraging expedition to find all sorts of unsuitable foods! :frown: Your post has saved me from myself and my hunger pangs have gone as I read all the responses.

Good luck to you, and all the other Christmas Club members, as you work towards your Christmas goals. :clover:

Thank you so much for this post.
Re: I saw 69!!!!
05 Dec 2013, 21:40
Whoop, whoop. great news and hoping that the next weigh in show a distinct staying put at 69.
Re: I saw 69!!!!
05 Dec 2013, 21:56
Julieathome wrote: Whoop, whoop. great news and hoping that the next weigh in show a distinct staying put at 69.

funny you should say that. 1/2 an hour ago, as its my morning.. the scales showed me 69.7. i thought well i can just take that weight but i did what i usually do...move the scales to another tile. and triple check. on moving it the second time it showed 70.3 and then stabilized at 70.1

but.. its a fast day so im sure tomorrow it will stick to 69 something. important thing is . i saw it once ill see it again as New Lows for me always come around a few times.
Re: I saw 69!!!!
06 Dec 2013, 11:15
I did something one shouldnt I know. .. weighed myself again even after a morning weighing cause i wasnt "happy" with the reading of 71.1..

Not unhappy that I did as I saw 69 again .. this time 69.8 or 69.9 cant recall now as i didnt write it down. i just wanted to prove to myself that yesterday wasnt just my scales tricking my eyes or the moon or some combo. lol

Looks like 69 might be here to stay for most days. no doubt i will see 70.1 , 70.3 and maybe 70.6 again a few times before Christmas but damned if i will ever see 71 or 72 again... banish that thought forever as im too sensible to do what i used to do before Idol MM came downunder (via SBS)
- eat constantly
- eat way too much butter
- bake sweets late at night and eat them through the day
- start eating some really naughty things like icecream loaded with Milo on top
- feel constantly hungry
- ignore kid's remarks about your weight
- watch the scales go up and somehow dismiss it as normal and not a problem
- feel a little "pregnant" most of the time even though you know "its not possible"
- look a bit shabby in tight jeans
- avoid the dressing rooms of the womens clothing store
- feel always a little bloated
- problems walking (swollen ankles i guess)

You know all those signs of "bad behaviour" and outcomes im sure. Lucky for me i figured it out and recognised the signs before i reached having some extreme weight problem. (same for my lovely sis that is still losing (about 15kg by now after only 4 months)

Like most of you. once you have "made" it down that tricky stairwell down into fit weight heaven you never go back (do you). It like a massive life revelation the 5:2/4:3/16:8 business. Totally impacted my life anyway. Same for you?
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