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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Seems as though the crisis is over
And here's me standing by with THE wet fish
Oh well, back to the tank he goes.
Enjoy the cake and cheese :)
Spooky, I have been fasting today, made a lovely banana cake last night and really fancied some, warm with ice cream and chocolate sauce. I was really really going to until I saw your post Minsmum but now I am going to be strong and join you for a rare breakfast tomorrow too. Probably minus the ice cream and chocolate sauce though, but who knows? :smile:
:) well we're back from the pool and I have just cut a slice, for Min, and she has oohed and aahed and chomped her way through it whilst I looked on! And no I didn't succumb to the cake, yay.

Thank you one and all for the slaps. Jane put that fish away!!!

It's funny,but the more people that said eat it, the more determined I became not to eat it, v strange, but it worked. I give up with the clothes and shall embrace the baggyness :) and get on eBay.

@Wendy Darling enjoy your breakfast, because I know I will x

Thanks guys crisis over :) :) :)
I'vehad several cheapo tops from ebay ,all v nice and will sell them when they get too big for me! X
I am going to zoom in on the issues of clothes will leaving the slapping to others who are already doing a good job on that

Agree skirts and tights are a good interim solution while you are heading into winter and you are still on your journey. 12kgs is nearly 2 sizes too depending on clothing sizes. So you probably need to know your new size (help here there was a thread on that recently) and your new style. You do have to rethink how you are going to dress now you are slimmer along with what is out there which sings to your style soul

I think it is time to do a bra shop get those foundations right and be fitted to get the right size, a few cheap new undies. Then in the change room you are kitted out well when you face those pesky large mirrors.

I know some people balk at charity shops but at your interim point it is a still a very reasonable solution. The clothes swap here sound interesting. Alterations as mentioned another solution but I checked that out last week and at the quoted price to get my lovely linen pants fitted to my new size think for the cost I could get new.

That sent me instead to large department store the other day as just had to get myself new trousers. Result!! Just so good to be in the right size. I haven't been out of them since basic stretchy black very versatile and ahhh the bliss is they fit, only cost me $15 :)

so @Minsmum enjoy making a plan, what would be your most efficient purchase to tide you over and go with what you can still wear and make you feel good and proud of what you have achieved so far

Wow about your shoes, solution might be sales or a new pair of versatile ankle boots, with tights and skirts still will have you looking good. Well done thus far we all have these moments as we proceeds with this WOL
Yaayyyy! You are going to feel SO smug in the morning. Enjoy that cake. Save me a slice! :heart:
Oh Minsmum, you made me giggle, particularly at the knickers comment, as I know exactly what you mean! Most of my clothes are now baggy, but not quite baggy enough to ditch... I did find my favorite bra hugely reduced months ago, and optimistically bought it in varying sizes, which turns out to have been a good idea.
I've just got over about two weeks when I wasn't in the mood; still did the fast days OK, but had biscuits and other stuff I haven't eaten since starting 5:2.
And here's the irony, I lost more weight in those two weeks than normal!, so while I say well done for resisting the cake, I'd go with Moogie's advice!
Oh @minsmum - just caught up with this thread this evening and -

Hahahahahahahaaaaa! The most amusing thread for AGES! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: !!!

Maybe you've been affected by the 'Autumn Feed' thing that @azureblue has been talking about on another thread?!

Everyone's advice really good tho - (and so glad to see @janeg and her wet fish back in action (altho most of you beat her to it, LOL!)

I've indulged a bit today - after finding a wonderful deli cafe bar on holiday - for lunch I had: a chorizo, onion and tomato sandwich (french baguette) with side salad and loads of balsamic, followed by a gorgeous chocolate brownie, and 2 flat whites :cool: :shock: :cool: :shock:
And tomorrow is another day :wink: :wink:
Minsmum you are so funny! I'm on the train chortling away quietly to myself. Go eat cake, go buy a new skirt that's stretchy and can fit it in a size down, better than a slap up the fanny with a wet fish! I have had some major fasting fails since maintenance, yesterday being one. I have moved on with a promise to myself to get organised food wise this weekend. We are all allowed to have a few fails. Get it out (u have done this beautifully!) Then remember how well u have done and how fab u look and how really fab u will look soon.
Oh minsmum. I missed this one. Hope all went well.
Thought I'd give you all a "post fasting panic attack" update.
1) watching several smaller sized clothes on eBay
2) have won an m&s size 14 coat - this is good as if nothing else fits at least I can cover up!
3) the cake is still in the kitchen - she winked at me this morning when I was making Mins packed lunch!
4) I'm going to go and get "the girls" sorted and hoisted
5) I'm not hungry
6) I'm calm - normality has resumed.
7) the cake can wait! As can the wet fish!!!
Yes give the girls a treat and the stretchy skirt idea from GMH is a good idea
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