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In need of a motivational slap
24 Oct 2013, 12:48
Help my fasting mojo has shimmied on off and for some reason this week all I want is cake. Fasting has never been a problem since I started, but, oh my , I have really lost interest this week. I am fasting at the moment but I don't want to. So I'm sulking.
I mean, I'm going to rant now, very few of my clothes fit me. I am fed up of baggy knickers flapping around my butt! My bras, well I can fit my daughters hand in there as well as my boob! I got 2 size 14 mini skirts, oh yeah check me out! ( charity shop buys) and now I'm trusting my belt doesn't give up the ghost because they don't fit. My jumpers fall off my shoulders regularly exposing my baggy bras and boobs! This is not a good look, my tights, yep even they make me look like bloody Nora Batty, my weight stays the same this is now annoying me and I said it wouldn't annoy me but it does, and now I've fallen out of love with fasting. I WANT CAKE!!
I'm really struggling I need a serious slap, or maybe a punch but I'm fed up with fasting.AAAARRRgGHHH!
I still have lots of weight to loose, this fact doesn't phase me, because I know I can do it,it's just, this week I hate fasting, I have very few clothes that fit me, I can't be bothered to buy any more stuff from charity shops, I refuse to pay full price for stuff that won't fit me soon and and and.......HELP
If you eat that cake you won't burn fat....simple. Is that a slap? :stop:
Oh minsmum. You are having a tantrum against fasting - even resenting those baggy clothes of yours! I wish mine were baggy! I'm not sure I'm up to slapping you, but I can try and make you laugh

Alternatively, if you look like this, then I think you really do need to go shopping ... lothes.jpg.

Or I could try and scare you. Here is what happens when you eat cake:
Energy spike and then crash.
Lowered immunity
Fat conversion
Memory loss
So basically you will feel like s**t tonight if you put your head face down into a cake and then you will feel full of remorse in the morning.

Don't spoil it for yourself, quit wingeing and eat tomorrow :heart: :heart: :heart: As the old saying goes, you have come too far to take orders from a slice of cake. :grin:
I am sorry to read that you are going through a rough patch. I understand that you don't want to buy things fom a charity shop and it is frustrating to have your clothes all baggy.

I have been through this phase too and when I took a good hard look at myself at my new smaller size and thought back to when I started in February and back then I could hardly fit into my clothes because they were all too small. I kid you not but I had two dresses that I could wear, they looked terrible on me but it was all I had that looked presentable (sort of). Looking back at how I looked and how I felt and comparing it to now I would rather have a wardrobe of clothes that are a bit too big than a wardrobe of clothes that are way too small.

I still have a way to go to reach my goal but I am starting to plan what my wardrobe will look like when I get there. I have a dress pattern that I am going to make for myself and I pull it out every week or so just to remind myself how great it will feel wearing it. Alternatively cut out some pictures from a magazine of what you would rather be wearing or do you have an old photo of yourself at a previous size? Hang these pictures up somewhere that you can see them.

Keep at it, these feelings will pass. Look at what you have accomplished. I made myself one denim skirt that fits reasonably well (it is already starting to become too big) and I purchased some cheap underwear from Aldi that fits better which makes me feel better about myself. This way I have a few things that fit better than my old clothes and at least sometimes I can be wearing clothes that I am not falling out of.

Onwards and downwards, pound by pound, kilo by kilo we can reach our goals.
C'mon Minsmum! Yay you can do it!

Your clothes are falling off - that's gotta be GOOD thing - at least it's better than that horrible too-tight feeling in jeans that give you a muffin-top - or maybe you've never experienced that! :oops:

Having said that, if you're feeling that fed up with the fast just break it for a day, have a bit of cake and enjoy it, and accept it'll just take a bit longer to lose the weight. It could be a hormonal thing and it's not worth making yourself miserable trying to fight it!
:smile: :clover: :heart:
We all get in a rut at some point and need a break. If you don't feel like fasting this week, and want cake then do that! I know it may not be what everyone thinks to be good advice, but it's just one week and you may find you don't enjoy it as much as you think. Fasting shouldn't be a chore. Allow yourself that cake, but how about having it instead of something else - ie, don't have lunch and then a piece of cake, just have that lovely cake and a piece of fruit and call it a meal. I sometimes substitute like that to save on calories :)

You've been doing this a good while now and may have hit a bit of a plateau, shaking things up a bit with a break may help :) A lot of us have had a week off here and there for holidays, special occasions etc. Allow yourself the break, try to be mindful - and see how you feel next week.

As for the clothes, I don't know what to suggest there but know how you feel. I'm gradually getting a couple of cheaper items here and there so I have a small selection which fits properly. What size are you? Maybe we can organise a bit of a forum clothes swap event! I know there's a thread for that sort of thing already, but perhaps planning a few days where we can all list our old clothes we no longer want and can send on to others would be more helpful?

Maybe not the slap you needed, but usually you catch more flies with honey than vinegar :) Have your cake, eat it. See how you feel, be mindful and fast again when you're ready.
@moogie - I love the idea of a clothes swap. More fun than always buying from or giving to the charity shop, even though I know the charity shop is for a good cause.

Has this idea come up or been tried here? Just wondering...
lizzieh wrote: @moogie - I love the idea of a clothes swap. More fun than always buying from or giving to the charity shop, even though I know the charity shop is for a good cause.

Has this idea come up or been tried here? Just wondering...

There's a thread in one of the forums for folks to sell their unwanted clothes, but it doesn't really get used.

I reckon if I set up an 'event' on the forum it might prove popular - perhaps with users just covering postage costs (if the person sending needs them to) rather than buying the clothes. We could make it a monthly thing perhaps, so if you're sending someone clothes for free but don't see anything you like, there's still a chance for you to get something the next time. I'm sure I've got some things I could put on the sale rail, so to speak!

I'll start a topic about this later, so we don't hijack this one. Must get back to work for now ;)
Cake or death! Lol, I don't even have any bl&&dy cake in the house!,!!

I will give it another hour then I may go shopping.........for cake, actually I don't want cake now I want cheese!!

I do think that giving up this week and starting again next week might do me some good, but I fear that I won't start again. And I will just bake cheese cake instead. And eat it, then feel s..t . I need 5:2 because I need to loose weight and stay healthy, I am, but I need to keep it that way. But I'm struggling with it.

I think I should publish my address so that if any of you are passing you can knock on my door and slap me! Today is a bad bad bad fasting day :(

None of my shoes fit me either because, who knew it, I had fat feet!! So I have shoes to swap as well :( I love(d) my shoes :(

Note to self just shut up and get on with it, no eat cake, no, yes, no........internal struggle going on....

Gonna quit whingeing now as rawkaren suggests, but please feel free to keep the slaps coming!
Eat the cake minsmum :cake: :cake:
Because if thats what your obsessing over you won't stop until you've tried everything else in the kitchen :shock: :shock:

But you will feel guilty tomorrow do you really want all those remorseful feelings, I don't think so, the baggy look is in :like:Just look how many of us are wearing the new look :victory:
Get ot the sewing machine and alter a few select items and be thanfull you found the new 5:2 look as opposed to the other look you + all of us used to wear :clover: Sue. :clover:
Soft boiled egg, on it's own with a little salt, will sort you out a treat (and me)
Sue.Q wrote: Eat the cake minsmum :cake: :cake:
Because if thats what your obsessing over you won't stop until you've tried everything else in the kitchen :shock: :shock:


It couldn't be more true, when I want something specific nothing else will satisfy it, no matter what I cram in my, er, cake hole.

Promise us you'll come back next week so we can slap you back on track. Allow yourself to indulge over the weekend and don't worry - you know you *can* fast and for now it sounds like you just need a break. We're here to get you back on the straight and narrow, all you have to do is report in :)
Ggrrrr Make up your bloody mind Cake or Cheese ?
Cake or Death ??
Good job we dont have your address !! Now here comes the
Big Big Slap :shock: :shock: Pull yourself together woman.
as an old woman myself do you realise how long all this typing actually takes me Lol :clover: Sue. :clover:
Hi Minsmum! :grin:

slap slap slap, now go eat that cake and come back with a smile on your face and not a frown :lol:

when I make my cheesecakes I always eat some, I love it, and to my surprise I didn't gain anything :shock:

so a little of what you know the rest!!
:heart: :clover: :victory:
Minsmum, last Thursday I gave up my fast and actually lost 2 lbs ! It was the first time since I started this WoE that I gave in and I'm glad I did. My Monday fast was brilliant and I'm back on track with today's fast as well. :heart: Give yourself a break and stop with the guilt! :)
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