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It tasted vile
16 Oct 2013, 15:22
At work I took a cookie (lite butte cookies with some jam on top), bit of a bit, then inot the trash it went.
Yong son and me came out of the annual parent-teacher-pupil meet and son wanted a Subway for lunch. So of we went, but I absolutely don't like Subway so I bought a Burger King meal instead.
1)the coke was horrible sweet, gave more than half of it to son.
2) french fries and hot cheese dip blahs, wonder what disgusting things go into that dip?
3) burger uninteresting, ate it just not to go hungry

I think the reason this method works, is because by strange reason the fast makes our tastebud change (think X Men :wink: ) and we no longer want/long much food things on feast day. :grin: :bugeyes: :confused: I hardly eat anything sweet and almost never manage to drink a whole can of coke.....But my wine still taste great!
Re: It tasted vile
16 Oct 2013, 15:28
I have never liked coke or burgers but this WOE does change your taste! Great isn't it?
Re: It tasted vile
16 Oct 2013, 15:54
I defo find myself craving fruit & veg more often, though I still have a sweet tooth! I can't manage as much junk as I used to, it disagrees with me now.
Re: It tasted vile
16 Oct 2013, 16:27
Oh yes I know this too. But wine somehow tastes even nicer as you can taste the complexity of flavours :grin:
Re: It tasted vile
16 Oct 2013, 17:13
I stopped drinking it regularly some years ago but I used to allow myself an occasional small bottle of Diet Coke (by occasional, we're talking maybe once a month) The last one I had (in August) also tasted vile....

Hurrah for 5:2, I say!!!
Re: It tasted vile
16 Oct 2013, 17:16
I still like the salads from McDonalds, with balsamic vinegar. Even McDonalds can't mess up a plain grilled chicken breast with ordinary salad.
When I go into Subway for my additive fix I go for the sides of meatballs, side salad and the nacho's instead of the rolls.
Re: It tasted vile
16 Oct 2013, 17:44
I really wish this WOE was having this effect on me, but unfortunately it's not. I'm really happy for everyone it has and all those people who say it has changed their eating habits. I'm just a bit miffed it hasn't happened to me!
Re: It tasted vile
16 Oct 2013, 18:28
Umleila, I know what you mean. I was off biscuits and all sorts of other things for a while but I seem to have rediscovered my taste for them :( A few things taste far too sweet and I wish I hadn't eaten them afterwards. My portion sizes have shrunk though :)
Re: It tasted vile
16 Oct 2013, 19:07
I have bitten into numerous biscuity/cakey things and ended up spitting them out! I refuse to allow calories into my body unless I enjoy eating them.

Interestingly it does seem to be mass produced/shop bought stuff that I am disliking. If a friend makes a cake or I go to our lovely family run coffee shop and have something then it still tastes delicious! Maybe it's all the additives etc and unnatural things that are tasting nasty.

I am very happy actually as I am finally getting that conditioned reflex where I look at a packet of custard creams and am not in the slightest bit interested. It has taken a while though!!! :smile:
Re: It tasted vile
16 Oct 2013, 20:24
Well my eating habits have changed for the worse! Before fasting I watched my eating...and felt bad when I ate something sweet. But fasting unleashed the guilt when I found I could eat anything and lose weight if I did 4:3 so i took up bread, butter, sweet things, even ate fried chips twice in the last week...haven't done that in a year. However, my fridge has nothing in it butveg, eggs, cheese, milk, no processed food. I would never eat Subway...cardboard, or McDonalds, cos I don't like mass produced processed foods, never have. But show me good fattening food and I'm scoffing. Must say I enkoyed those chips from the seaside fish n chippery...tasted like when I was a kid. Coje? I'd rather slap myself with that fish!
Re: It tasted vile
16 Oct 2013, 20:54
Ha ha GMH that could be me - I think I eat far more chocolate now than I ever did before, probably beause I know now that it won't be a 'lifetime on the hips' and I can enjoy it. I was eating pretty healthily before I started this, so I think for me, doing 5:2 has meant that I have enjoyed eating all the things I used to feel guilty about (this could also be why I am on the 'slow loser' thread!). But I have been slowly regulating my portion sizes and sometimes I thin I've eaten loads and then look back and realise it hasn't been that bad. Of course sometimes it has but then I can always fast tomorrow!

I do tend to veer towards unprocessed, real food and don't really eat fast food, so when I do eat cake it's usually homemade cake.

I just think in general I have learnt t massively chill around food now that I have an effective tool to help me manage my weight.
Re: It tasted vile
17 Oct 2013, 04:06
Oh gosh, I ate 3 handfuls of candy corn today. Halloween is coming up and it is everywhere. It calls my name no matter how hard I try to resist.
Re: It tasted vile
17 Oct 2013, 04:20
GHM and Greenmonster both of those posts sound similar to me!
Re: It tasted vile
17 Oct 2013, 09:36
I went with the OH to a buffet over the weekend. (Golden Corral) I ate a romaine and spinach salad, a chicken breast, and a little bourbon street chicken with maybe a tablespoon of rice. I did get some mashed potatoes and they tasted horrible. So only one bite of that and then off to the dessert table. I picked out one chocolate chip cookie, a small square of FUDGE and a small brownie. Here is the really crazy part. The fudge tasted disgusting. The brownie was no better. I had one bite of each of those and then I ate all of the cookie which was really soft and pretty good. But, this was an all you can eat buffet. I didn't even want seconds of anything. I passed by the bread table thinking that looks really good; but I am too full. I ate my salad and only part of the food on my dinner plate. Then, the dessert was unappealing? It was surreal. Definitely worlds apart from the way I used to eat at a buffet.
Re: It tasted vile
17 Oct 2013, 09:43
I think I knew something weird was going on when I went out for the day in the summer, got an ice cream ( I LOVE ice cream) and ate probably a quarter of it because it made me feel sick. UNHEARD of.
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