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Re: Let's talk about cheese
04 Feb 2015, 23:02
I also have to pitch in in favour of cottage cheese. My regular lunch on a Tuesday ( post fast day) is a large mixed salad topped with a whole tub of low fat pineapple cottage cheese. Very filling and the protein in the cheese keeps me full. Very useful as I am at work that day and there are often temptations around to be resisted.
I also like most other cheeses but try and keep my portions small and savour each mouthful ,preferably without bread or other carbs although the crusty french bread hubby brings out at the weekend can be hard to resist after a couple of glasses of wine
Re: Let's talk about cheese
04 Feb 2015, 23:18
I also meant to say that I absolutely detest those cheese string things they make for children these days - they look absolutely disgusting and IMHO should be banned! so there!
Re: Let's talk about cheese
04 Feb 2015, 23:30
Lil wrote: I also have to pitch in in favour of cottage cheese. My regular lunch on a Tuesday ( post fast day) is a large mixed salad topped with a whole tub of low fat pineapple cottage cheese. Very filling and the protein in the cheese keeps me full. Very useful as I am at work that day and there are often temptations around to be resisted.

Pineapple cottage cheese sounds interesting. Dont think you can get it in Australia. I guess i can add some chopped pineaplle for same effect.
Re: Let's talk about cheese
04 Feb 2015, 23:47
I so love cheese! Red leicester is my regular. Runny brie, stilton with apricots & boursin with pepper are treats I only buy occasionally, because I can't be trusted to be alone with any of them without eating the lot. I love cottage cheese too, though I don't really think of it as cheese - I have it in a baked potato instead of butter to keep the calories down.

I take Red Leicester out of its packet & leave it in the fridge for a few days, so it goes hard, then shave bits off it & nibble them with grapes. Bliss! Not on fast days though, obviously!
Re: Let's talk about cheese
05 Feb 2015, 09:40
A million years ago Bulla used to make a cottage cheese with little bits of pineapple and I liked it but I haven't seen it for probably 20 years JR. They also made a herb version. I tried to recreate the pineapple one with drained crushed pineapple but it wasn't as nice.
My favorite cheeses are - an Italian cheese ( I think ) called Ambrosia, white Costello, Havarti, Gouda ( we make fondue with it) , and blue Costello ( which is a softish blue cheese- leave out for 3 hours, cut into 4 or 5 wedges and roll into a ball then roll in chives and pop on your steak- so delicious - just have a little bit with every bite of steak. It doesn't really melt and its only a mild blue flavour. Oh and haloumi with fresh sliced tomato on top and warm fetta on pizza. I like cheese!!!
Xxx julianna
Re: Let's talk about cheese
05 Feb 2015, 11:14
When I lived in England, so so so long ago, I discovered grilled cheese on toast with baked beans. It was my go to dinner when I came back too late to cook something :heart:

During summer I may have several kind of cheeses (Cheddar, Comté, Beaufort and, one of my favorites, some vacherin Mont d'Or with some fresh bread and a salad. It's not the most low cal dinner ever but I see that as a treat and it's only once in a while
Re: Let's talk about cheese
05 Feb 2015, 14:45
All these goat's cheese haters! I feel I must stand up for goat's cheese. I love goat's cheese (well OK most goat's cheese...some does taste a bit soapy)! Not a fan of dolcelatte even though roquefort is my favourite.
Re: Let's talk about cheese
06 Feb 2015, 18:32
Okay, so my fast day was going okay until I ran into this thread! I am obsessed with cheese. I will even use my last 100 calories on a fast day for a piece of aged gouda or cheddar.

I love goat cheese or almost any cheese, but I don't eat cottage cheese. It just looks awful; can't remember if I've ever attempted to eat it.

I love smelly runny cheeses (yes, even the kind that cost $30/lb at the gourmet shop, especially if my mom is buying!), blue cheeses, cheeses with fruit in them, smoked cheeses...

Thursday nights I usually go to a friend's house to watch TV. She gets a monthly "cheese share" which is like a farm share, but all cheese. I am much more interested in that than the TV.
Re: Let's talk about cheese
06 Feb 2015, 18:47
I love any strong tasting cheese, particularly blue cheese and ripe goats cheese. I'm a Dolcelatte lover and make a salad with pears, Dolcetatte, walnuts and rocket. Lovely......
I'm not a fan of Double Gloucester or Red Leicester and I'm not crazy about cheese with fruit in.
Whilst cottage cheese is pretty bland, I will eat it, especially when enlivened with olives and sun dried tomatoes....that's the cottage cheese, and not myself.
I love a cheese sauce made with a very mature cheddar and English mustard. I just like most cheesy things, if truth be known.
Re: Let's talk about cheese
06 Feb 2015, 22:48
Another cheese lover here, cheese is what stops me from being vegan, I have tried a few times but I can't seem to give it up!
I like most cheeses, and prefer strong hard cheeses but milder soft cheeses, and am lucky to live in France where I have endless choice and it's not too expensive.
Re: Let's talk about cheese
07 Feb 2015, 01:33
Although a cheese lover, I have had quite lengthy periods of eating a vegan diet and even now, I'm flesh and dairy free on the majority of days.
I actually felt at my healthiest when I was totally vegan, but it became difficult to sustain when my job involved a lot of travelling.
I think that it is possible to go without cheese, even though I love it.
Re: Let's talk about cheese
07 Feb 2015, 04:31
Bracken wrote: Although a cheese lover, I have had quite lengthy periods of eating a vegan diet and even now, I'm flesh and dairy free on the majority of days.
I actually felt at my healthiest when I was totally vegan, but it became difficult to sustain when my job involved a lot of travelling.
I think that it is possible to go without cheese, even though I love it.

@bracken. I hear you. I was high raw vegan for three years but travelling made it impossible. I felt (and looked) so well.
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