The FastDay Forum

General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Weight loss and how I now look
Gaining control over what and when eat
Being able to cope with hunger
Digestive system feeling cleansed after fast days
Discovering the range of pleasant herbal teas
Shared experience (via the forums)

(Couldn't just name one thing! :D )
Not sure I ever truly needed it but I'm off the Statin with the approval of my Physician because of improved lab results. Along with what everyone else has said, I find that to be very rewarding.
Having control over food and not the other way round :) and loosing weight :like:
The lack of guilt and being able to forgive myself if I have a 'must eat everything' day.

The fact that I am still here, I haven't given up, all down to the knowledge and support of this forum. If I hadn't known the why's and wherefore's of losing weight, insulin, fats etc I would have given up.
Something I like the most?
It has to be that this diet actually WORKS!
And my blood pressure has gone down, and I am thinner and I am happy and I feel good long a list can I make? Yippeeeeee!
Thank you all too. :victory:
Everything - well it's only one word :grin:

It works
Being in control (in a good way - not an "ic" way) :eat:
You really can "have your cake and eat it" with this woe
This Forum
The way it makes me feel - lean, fitter and generally more full of energy.

I've recently had a few weeks off from fasting. I'm not trying to lose weight so it was no biggie (or so I thought). What I found, even with my newly reduced wheat intake, was that I started feeling sluggish and bloated. Flabbier, less fit (even though I was training as normal), and sleepier. So I'm back to it again this week, and already feeling better for it.

I'll be honest, I don't actually enjoy fast days very much. I don't know if I ever will, and this time in the afternoon is the pits (3.30pm and I'm usually quite fed up and hungry and uncomfortable). But the rest of the week is awesome.
I like that for five days a week no food (or drink) is off limits. I do not feel deprived and can indulge myself (in moderation of course!)
I agree wholeheartedly with everyone. It's not a restrictive diet in that you can do this for the rest of your life...easily! Yes it's slow on the weight loss front but slowly and surely gets you there in the end! Oh yes, I feel confident that I will no longer need to 'diet' but just fast two days a week...forever!! It works :-)

K :bugeyes:
All the lovely people here :heart:
Not being overweight :angel:
Not feeling guilty when I overeat :wink:
Not having to camouflage my bum :sidefrown:
Self confidence :-D
For me it's finally feeling in control. For instance, over Christmas I plan to eat what I like for 3 days, even having some extra treats that I normally wouldn't allow myself, knowing that I have this amazing tool to lose any weight I may put on. But I'm also planning some fasts over the fortnight, so hopefully won't do too much damage in the first place.
I find after I've indulged myself, I actually look forward to fasting and that in itself is a revelation.
I love that I'm not dieting, I'm living. I no longer stress about food at all, something I have done all my adult life. Love love love this WOL. :)
These are all so fantastic and I love all of them. The only one I can't relate to is that I've never had my trousers come down while walking. :oops:

I would love for noobies to be able to read these for encouragement. Heck, I've been doing this for a bit and it encouraged me as well.

Thank you all for your input. :like: :smile: :victory:
Re the trouser problem, its worse when the falling trousers take down your underwear too. Especially when you are carrying a large delicate cake in one hand and supporting your disabled hubby with the other.
I would have to say three things:
*Success--it works! Not fast, not straight line, but like a little engine that keeps on going. :grin:
*Flexibility--all the little life things that used to throw me off track or make me feel that life on a diet sucked (well it did suck!) None of those things present a problem any more. :heart:
*Control--whether I fast or decide ahead not to, or decide in the middle of the day to bag the fast until the next day or even later, it doesn't matter. I never feel out of control! :victory:

In another thread someone had ordered some clothing that came in and was TOO BIG! Her husband suggested keeping them just in case....
I am getting rid of things that are too big--I am absolutely confident I can maintain forever :clover: First time I've ever felt like this since my first diet ever when I was naïve. I'm not naïve any more, but I am confident. :lol:
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