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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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This may have already been done but my search kept ending in "too common words." If it has been done, please excuse my ignorance...but I'd sure like to hear from you all.

This topic was prompted by my failure to fast today (Thursday), which is usually a regular fasting for me.

I was thinking, "I'll just fast tomorrow instead." This further prompted me to think how wonderful, flexible, and forgiving this WOL is, if we don't fixate on the past. This is precisely why the word failure above is italicised; today's failure becomes tomorrow's success.

All that to say: One thing I like most about this WOL is the flexibility.
I love that I don't feel like I'm dieting *all the time* since I only fast 2 times per week. Those days are sometimes hard, but they are just one day. The rest of the time I live my life normally and try not to go overboard on my eating. As a result I've been losing about 1 pound a week since I started at the beginning of July. That makes me delighted.

Yes, it will take me a long time to get to my goal weight, and that sometimes gets me down. But that isn't a fault of this WOE. It is a fault of my high initial starting weight.

Onward to success!
No more denial, well only on two days a week!
If I really want it (i.e. chocolate, cake etc) I can have it tomorrow.

Come tomorrow (now that I am allowed to have it) I usually don't want it anymore.

(Figure that out.)
Enjoying my food again. :heart:

Liking the new avatar @debs
Losing weight.

And what everyone else said.
Eating normally most of the time, and actually losing weight.
Thought it was appropriate rawkaren!!!!
Forgiveness and knowing that it's a tool for life that works!
Cheaper food bills coz I eat less twice a week!!! Image
I have wished for a miracle to lose my excess weight for the past 20 years. To have found the tool that I can work with which didn't end in my folding after a couple of weeks is fabulous.

I like that 5:2 works and the time spent denying yourself lingers into a normal eating day. So it is like gaining some impulse control around food. Also a very forgiving WOE

Love the science which comes up on this Forum so discovering the forum
The fact that whatever in chaos my life can be, I have this island where I am completely in control

And I can eat some pizza (I can't say a whole pizza anymore as I can't go for more than half of it) without feeling guilty :grin:
As @bobbyd98683 says in the thread title this is a WAY OF LIFE, not a diet, therefore a blueprint for living longer, healthier and slimmer! :like: :heart:

And @debs, lovely pic and glad to see you upright today, were you a tad under the weather yesterday when I saw you lying down? :?: :razz:
Pretty much the same as eveyone else lol :grin:

but also the way my clothes feel, i just love it because then i know it is working! i have a pair of jeans i really like wearing up to a couple of weeks ago but had to put them away as they were, literally, falling down grrrrrrrrrrr i almsot died of embarassement when out walking the dogs and realised they had gradually come down, good job i was wearing a longish jacket hahahaha!!!!!!! :grin: :lol:
:-) :like: :heart:
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