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Need the 5:2 Buzz back...!
03 Dec 2013, 03:38
Hi Fasters

So I have been on this 5:2 for 4 weeks now and for the 1st 3 weeks lost, last week I put on 0.3pound (I know thats nothing) but this week I seem to have lost the buzz

This week I wanted to do ADF in a attempt to get below 12 stone by the time I go on holiday (next tue) so I started yesterday and failed miserably despite not even being hungry. I just got home and said 'sod it I’m eating these biscuits and adding butter to my cauliflower mash and having extra sauce with my salad' I have no real idea why I just gave up, it wasn’t like I was feeling sick etc like I have in the past! For the first time fasting was easy, I put this down to not having breakie and just having a 100kcal snack at around 2pm which I owe that to you guys as its made me feel so much better

So got up today with a ‘I’m going to do this’ attitude but within 2 hours I was taken on a last min business meeting where I was 'forced' to eat a selection of mini cakes. Ok so forced is incorrect, but I just didn’t have the will power to say no

I have also just been told I have to attend a client dinner on Thursday, 3 course set menu paid for. (only time in my life I am not happy to have free food and drinks) so out goes another fast day.

So here I am, sat here with a piece of sushi in front of me feeling like 'what’s the point, I go to Thailand in exactly 7 days and im never going to get under the 12 Stone mark before I leave, so I might as well just eat this sushi’

I now feel like I have just given up, and really angry at myself for quitting these last two days for no good reason!!

Sorry for the negative post...! you guys are all doing so well so do you have any tips to get my 5:2 buzz back... has anyone else experienced this lack of will power causing failed fasts rather than feeling hungry? how did you snap out of it?

Im going to fast properly tomorrow, I just hope I have the mental strength to do it, I know every fast helps right!

Love this forum you guys are the best :)
Re: Need the 5:2 Buzz back...!
03 Dec 2013, 04:00
Benbon, I understand you WANT to lose weight before you leave on vacation but I think you are trying to FORCE it. Just relax, do your 2 fast days a week and realize that you will lose the weight, just not as quickly as you would like. Don't set yourself up for failure by not being mentally ready for a fast.

You might even want to try 16:8 for days when you "have" to eat. 16:8 is fasting for 16 hours and having your food/drink calories in an 8 hour window (ie: 12pm - 8pm), your window closes and so does the kitchen. :)

Intermittant fasting is an easy way of eating, don't make it more difficult and don't beat yourself up if you have a bit more in calories, usually it won't be as much as you would have had on a regular day. So, even going over 500 cals is NOT a failure. :)
Re: Need the 5:2 Buzz back...!
03 Dec 2013, 04:20
Thanks Betsydgr8

Your totally right, what I want and what I can do it 2 different things and I know this way of life works, not just weight loss but in so many other areas, so your right. Forget the holiday target, go back to just enjoying fast for what they are, a way of life that makes you look and feel better

Moan is well and truely over :)
Re: Need the 5:2 Buzz back...!
03 Dec 2013, 06:37
Hi. Unfortunately this is not a diet that will produce miracles in a short space of time. My track record is about half a pound a week. You seem to be approaching it like a diet which is why you are ping ponging around.

Stick to 5:2
Try 16:8 (because you end up eating less)
Cut your carbs - this will kill your cravings Eat something fatty instead to replace the cravings.

No one is going to notice a few extra pounds on holiday, so relax!
Re: Need the 5:2 Buzz back...!
03 Dec 2013, 12:33
Hi Benbon,

Some really good advice there from Karen and Betsy so I'd just go with it. You may lose weight on holiday as Thailand will be hot and I find I don't need as much food in a hot climate. Good luck and enjoy your holiday, let us know how it goes,

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Need the 5:2 Buzz back...!
03 Dec 2013, 15:13
Prob best just to chill out and do the best you can
I know the frame of mind youve got into..i get like that too at times..
Try 16:8 or just cutting down..doing anything is better than nothing....take the pressure off yrself or you' ll just sabotage all your efforts so far!
Think spirals! I always imagine myself going down a spiral then turning it into an upward spiral again by doing something positive which makes me feel ive got back on track...The wibblewobbles are horrid but you can beat them ! X
Re: Need the 5:2 Buzz back...!
04 Dec 2013, 06:58
CandiceMarie wrote: take the pressure off yrself or you' ll just sabotage all your efforts so far!
YES! I echo this. For me, that pressure is just too much and somewhere in my mind I know that so I sabotage myself as I know my expectations are unrealistic! It's a frustrating vicious cycle.
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