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Julie - what can I say extra to the above? All good advice ... :like: :clover:

You obviously have got the focus, can tell from the words you write in your post - and you are very honest with yourself (and with everyone on here) which is half the battle ...

... We are all here to help you along with the other half of the battle :victory: :cool: :heart: take the suggestions on board - there is a whole month to get back on track ...


:heart: :victory: :clover: :victory: :heart: :clover:
Hi Julie

I can only agree with what Debs has said about your weight loss to date, how amazing that is and that you know you can do it. Hope you are feeling better soon and good luck when you see your consultant. Virtual hugs.
A big hug and best wishes to you Julie. Carb cravings are so hard to deal with especially in the winter I find. You will get lots of support from all your friends on this forum so keep checking in when you need a boost or virtual hug :heart:
Lots of virtual hugs to you Julie. :heart: You have done so well that I am sure you will find your way again. What I have found helps me is having one designated 'treat day' every week when I totally forget about TDEEs and weight issues and let myself just enjoy. It seems to make it easier to not go overboard on other days. The best of luck to you! :heart:
I don't have any pearls of wisdom to add to the above comments but I want to let you know that I am right behind you. Keep on at it. Keep an eye on your goal and step by step you can get there. You can conquer your carb cravings. Never give up.
Dear Julie, When I look at the people on here whose stories are most inspiring - one of them is yours so I am sorry to hear you are struggling and send you best wishes for controlling the cravings - as others have said I'm sure cravings for things like carbs are also to do with mood (this from a woman who spent years rewarding herself with bread and chocolate on 'bad' days) but you also know how much weight you have lost and that you need your surgery, so I'm sure this is just a temporary blip. Easy for me to say I know but sending you best wishes anyway.
Awwww, first off ((((((( hugs ))))))) @Julieathome. You've been an utter inspiration - hold tight there, you *will* come through it.

My name is FatDog and I am a recovering carboholic...

So here are a couple of low-carb things I use:

* cheese and nuts - not so good on repair days, but give them 20 minutes and they'll usually calm things down; Tesco full fat cream cheese is 240kcals for 100g so even usable on repair
* linseed crackers - with any sugar-free nut butter (maybe not cashew as it's quite high carb), any cheese, pickles (not sweet ones), quorn ham and mustard (latter is good for repair days)
* pancakes - a more recent discovery that I'm still experimenting with, currently 15g soya flour and 10g gram flour (plus 50ml water, s&p, and / or seasonings) will make two nice sized pancakes for one, in no time; add an egg for extra oomph if you've calorie-space
* cakes - yes, soya flour, ground almonds and gram flour to the rescue; my halweyat adaptation is 12g carb for a *big* slice; Celia Brooks Brown almond muffins are even less...
* co-op 85% cocoa Ghanaian chocolate - at 17g carb per 100g it's wonderful stuff: two squares (occasionally four) usually sort out my postprandial pudding urges

I'll go dig a couple of links to my recips out xxx


see here for the halweyat, Thursday 5th September, day 74:

and here for linseed crackers, Friday 13th September, day 82:
Hugs Julie! :heart: You can do this! You have been doing this so well. Keep your self focused on the ball, 4 weeks, 4 little weeks and you will get the long awaited for appointment. Just remember, when you get your surgery (and you've recovered) they weight will come flying off you in record speeds because you will be able to MOVE again! :yay: So buckle down now, the rewards are soooooo close and you've waited so long. Take everybodys love, support, encouragement and advice and wrap yourself up in it. :heart:
I'm just echoing what everyone else has said. Four weeks till the consultant, you can shift the weight by then, you know you can. Hugs from me too. :heart:
Awww! Thank you all. I feel a lot better this morning. I did a liquid fast yesterday, just water and about 6 mugs of tea with a splash of milk, so about 100kcals for the day. Not having dinner has really helped as I didn't get the major 'I'm STARVING' after dinner that I usually do. That plus dropping 2lb has really encouraged me. I am sticking to my plan of a double fast, but will probably have a pork steak and salad for dinner tonight, then back to every third day fasting.

I love this forum, it is so much more helpful than any slimming 'meeting' can be as you can have a low point and get the support you need without feeling that you are being judged. I guess the general anonymity helps, you can pour your heart out to a stranger more than family or friends.

09 Nov 2013, 13:38
I quite agree re this forum being better than a 'slimming meeting'. I always hated going to them - 2 or whatever hours talking about food and I used to go home RAVENOUS. Never managed to lose much weight either :-)

Glad you had a better day, Julie!
Hi Julieathome, sorry that you're struggling :-( I'm currently finding it difficult to stop myself eating on nonfast days - and since I'm surrounded by cupcakes all day long, well, you can imagine what I graze on! Awful. And it doesn't make me feel any better, in fact I just fell heavy and lethargic at the end of the day.

I just try to have healthier things instantly available, like raisins and nuts, clementines and bananas. It doesn't always work, but I'm trying.

I also find that I'm never very hungry after a good exercise session, which is opposite what I would expect! I can't leave the shop all day and I know that if I could go out for a little walk when I get the carb cravings, then i would be able to ignore them!

Hope you have a lovely weekend ;-)
@carorees That article was very interesting. Especially in view of the fact that I had stopped my vitamins at the same time as the cold starting. I have no idea why I would do that, but it happened. So I will start taking them again and add in some 5HTP to get my seratonin levels back to where they should be. I can't see me taking enough Omega 3 to make a different, a teaspoon of Omega 3 oil for every 40lb of weight would be 6 teaspoons a day for me. Though thinking of it, traditionally (in the past) in the UK kids would be given 2 tablespoons of cod liver oil daily which is the same as 6 teaspoons.
Julie. I wish I could wave a magic wand :heart: I am a recovering carboholic also. It is so so difficult. :cry: when I go to bed and first thing in the morning I repeat to myself over and over sugar and flour are not my friends they are killing me, repeat it over and over until you are almost in tears get to hate the enemy. If it helps take one of your favourite things stare at it and think to yourself that this horrible object is going to come between you and your op, and then I know this sounds daft but scrunch it up in your hands turn it to mush see how horrible it looks now and throw it in the bin :curse: :confused: :oops: :smile: :grin: :lol: and walk away clean (that is after you have washed your hands) CARBS ARE KILLING YOU. All my good wishes are with you. :clover:
Hi Julie, I'm sending you my support and more :hugleft: hugs :hugright: to add to the pile that has mounted up so far. I don't have the carb cravings as such, but can easily understand your weakness. I go for chocolate, I could happily live on it for a few days - and nuts, any kind, I can't seem to eat enough walnuts when my cravings get out of control. Also biscuits but not whole packets as in my pre 5:2 days.

As others have said, you have done well and you CAN get rid of those 3 lb and more by 12th December. The excellent advice from everyone and great suggestions from FatDog will hopefully give you that little push and we'll all keep shoving until your cravings are under control.

So chin up and tummy in - not too far as you will need a small space for the juicy steak. Enjoy.

Lots of luck X :clover: :clover: :clover:
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