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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I'm so sorry I missed your post yesterday, but very glad to hear that you are feeling better today. To agree with everyone, you've done so well so far that I know you can reach that 4 week appt. with flying colors :heart:

Autumn has been mentioned: decreasing hours of daylight could be contributing to low moods and carb cravings. My daughter found that her dread of winter disappeared when her family got a dog and suddenly she was outdoors walking the dog a lot. Perhaps being out in strong natural light and fresh air more can be helpful along with all the other suggestions. On another thread I've mentioned my litebook that I use to chase winter blues--I know it doesn't fit everyone's budget, though.

:clover: :clover:
:heart: :heart: :heart: Julie!!!!!

Hang in there! Glad you are feeling better. I know the carb conundrum too, especially now... and when you don't feel very good.

:clover: :clover: :heart: :heart: and lots of virtual hugs!
Glad you feel better Julie :grin:

Autumn is a crazy season.... And I agree with you, the double fast helps, even if I can't do it right now, but as soon as I can go back to my habits, I will go back to those

I never participate to a "slimming meeting" but I think here we all have high and lows, we all know what the other may feel and there's no competition.It helps a lot. No judgement but also a bit of a kick in the butt when needed the perfect combination :wink:
I missed your post yesterday too. I'm so glad you are feeling better about it all today. We know, but more importantly, you know you can do this. And it does sound like you are back on track.

Hugs and very best wishes to you

:like: :clover: :heart:
I think we need a CC tent ( carb cravers) !

We could lament the cravings and compare bloated tummies.

Carby hug from a carb sufferer xx
And I love the term 'carb creep' from @43tweaker I think!
Hi Julie - sorry I missed your post yesterday, but it sounds like you've got lots of support (which you knew you would) and are a bit more perky today - so that's good. Thinking of you and sending cyber hugs and wishes ..... it's a vital goal you're aiming at with regard to surgery and you've done amazingly well with your weight loss. So hopefully you'll be back in control again now and it sounds as if you are. Hope the enjoyed the pork steak and salad. Wishing you well x :clover:
Hang in there Julie, think we are all going to have our ups and downs as we get this is a permanent WOL and getting to grips with the culprits which cause up grief.

Have to say FatDog's recipes look fab and when tried are so too

Sorry I too missed yesterday's post. You have done wonders and are an inspiration to us all so wishing you luck :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover: and sending :heart: :heart: :heart:
Silverdarling wrote: And I love the term 'carb creep' from @43tweaker I think!

Those sneaky little carbs creep their way in every time you turn your back. Like creepy crawlers. I can't take the credit for that term; though. Stole it right off the walls of the low carb forums I visit. :wink:
The others have said it all but I just wanted to say Good Luck, Julie. And glad you're feeling better.

This forum really is a wonderful source of support - aren't we lucky to have it?! (@Moogie, are you listening? :smile: )
Julieathome wrote: @carorees That article was very interesting. Especially in view of the fact that I had stopped my vitamins at the same time as the cold starting. I have no idea why I would do that, but it happened. So I will start taking them again and add in some 5HTP to get my seratonin levels back to where they should be. I can't see me taking enough Omega 3 to make a different, a teaspoon of Omega 3 oil for every 40lb of weight would be 6 teaspoons a day for me. Though thinking of it, traditionally (in the past) in the UK kids would be given 2 tablespoons of cod liver oil daily which is the same as 6 teaspoons.

I started taking vitamin D3 last month now there are less daylight hours. It's supposed to help with winter blues as well as other health benefits like bone health. I must admit to feeling pretty good although that might be down to increased exercise which also boosts moods.
My vitamin list reads like a hypochondriacs. Maybe I am one? But I take Vitamin D3 already due to winter blues, I didn't get the blues last year for the first time ever, also the first year I had taken it religiously. I also take B12 because my levels went really low, only a few points off the bottom level and the doc's wouldn't treat me, so I had to self medicate with mega doses, it worked a treat, but I need to keep taking it every day now. Omega 3, (we get enough Omega 6 in our daily diets), Chromium Picolinate to help curb the sugar and carb cravings (it does work), and now the 5HTP to boost the seratonin levels. All that plus a normal multi vit without the iron. I don't take iron because my Ferritin level is high. Hmm that reminds me, I better get it (ferritin) checked again. I'm a medical mess.
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