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The fasting has been fine, I have even managed a liquid fast today, just a few splashes of milk in my teas through the day. But my 'normal' days have reverted to pre 5:2 'normal' which has consisted of a complete lack of control.

I blame the wheat again. That and carbs, but really the wheat. Its crept back into my life, sandwich or baguette for lunch, pasta or pie for dinner and crackers for supper. That plus puddings, I NEVER used to have puddings, where have all these puddings come from?

I lost control last month when I had a cold that developed into Bronchitis. At first I developed cravings for proteins, which I thought wasn't a bad thing, but it shifted to carb cravings and my fasting bombed for a week. But I got back into fasting again, very quickly. It just that my feed days went out of control. I actually put on 6lb in 2 weeks, by week 3 (of last month) I had lost 3 of those pounds but haven't been able to shift the rest.

Then 2 days ago I got a date to see my consultant. Its 12th December. If I have lost enough weight by then, I get a date for my surgery. So I really want to lose the excess 3lb and as much extra weight as I can in the next 4 weeks on top of it.

So yesterday (Friday) I did a liquid fast, today (Saturday) I am hoping to do a 500kcal fast (back to back fast) to try and break this carb frenzy I have. Then back to my normal fasting pattern with keeping off the wheat (I'm intolerant but love the stuff) and keep the carbs low as well. Its worked before and I need it to work again.

Please can you help me do this, support me in the way that I know this forum is great for.
Hi Julie, having bronchitis myself at the moment, I totally understand how you feel as I always have the comfort carb craving when poorly; luckily I am not intolerant though so that helps. My weight is creeping off slower than a snail marathon however.

Is your carb craving out of your system now? If so, those pounds days are numbered! What comfort fats can you have instead to fill you up? Any nut butters, avocado treats?

You have a really close and tangible goal which must give you that extra inspiration, incentive for the next four weeks.

You have has some amazing losses to date so you know you can do it!
Debs wrote: You have has some amazing losses to date so you know you can do it!

I second this sentiment, Julie. You are obviously good at this WOE. I never thought I was a carb junkie, but the crackers and tortilla chips and toast have slowed down my losses lately too.

I am thinking of putting all that stuff in a different place in the kitchen. It's not that I couldn't get to it, as it is my kitchen, but that would give me a chance to stop myself. To at least not eat as thoughtlessly. Might that approach help you?
Hi Julie... wow do I know that out-of-control feeling. I think Deb and Wendy have some really great ideas. you CAN do this. this we already know because your loss so far has been fantastic. and having a short term realistic goal with a GREAT reward at the end is a very good thing!

would it also help to put reminders in the kitchen about your goal... just to help you stop and think and be mindful of what you want? reminding yourself to stick with it for just the next 4 weeks... that what you want in 4 weeks will make you feel so much better than what you want in the next 4 minutes?

you can do it!
I don't really have any great solutions for you; just some commiseration. I have also been struggling with carb creep since my vacation. The first week back was awful. I even had a fast day that finished off with McDonalds at 10pm!! :shock: :bugeyes: I can't even remember the last time I botched a fast before that. But, I think it really is the carbs. For me personally it has been more sugar than wheat. But if I give the carbs half an inch; they take a mile!! I think your idea for two back to back fast days will help as long as you don't do carbs on them. Good luck getting back on track, Julie!
Hi Julie

Come on. You can do this. Stay focused on the reason you are doing this and in four weeks time you will get your reward and much more.

I wish you luck and look forward to hearing how you get on.

First, how about a virtual hug? It's no fun being sick, especially on top of everything else you have going on.

I was feeling kind of down recently, and had nonfast day control issues. I sort of made rules for myself, and more than anything, tried to get back to being mindful about eating. When I was going for a treat, I would stop to ask: are you really hungry? Is there something more sensible you could have? Can't you just wait for lunch/dinner?

I'm not sure if that's what worked or if these things just pass, but I hope that helps!

Good luck!
A big hug for you. Don't worry about the bronchitis, I always have my share during winter :heart:

I know it's easier said than done but you need to try to stress less. I know how important is the operation for you but carbs craving, for me, sounds like comfort food craving. Our body reacts to stress how it can and it's not good for weight loss, unfortunately.

I had a very low few days last week, as some know, and the key for me have been to find why I was so low and act to change that. Do you know why you have that carbs craving ? What can you do, not food related to give you a boost ? I hate sport, however, I found out that it helps me relax, have a sense of accomplishment and feel good about myself. You know, a bit like when I first began to lose weight. It's a thrill, really. Maybe you could find something to do that can give you that sensation ?

You are a strong woman, Julie, you can do it ! :like: :clover:
Hello Julie, don't be hard on yourself especially if you are poorly. Make some lovely soups, full of good things which will warm and comfort you!! You will soon be back in control you know you can do it as you have supported so many on there forum when they have gone off track for a bit!! I hope you feel better soon. X
Awe, come and have a huge hug @Julieathome.
It's no fun feeling like that, especially when you know what you should be doing - and just can't seem to do it.

You have done amazingly well and you are an inspiration to many of us 'old hands' here xx
As Cary Grant famously once never said, 'Oh, Julie, Julie, Julie!.......I've got the crappiest lungs on the planet and I always joke that they will be the death of me, literally, so I know what it feels to have your chest take over your life and not in a nice way. There is nothing I can say except we are all here for you, on your side and if we could eat those damned carbs for you we would.....NOT! :rotfl:

This is no laughing matter as that just sets me off on a coughing fit so, unless you wish to have a back of head to head session from a certain tartan coloured wet fish, get back on board the 5:2 wagon, PRONTO!

I wish I could offer you any tips or advice but this site is choc full of them so perhaps a read through back posts to reinforce what you wish to achieve may work. I hope so as you sound so down so here is a great big hug to a lovely lady.......... :heart: ....oh, and some flowers........ :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: .....and just for you, just this once, a kiss....... :kiss:

Good luck and I hope you conquer your demons, and SOON!!!! :grin:

Ballerina x :heart:
Oh dear Julie, I'm sending virtual hugs and thinking that Manderley is right about carb cravings coming with feeling low. Can you get out to your shed and do some relaxing wood turning?

I thought I saw some advice on how to beat carb cravings somewhere...I'll try to find it. Meantime, here's some more hugs :hugleft: :hugright:
:heart: Come on Julie pull yourself togeher now :heart:
Well now you have your date you have the motivation point to aim for and a few weeks to get your BMI down to where it needs to be ( lower red's are better yes ) :clover:
The carb input was probably comfort eating and yes we all get days/weeks like that and the colder days don't help so now its time for you to take control again, if you cut/reduce carbs in a big way that will cutout the craving and also reduce some weight :clover:
We can be really determind when we have something to positively aim for :clover: :clover: Sue :clover: :clover:

my horror of 5kg holiday gain well I knew it couldn't all be fat so I got stuck in with positive + cautious fast of my usual 4:3 plus 16:8 :like: and 10 days later I'd blown it away :like:
whereas this week I've lost 250 teams !! incentive lost :clover:
Oh Julie. Let's see what we can do to help you. First, here we all are in your kitchen giving you some support and lots of hugs :heart: :heart: . There. Now get a grip on yourself, because you have done this before!

Now go and buy the juiciest, biggest steak you can possibly eat (fat and protein), and have it with your favourite green veg followed by a baked apple for the comfort eating. No sugar, only cinnamon (good for cravings). Do the same the next day and you will be back to normal.

Hope you feel better soon.
I found this article: ... g-monster/
which also says that feeling low can cause carb cravings. The author suggests that L-tryptophan supplement can help. I think that this amino acid is in meat so that might explain your protein cravings too. He also says autumn, hormone changes, essential fatty acid deficiency, anaemia could contribute. Worth a read?
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