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Occam's razor
06 Jan 2014, 23:03
From wiki: Occam's razor (also written as Ockham's razor from William of Ockham (c. 1287 – 1347), and in Latin lex parsimoniae) is a principle of parsimony, economy, or succinctness used in logic and problem-solving. It states that among competing hypotheses, the hypothesis with the fewest assumptions should be selected.

So, going with the economy of above, what's the ONE principle of this WOE that holds true for you, that might help others?

Mine is - make sure you have enough fibre in a day.
Re: Occam's razor
06 Jan 2014, 23:12

Mine is do your two diet days correctly each week (500/600 calories or less for each of the two days) and the rest will fall into place over time.
Re: Occam's razor
06 Jan 2014, 23:14
Make sure you drink enough liquid on a fast day :victory:

(very deep for this time of night PFM!)
Re: Occam's razor
06 Jan 2014, 23:49
Stealing from Michael Pollan, eat real food, especially plants.
Re: Occam's razor
07 Jan 2014, 00:15
Be flexible-nothing is written in stone and nobody has all the answers.
Re: Occam's razor
07 Jan 2014, 00:18
And, looking at the number of people who've looked at this and not replied....put your money where your mouth is...
Re: Occam's razor
07 Jan 2014, 00:20
Nothing is forbidden.
Re: Occam's razor
07 Jan 2014, 02:25
It's not a diet, :starving: it's a do-it :victory:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Occam's razor
07 Jan 2014, 02:52
since we're talking the principles of logic & problem solving here, mine would be - use the principles of inductive reasoning, i.e. do something, monitor the outcome and use the outcome to vary what you do next time. So if for instance you find that eating 3 times a day during a fast isn't working for you and you're getting too hungry, then modify it and try something different, like eating at night only. It's then a path made by walking! Much better IMHO than following someone else's rigid rules, and also allows you to be creative!
Re: Occam's razor
07 Jan 2014, 03:23
Good thread @PennyForthem

Australia (Radio National) has a radio program i often listen to called Occam's Razor. ... hamsrazor/ is the program.

very insightful

anyhows.. my principle..

Just because it is not a fast day, it is not an excuse to eat excessively on that day, and "make up for it" on the next fast day. Stick to the TDEE closely and it will work.

@jools.. good one!
Re: Occam's razor
07 Jan 2014, 03:27
Anyone can skip 4 meals a week and not starve.
Re: Occam's razor
07 Jan 2014, 10:32
Great thread Penny! Loving reading the replies!
Mine is,saying on fast and repair days, " You can have it tomorrow if you still want it..til then,THE KITCHEN IS CLOSED!"
Re: Occam's razor
07 Jan 2014, 10:39
Yes exactly what Candicemarie has said. If a fast day really does seem hard, just remind yourself that tomorrow you can eat again (or in my case I look forward to having milk in my coffee!)

Bean :sleepy:
Re: Occam's razor
07 Jan 2014, 10:40
What a great post! Adaptive management -listen to your body, it knows what it needs (apart from chocolate for breakfast, then it's lying!).
Also, I SHALL have milk in my tea. My fast. My rules!!
Re: Occam's razor
07 Jan 2014, 10:40
Plan your fast days, it helps.
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