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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Hello to everyone reading this thread. Before taking on this w.o.l any time I went away for 3/4 days I'd put on at least 6lbs.5-7 days(let's not go there :confused: )
December: My birthday/anniversary/Christmas....January:New Year/Mums birthday/Long weekend visit to my daughter .....Feb My sons birthday/Valentines. March 14-17th visit to daughter :confused: So far maximum weight gain has been 2kg but has descended to pre weekend/event weight in 2-3 days by FASTING/REDUCING. Yes I am turning into an obsessed :geek: in that I weigh and record my weight daily.I weigh and record my food and calories. Fast=300-500 Reduce=500-800 Normal=800-1200 Feast up to my TDEE currently 1750. BUT since this w.o.l.very rarely eat Bread/rice/pasta.Very rarely eat meat other than chicken-breast,very rarely eat cheese.(Therefore very rarely consume calories I allow myself on normal or feast days YAY :lol: DEC 1st 68.8k JAN 1st 66.6k FEB 1st 65.0k MAR 1st 63.1k Fri 14th Mar 61.9k :victory: Tues 18th 63.5k MY NEW TARGET?GOAL is to commence maintainence....and hopefully not surpass todays weight 10stone :grin: Hope this helps :clover: :heart:
Guitar1969 wrote: Well I never reached target but was very close (lost 73 lbs with about 15 more to go), and had planned to not try to lose over the holidays(Thanksgiving and Xmas) but unfortunately could not get back on track after and got into some bad habits on feed days and now I have gained about 25 lbs back. I have fasted 2-3 days per week still, but its the feeding days that really do me in. Previously I was pretty strict about my feeding days diet(watching bad carbs) but have realized that what you eat on those days is very important, and just fasting days alone doesn't work for me. The sad part is, I have tried to get back on track, doing what I did before, and it doesn't seem to be effective so I am worried I might have messed up my metabolism in all of this and need to reset it.
i am the type of person that needs to see som positive results early on, or I get discouraged. I am fasting today (after a bad weekend) and am trying to drink more water than usually to see if I can jump start my weight loss again.

hi @Guitar1969 It is good to see you back as I notice you have had a spell without posting, not so good to hear that what worked for you before doesn't seem to be so effective now. I think firstly, if you have lost 73 and regained 25 that is still a net loss of nearly 50 pounds which is a fantastic achievement. Think about where you were a year ago and how much better off you are now. Get out the old trousers and really acknowledge how much you have changed. Secondly, if what you are doing isn't working, maybe look for something else to try. I don't myself like to restrict my feast days, but just for the sake of information maybe record everything you eat for a week and see what your calorie intake actually is. Maybe there are some things that are adding up to a lot that could be cut out without too much pain, or some simple substitutions that could help. Thirdly, maybe look at your goals. You lost weight quickly at first, but the rate does tend to slow as we get slimmer. Are you trying to shake off the re-gained weight too quickly? You say you need to see positive results soon or you get discouraged. But when you are maintaining, you will have to do without positive results in the sense of seeing the scales go down. Maybe aim for a period of holding steady at the current weight, thinking of it as training for maintenance.
I think the advice about a buddy might be a good idea too.
Good luck, and don't give up. You have done so well, you can do this.
Franglaise wrote: I haven't fasted every week, but have gone back to 5:2 if I've gone up to 2kgs over target (57kgs).
My main advice would be to weigh in every day, and keep active. I do a lot of running, and also wear a Fitbit so I know how active I am each day and can eat accordingly...or not! If I have a cake, I skip lunch. If I eat a big lunch, I skip dinner or have a very light salad. And try not to drink too much wine and keep chocolate as a treat. You know your own weaknesses, so adapt your eating plan around those. But do weigh in regularly, it is much easier to lose 2lbs than 2 stone!

Good advise.

I particularly like the... change behaviour if you get over nn kilos (<- insert kg/pounds that you feel is the correct warning point). 2kg is a good one as 1kg may just be natural fluctuations.

and i love the concept of continuing to daily weigh. I guess the 2kg can creep up within a few days even so if one weighed weekly you may just no know.
I haven't quite reached maintenance, I was only 1.6k off from my target. I have taken just four days off the diet because of friends visiting (well I couldn't put them on the diet!) and managed to gain 600g. This means that I must be jolly careful when I do reach my target not to slip back into over eating/drinking. I think it might be so easy to do that.
I know it's going to be hard to take off what I've just put on too.... :confused:
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