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The Fishbaum wrote:
Juliana.Rivers wrote:
keep going ladies and gentlemen. Want to reach 500kg on Dec 25

well done!

Not sure if this has been said already but you are going to have a mighty fun Christmas Day collating all this...

Haha. i dont think its been said. but im secretly hoping we will get to the goal by say Dec 22. i start shopping usually about Dec 20.. despite what you might all think Im quite disorganised and Christmas seems to suddenly come down upon me.

My business stuff has a lot of christmas related activities so i should know better but they keep me too occupied to think of myself

Suspect i will post on say Dec 23 and then not again till about Dec 27.

Christmas in Australia is so hot and everyone is on holidays for at least 2 weeks or it feels that way so ill have to drag myself back to the keyboard the day after Boxing day.
Member 143 checking in.

Been going a week - using My Fitness Pal to keep a track of calories on non-fasting days too (not religiously, but just helps me to be sensible) and have lost 2.5 lb in a week, so I'm happy :grin:
Member 28 checking in, I wish I had good news but no, I am STILL the same weight, I'm beginning to think I am NEVER, EVER going to lose the last two kilos! But I'm trying again this week, I'm going to NOT bake anything until my husbands birthday on the 23rd, because I have done too much baking recently and I don't think having a house full of cake is helping me get to my xmas target!
Member #64 checking in. After last weeks disappointing gain this week I have lost 3lb!! and my BMI has turned yellow :grin: . I think last weeks measurements were a bit spurious for some reason.Happy that I have now contributed to the group loss :smile: I was thinking of changing my Christmas target but I am sticking with it for the time being - it wont be easy :bugeyes:
Nicky_94 wrote: Member 28 checking in, I wish I had good news but no, I am STILL the same weight, I'm beginning to think I am NEVER, EVER going to lose the last two kilos! But I'm trying again this week, I'm going to NOT bake anything until my husbands birthday on the 23rd, because I have done too much baking recently and I don't think having a house full of cake is helping me get to my xmas target!

Keep trying and be strong Nicky_94. You have lost 6.3kg since April and you should be absolutely thrilled about that achievement. The next 2kg may be harder to budge but from what the majority have shown here, it will happen, although maybe slowly. I notice in your sigmature 16:8 didn't work for you. What happened when you tried. I was also going to suggest throwing in an extra fast day in the next fortnight. even if its just the one time.

Yes and stay away from the cakes. If you love baking, try something thats relatively low cal. I do a great yoghurt slice which has yoghurt and cottage cheese. I can find the recipe for you if you like.
Juliana.Rivers wrote: I notice in your sigmature 16:8 didn't work for you. What happened when you tried. I was also going to suggest throwing in an extra fast day in the next fortnight. even if its just the one time.

Thanks for your support Juliana! The baking happened to 16/8 I think, I really love baking and we're trying to save money so I've been cooking more than usual and baking stuff for dessert and teatime, we usually buy biscuits and yoghurts etc for the kids and it doesn't tempt me so I don't eat it. I've been making mostly healthy no refined sugar stuff, but a little extra every day soon adds up! This week I'm going to stick to 5:2 and try to be sensible on feed days, and depending on results I'll try an extra fast day from next week all the way to christmas if needs be!
Member #124 checking in. Alas, that 100 grams I lost last week has come back to haunt me and I'm back up 100 grams. That said, I know I'm a bit ... *cough cough* :razz: backed up so once that unclogs, I'm sure I'll be back down on the scale.

Onward and downward I say!
My last fasting day was more than a week ago, plus I went interstate for four days (with daily buffet breakfasts and dinner out every night). However, the scales were kind yesterday and even better today. Since last weigh in on 8 November I have lost 200 gram and am only 100 gram off my initial goal (BEFORE joining the Christmas Club!). I have been eating low-carb though (except for wine and beer...) and I'll be back at the gym tomorrow and fasting on Thursday. But perhaps this mini-break has done me good in many ways.
Wmr309 wrote: My last fasting day was more than a week ago, plus I went interstate for four days (with daily buffet breakfasts and dinner out every night). However, the scales were kind yesterday and even better today. Since last weigh in on 8 November I have lost 200 gram and am only 100 gram off my initial goal (BEFORE joining the Christmas Club!). I have been eating low-carb though (except for wine and beer...) and I'll be back at the gym tomorrow and fasting on Thursday. But perhaps this mini-break has done me good in many ways.

Maybe its the "famine effect" we are experiencing. i was eating last 2 days and still lost.. not sure.. science people please come in.

why do we lose weight even when we are not fasting. ?
How do I join the Christmas club???
Rubbish for 85! Despite my low carb, and naff running efforts this week, I have stalled completely.
This week I am trying three days of fasting and not worrying about what I eat in between. Something has to work sometime soon!!
#15 is despondent. I thought I had gotten things moving again, but I was shocked at my weight this morning. I refuse to write it down. I didn't really fast properly last week, but my weight then was fine. It's after a weekend of eating and running my fastest 10k ever that I'm having trouble. I'm going to say it's water weight due to muscle repair and give myself a little break before weighing again...
JennyNotCraig wrote: How do I join the Christmas club???

Consider yourself joined JennyNotCraig. Member 149'

whoohooo only 1 off the magic 150 members ive been seeking

love your name JennynotCraig!
Yay! Thank you. Happy to be a member.

Started 19th Nov
Start weight 65kg
Goal for Dec 25th: 62kg
My method: 5:2
Member 119 reporting for duty. Better news today, back down to 9st 7lb. I didn't stick to 500 cals yesterday, I must have consumed at least 800 but still lost the weight. I hope that I can manage two fasts this week without messing up then it should be even better.
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