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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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There's a thread going on about buying expensive watches but i think that's a "waste of time" haha

on a more general note,

How do you reward yourself when you reach a mini weight loss goals? Tell us some of the rewards you Have or Plan to give yourself.

Just losing the weight is a reward in itself for me but maybe people "treat" themselves with objects, or travel, or something they would do for "themselves" that they wouldn't have done otherwise.
I agree losing the weight is a reward in itself Juliana! I do like to reward myself with new clothes as well - have promised myself a pair of Levi's 501s when I reach my target weight, hopefully before Christmas. :smile:
To be honest I reward myself with food and drink that I love. Is that silly? I know that the next day I can go back to eating normally or fasting so I don't see it as that bad.
Lil :heart:
Not silly at all. :-)
Like your thinking Lil!! Normally my reward would be food, a meal or something similar, but now I can have what I like, I don't feel the need quite so much.
However, I might treat myself to a nice massage when I hot my interim goal weight!
Being able to fit into the clothes on the left hand side of my closet will be the biggest reward for me. I'm a bit OCD and hang my clothes in order of fit and at the moment I'm using only a third of my wardrobe! :lol:
I bought 20 miracle noodles when I reached my goal! Its very expensive in Norway and I found a local importer so I 'stocked' up on it.

I have not thought of any rewards per se when I reach my ultimate goal though I want to finally fit into a 'Nyonya kebaya' which is the straights Chinese traditional suit that only looks good on skinny people. I will get it in July when I am back for a visit and hopefully I can maintain the weight loss til then!!
I've missed a trick here, as haven't done this, so perhaps I should get planning, as the interim target is approaching!
Wearing a bikini confidently on holiday was a massive reward, but not quite what you mean. Knowing you've got a treat coming up is a lovely idea and would be a good incentive on a tough day.
If I manage to stick to this long term and reach my goal I think my reward will be to go out shopping and buy all new clothes to fit. :)
I don't feel the need to reward myself. Feeling great and more confident, seeing the pride in how people I care about look at me is a big enough reward for me as being nearly at the same weight I was when I was 20, after years feeling ugly and being able to wear my favorite jacket, I couldn't wear for nearly 15 years. :cool:

But the biggest reward of all will be when I will go to my sister's house, ring at her door and watch her reaction when she will see me for the first time in 10 years..... :mean:
I'm afraid I've gone a bit clothes mad and I have to stop, given that I've lost nearly 2st but still nowhere near my target (another 3st to go) - it is just so nice to buy a 14 and not an 18/20! What WILL I be like if I get to a size 10?!?! Bankrupt, probably :-(
Hmm..., I don't really want to lose more weight, but I do want my body fat in the range of 10-13 %, as some kind of numeric value representing "being fit".

I haven't thought about rewarding myself to increase motivation, except I guess I actually do the obvious thing in rewarding myself with food and drinks at weekends. Clearly counterproductive of course, but I don't want to stop doing it since, well.., it keeps me track without having to feel like I'm denying myself too much while still losing fat at a modest rate.

But OK, I should figure out some kind of physical object I desire, to buy when I reach 13 %, something to use as a permanent symbol of an achievment, reminding me to stay fit and hopefully going regularly to the gym.

Don't really know what it would be though. An impressive status watch would be perfect, but I'm actually happy with my vintage swiss watch, not expensive at all but but I'm fond of it.

I should have waited buying those Crocket & Jones boots. Perhaps another pair of really expensive shoes, something from Gaziano & Girling, or perhaps some nice quality jacket for spring? Some really nice fitting shirts? Perhaps a classic fountain pen, a Parker 51 with a gold cap.
:heart: Yes I do mini goals. :heart:
mine are set at each stone I lose :heart:
1st stone lost = new hair cut + new style/length
2nd stone lost = new clothes. (as most were hanging off )
3rd stone lost = Spa day treat with massage + facial
I decide what each treat is going to be as I get closer to each stone.
As I got my 3 St loss last week my spa day is next week
I realistically don't believe I'll get another in this year as we've a holiday looming then Christmas so will be happy to wait I'm in no hurry because if a jobs worth doing its worth doing right :heart: :heart: :heart:
:clover: Sue. :clover:
A lovely traipse found the charity shops where I take a bag of stuff and cone back with a bag of (smaller) stuff :grin:
Do rewards increase or decrease motivation if you're already internally motivated?

Perhaps you risk losing interest in what you're already doing. I really don't know.
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