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Sorry I disappeared!
24 May 2016, 18:30
Well, it was hard to admit, but I had regained about 16 pounds of the 53 I had lost while fasting. And I was having a TERRIBLE time getting back to fasting. Even so, I was faring better than my DH, who regained about 40 of the 50 lbs he had lost fasting. And while he was always better at fasting than I was, he was having a really rough time too. When we did manage a proper fast during the day, we'd end up overeating at night. sigh.

So I've also been embarrassed to return because I joined weight watchers last month. I've been applying a lot of what I learned here to their new program, and I'm down 13 lbs in the past month or back to 50 lbs down from my high. To be fair, their program has changed a bit to make better nutritional sense. It used to be that a point was roughly 50 calories, but fiber lowered the point value of a food and fat increased the point cost of a food. Now, a point is still roughly 50 calories, but *protein* lowers the point value of a food, while sugar and saturated fat increases it. And sugar really increases it by a lot! A 150 calorie serving of ice cream costs 7 points, while a 150 calorie serving of chicken costs 2 points.

I really need the discipline of the tracker and the points, it seems. I try to apply fasting principles -- many days of the week I use only an eating window of say noon to 8pm or 1 to 9pm. I have almost completely eliminated snacking, and I've dramatically reduced my carbs (they cost a lot of points!!).

So my husband and I have our first romantic vacation as a couple, without our son, coming up in August. We're going to Paris alone. The longest we've ever gone away without him before is 1 night, so this is definitely something we are looking forward to. I've even booked a photographer so we can get some nice pictures taken. I'm hoping to lost another 20 pound by the end of August. I'm not sure if that's entirely doable, but I'm feeling a lot better about where I'm standing right now with regard to my weight.
Re: Sorry I disappeared!
24 May 2016, 19:42
Great to have you back Tracie. I've not been away as such but I've been kidding myself on that I'm still fasting. Twice a week I try to fast and's still the sugar. I want to feel as good as I did when I had l lost the weight in the first place. It was my birthday yesterday and I've got the week off work so next week I will be fasting properly - like I did when I first started fasting - strict 500 cal fasts twice a week and healthy eating the rest of the week. Good luck to you and OH.
Re: Sorry I disappeared!
24 May 2016, 20:14
Nice to hear from you again and good luck with the WW/fasting regime.
Re: Sorry I disappeared!
24 May 2016, 21:17
wildmissus wrote: Great to have you back Tracie. I've not been away as such but I've been kidding myself on that I'm still fasting. Twice a week I try to fast and's still the sugar. I want to feel as good as I did when I had l lost the weight in the first place. It was my birthday yesterday and I've got the week off work so next week I will be fasting properly - like I did when I first started fasting - strict 500 cal fasts twice a week and healthy eating the rest of the week. Good luck to you and OH.

Happy Birthday to you!! And good luck to you as well with the fasting and healthy eating :-)

Yes, sugar is a big downfall for me as well. But when I see that something like a croissant costs 11 points, or I can have this big pile of food for those same 11 points, it's getting easier to make the right decision. >.< I'm hoping that I can break some of my terrible habits. Apparently I can't be trusted with free rein over my eating.
Re: Sorry I disappeared!
24 May 2016, 21:18
barbarita wrote: Nice to hear from you again and good luck with the WW/fasting regime.

Thanks so much Barbarita!
Re: Sorry I disappeared!
25 May 2016, 05:10
Welcome back ! :dance:

More power to you if you have found the combination that works for you. Who cares if you mix and match 5:2 with WW as long as you are feeling good with it.

My failed fasts of the past few weeks have been exactly the same as yours, dinner, well after dinner, was my downfall. And, as far as I am concerned, I always found excellent excuses and the next fast would go the same road. I don't know for you but I find reassuring to have a kind of routine, it's more about feeling good that losing weight.
Re: Sorry I disappeared!
25 May 2016, 06:18
Hi Tracie, I have a few friends doing Slimming World and Weight Watchers (not fasters) and it does seem that both organisations are moving away from the"all calories are equal" rubbish, still often repeated in the media. ...I should think it would be good to combine the two methods until you reach maintenance then be strict about at least one proper fast per week. I am now the same proportion and weight as when I was 16 which is so great - all thanks to 5:2 as I was very gradually expanding. ....To maintain, I often just see how I feel on the day then do 1 or 2 proper fasts or have a really early normal breakfast and a late dinner one day, or if I am really busy just miss a dinner, not something I would have ever considered in the past! As long as I keep drinking water - my new favourite is spring water with lemon rind grated in as well as the rest of the lemon sliced up with a fizzy vit C tablet thrown in ' I find its very do-able. Paris! How lovely. My husband and I are going in June, also went last November. ...We walked everywhere, it's quite small really and easy to get around, great for getting the 10, 000 steps in, if you do that. Have a great time....still a bit of a technophobe on this site, should have send this to you as private message but I have written it all now hence the tag - [/tag]
Re: Sorry I disappeared!
25 May 2016, 06:26
Damn! I thought tapping the tag option would tag the other person in, not just print [tag] at the end! I really must devote some time to learning how to message properly ....I don't do any social media stuff so I am a bit behind
Re: Sorry I disappeared!
25 May 2016, 07:41
Hi @jlmid, to tag someone you have to be in Post a Reply, not Post a Quick Reply. When you get to the point in your message where you want to tag, click the Tag button and type the user name between the ] and the [ then click after the final ] and carry on with your message. If you Preview you can see if it has come out right.
Re: Sorry I disappeared!
25 May 2016, 09:59
Welcome back @Tracyknits. :clover: :clover:
Re: Sorry I disappeared!
25 May 2016, 11:29
Thanks @Manderley, @JL.mid and @GrannieAnnie

Manderley, I totally agree about routine - it's so helpful. And having to go get weighed somewhere else in front of other people every week is definitely motivating >.<

Thanks JL.mid! I love Paris! We've just never been without our son. I do track steps with my fitbit and have been known to get 20K in a day in Paris, with many, may flights of stairs in. There's always more stairs in Paris LOL I love fizzy water, and I'm able to get all sorts of flavored fizzy water here with no sugar, no artificial sweetener or anything added. My favorites are grapefruit essence and black cherry essence. But yours with the lemon is also really nice when I want to take a few minutes and be nice to myself :-) I hope you have fun in Paris next month!
Re: Sorry I disappeared!
25 May 2016, 15:14
Welcome back @tracieknits! I'm so glad you didn't stay away for good...I don't like members going AWOL!

Interesting what you say about the effect of sugar on you. I've been reading a bit about this and it looks like for some people (most? all?) sugar acts on the brain much like a dose of cocaine. And several articles have pointed out that the idea of cutting down on sugar probably won't work for these people because, after all, you would not say to a cocaine addict to "cut down" on coke would you? It seems that for many of accepting that we are suffering from addiction and thus abstaining completely might be the only answer :-(

I thought that I would never be able to give up cake and sweet things but now I find it no problem to restrict myself to a tiny portion of very dark chocolate. When I do indulge in cake, I generally find it disappointing. So, take heart, it can be done and it looks like the new WW system could be a big help for you in that.

Here's a good article explaining how sugar affects the brain: ... and-drugs/

Don't you go missing again, you hear? :-D
Re: Sorry I disappeared!
25 May 2016, 17:07
Paris sounds like a great incentive to stay on the straight and narrow. How lovely!
I have a couple of friends on Weight Watchers and the new plan seems much better. So go with whatever works for you!
I'm currently in a sugar/carb phase, and it's showing on my tracker! I know sometimes if I can cut down a lot , I no longer want it, but I'm not in the right headspace at the moment.
Good luck!
Re: Sorry I disappeared!
25 May 2016, 21:11
Thanks Carorees and @Annurca!

Yes, Paris and the photographer we hired has been incredible incentive!! I recently found a purchased a large Eiffel Tower (over 2 feet tall!!) and it's on a high shelf in my kitchen, watching me LOL

I've been doing so much better with sugar. I think the fresh fruit is helping -- @Carorees, do you think fresh fruit is a problem from a carb and sugar standpoint? Because I've been eating a lot more.
Re: Sorry I disappeared!
26 May 2016, 06:50
How lovely to hear from you Tracie @Tracieknits! I think there are a few of us who have gained a bit having given up on fasting for a while - and now we're slowly edging our way back! :wink:
I'm like you, although I have bean doing Slimming World for almost a year now. I've lost 1 stone and a half and am now at my lowest but lately I seem to be overeating on bad stuff like chocolate and cereal (my two biggest vices) and the weight is slowly creeping up again - despite the fact that I really don't want it too! (Crazy woman!)
What is it about a good fast all day and then the overeating in the evening? Caroline @Carorees? do you have any advice on this? Is it better to go without anything on a fast day - to avoid the sudden urge to want to eat the contents of the cupboard? How can we overcome this?
Anyway, I think its terrific that you've managed to lose so much again Tracie. WW is certainly working for you isn't it. Well done. It must help having Paris to look forward to too - and without your son? Blimey Charlie!!
Good to have you back!
Bean xx
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