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Stepping back for a while...
25 May 2014, 08:31
I am sad in writing this post, but I hope you'll all understand...

I'm going to take a step back from doing the 5:2 diet for a while due to a big combination of things,

1. Hubby is on the prospect of getting a new job, but it might mean we have to pack up and move again, which is already starting to get me stressed as we're just getting into a rhythm here with Sofia getting (hopefully) in to our first choice nursery and me making friends,

2. Sofia her self is getting worse with her behavior which is making me stress eat all kinds of rubbish I've been avoiding, seeing some one from banardos soon hopefully so might be able to get help there,

and finally, 3. Roughly 2 days after I said I was diabetic on here, my blood sugars started going mad, no explanation, just started going from incredibly high to low, so after doctors did tests and didn't find anything, I asked if could be from me doing the 5:2, one doctor said yes, the other said no, since my bloods were a tad calmer on fast days, but I've decided that my health is more important than fasting so am not going to do it for a while to see if my blood sugars do calm down more.
If they do calm more, then I've been an idiot doing this WOL as a type 1 diabetic, if they don't then I'm coming back to it with a vengeance as I really enjoy it and I was doing so well (3/4 of a stone lost!)

As you can see, a lot of rubbish going on atm to get me out of the fasting mind set!

I'm going to miss everyone on here while I figure out the bumps in my life as you're all lovely, mad and so so damn supportive you could hold up a bridge! I'll try keep you updated on how I'm doing as often as I can, but fingers crossed, i'll be back!
DH I'm so sorry about all of your "bumps" let's hope that everything gets smoothed over pretty dam quick. But check out the fasting with medical conditions on the way out of the door, just to make sure!
Take care
@DragonsHeart sending you a big hug. Hope you get thinks sorted. Sometimes you just need a step back and reassess. We will be here even if you just want to come here for a chat or a scream or a moan. Good luck and let us know how you're doing :clover: :smile: xx
Sorry to hear how stressful your life is at the moment but please keep in touch, we can still support folk whether they fast or not so, pop in and say hello and keep us updated. Good luck

Ballerina x :heart:
Yes just because you stop fasting doesn't mean you have to disappear from the forum entirely. Why not keep up your presence on here, I'm sure it will help lighten your load, until things get sorted. Good luck and don't forget about us.
Still call by if you can DH or we' ll miss you x
hold onto that weight loss if you can,maintain as best you can til things get more sorted for you. Damage limitation is always useful and as a lifelong all or nothing yoyo diet girl, i am finding this a very good concept to embrace. Just hold on in til the future is more assured of whats going on in your lives. Keep us posted! :like:
You're definitely not alone Dragonsheart. Hope you'll pop in now and again and not lose touch altogether.

All the best.

Bean :heart:
Sorry to read this @DragonsHeart Probably the right decision for now to sort out your sugar problems you just do the best you can regarding your eating habits
try to keep up your new healthy eating lifestyle that you found with this WOL until you can return to fasting.
Good. Luck with everything and no need to be a stranger to forum life.
:clover: :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover:
Your health is more important so you need to concentrate on that & your other "bumps" right now but you can still be a part of the forum.

Over the last 16 months I've gone through periods of stopping this WOE & times when it's been a hard slog but even when I've not been posting & only lurking - I've always found this forum really helpful & supportive - even when they didn't know I was there lol

Good luck with everything :clover:
Oh sweetie - sorry to hear you have so much going on at the moment - it must feel overwhelming, so no wonder you are stepping back.

You are a great forum member & I would like to think that you know you are among friends here - so don't be a stranger.....even if you just drop in to see what's going on from time to time...or to sound off.

I do hope things will get resolved quickly for you - because we'll miss you loads.

Look after yourself and try not to worry too much, because things have a habit of resolving themselves, plus stress is not good for you at all.

Take good care of yourself :heart: xx

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
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