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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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And......she's back!!!

Loving the fighting talk, Kel - that's just what we wanted to hear! Well done you for grasping the nettle - I don't think anyone here underestimates how tough it can be at times.....but that is clearly where the forum comes in, bless it!!

Will look forward to following your progress - from what you have written, you are clearly made of strong stuff, so here's another opportunity for you to shine, on your own terms and for yourself - just like you've done before.

You go girl!!!! We are all there with you xx

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
I'm in Spain, Melbourne is probably much nicer though, maybe I should have a rethink :)
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Oh I don't know... Spain is lovely!! :smile:

Thank you @justdee

... See what I did there?? :grin:
YOU are the most important person in the world.
YOU control your own destiny.
OTHERS (at times) are too full of themselves
and will never notice other people.
Live life to the full,
enjoy the dance on the way.
Hi there kel!
You see, you are strong and can do whatever you put your mind to, including losing weight. We are like you, came over here and made a life for ourselves and have worked hard to make it a good one.
When it comes to weight, you can only do it for yourself as everyone else has said. Candicemarie summed it up perfectly. I don't expect anyone to notice, nor care! In my work uniform I am just a baggy lump. So much so that when I go to the canteen no one notices me!! Good!!!
I have been stop and start which has been frustrating, but I only have myself to blame! I read minimum's maintenance post a little while ago and gosh, is she inspiring! Maybe read some of those, look at Moogie and Carorees avatars to see what you can do whenever you feel down. Plan what you want to eat tomorrow as I find I never feel like it. AND, plan a meet up with all the other lovely Melbourne ladies, sassy1, Maggiiee for a compare!!

Good luck!

Here is the fitbit one: ... B0095PZHYU

it's a pedometer, it counts the stairs climbed in a day, calculates your calories burned, has a great website where you can track water, calories eaten and other fun stuff. It's been a great motivator for me. For my first week, I realized I was a total slug, getting in only 5k steps most days. They suggest increasing your daily steps by 500 once per week (going 5k to 10K per day is not recommended). I did it slowly and gradually and am now getting in 10K steps every day. I have a great handle on what my TDEE is on any given day and can choose whether or not I want a calorie deficit. This way I'm also not accidentally waaaay overindulging :-)

I highly recommend it, if it's not outside of your budget. Hubby and I got them for each other as birthday presents :-)
Kelkel just impress yourself and the rest will fall into place. The compliments will come but measurements, knowing your are achieving your fasts and just keeping on keeping on one fast day at a time should do it again for you. I agree it is hard to slip back but many of us have done it just get back on that 5:2 wagon girl, just do it you know you can
The population of Struggle Town has grown by one more citizen! (Directed from the daily fast thread. thanks)

Trying to figure out why I'm having trouble getting started again. It's a few things... First the extended holiday 'mood'; from Christmas to New Year to Chinese New Year - it's one long w00t with food everywhere/multiple special meals for over a month! I was eating 80% of TDEE on non-fast days, but that's out the window at the moment too.

Then there is the temperature. It's relatively cold at the moment (down to 10C at times) and we don't have any kind of central heating. It's as if my body needs that extra food to beat the cold, but my brain is having a hard time telling it "no".

Even exercising at home is difficult to get back in to. Easily to wrap yourself in the duvet than shiver on the treadmill. I've ordered Mosley's Fast Exercise to help give me boost in this aspect.

And then there's the work aspect.

I need to lose weight for many health reasons. So a healthier body is my main objective, hence the exercise too. But I don't have any shorter term goals to aim for. No holidays, special events, etc. in the coming year. So I feel like on a mental treadmill, just going around and around.

Okay, that's off my chest. Relax. Breathe.
Well we were at -17Celcius when we drove home this evening at 8pm - but at least we do have central heat :-)

Anyway, welcome to struggle town! I really think the pedometer idea is fantastic for anyone. Do you have any indoor shopping malls you can go to and walk around so you can stay warm while you exercise?
hi all, love the discussion.

I'd just like to add this for the sake of diversity - for me, and I'm probably weird! - actually drop the "probably", but I actually feel a fair bit happier if no-one notices - I'm now around the 2 stone mark (for those dinosaurs still living in the old days of imperial measurements - wait, that's me too! I can't use kilojoules yet, I still have to think in calories!), and the only people who have noticed have been people I have told I'm fasting (because I'm too excited to keep it to myself), but I guess I can expect that to change shortly, people WILL notice - and then they'll feel free to pass comments!

The reason I really dislike this is that everyone has their own agenda around food & weight loss - and I spend enough psychic energy already dealing with my own reactions, let alone theirs. I find it difficult to create a boundary (hmmm, one of the reasons I gained weight in the first place on a symbolic level!!) - and people DO feel free to say the most outrageous things. When I lost around 25 kg 10 years ago when I got diabetes (from pure fear that time!)some people would actually corner me at work and demand with menaces to know, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING????". I was actually then too polite (believe it or not) to tell them to get lost (or stronger) - maybe I am older and uglier, so I don't think I'd have so much problem with that these days - but it is harder with people who matter to me. I personally make it a policy NEVER to comment on people's size, either positively or negatively, so maybe your friends have the same idea, kelkelkelster? Just a thought.

Sooo, just to continue my discussion one more step, I'm starting to think up strategies before people do begin to comment - last time I thought I'd get a lapel badge that said,"I am currently changing shape. Please do NOT feel free to comment on this amazing fact". Or something else? Or am I over-thinking it? And since I am now 11-and-a-half years older, will I not have to worry because middle-aged women are generally invisible? Would I feel perversely upset if NOBODY said anything?

I have to admit it has actually been one of the things that has somewhat prevented me from trying to lose weight til now. Any suggestions??

Sorry to hijack the thread a bit!
Just to let you all know I'm nearly at my evening meal at the end of a...



Thanks for all your support. I feel like I'm back in the game!
Well done kel!! I wish I was at the end! just trying to keep my mind off all the nibbles in my desk drawer! including a jar of cacao and peanut butter spread I discovered yesterday,

Interesting one jools7 and I would have to agree with you, I think we may be around the same age re metric and not caring what people think. Or maybe I have developed a thick skin from working on a mine site! I also try not to comment, the 'are you pregnant, or just fat syndrome'!!! Like what I said to kel, do it for you, I don't really care if anyone notices me or not these days. As long as hubby notices, that's all that matters!
Standing by with the wet fish!
I'm sure you won't need it though (damn :) )
Lots of good advice and support here. Knowing that we're all rooting for you must make a difference.
I got no comments when I went back home either- not a soul noticed a thing! It seemed to take quite a bit and then folk really noticed and commented which was a lovely boost. However, I cannot let myself be defined by other people...
(think I might need the wet fish instead of you :D)
PS to tag, either go into the 'full editor' and there is a 'tag' button above the writing in box
or type without spaces this
[tag ]insert name[/tag ]
This is an extremely helpful thread for all of us finding it hard to get going again after Christmas. A big part of my own problem was that I love Christmas and generally feel a bit down in January. This forum gave me the incentive to start again to shift the Christmas gain.

Like @kelkelkelster I have been disappointed at times when people haven't noticed my nearly 30lbs loss but I did have a lovely boost recently. I met up with a friend from university whom I hadn't seen for about 30 years and she said that I was lucky to still be as slim as I had been then. :grin: Nice but a bit surprising as I was about 15lbs lighter than I am now when I last saw her!

Good luck to everyone in Struggle Town :like:
Great thread. This is the only place on this planet where you get free, instant and totally honest answers to your questions no matter how large or small. :heart:
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