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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Lots of fab advice given and some life style questions so I have nothing to add on that :like: :clover:

However, forget people not noticing. Like others, it took me 28lbs (2 stone) for people to notice. If you wear the same clothes as well, people get used to seeing you and that 'vision' is cast in the brain so they won't notice a few pounds loss.

Some might not like to say, are you loosing weight.

The most IMPORTANT thing is how YOU feel :smile: 5/2 has so many health benefits, feeling less tired, less hot just to name a couple of things.

Keep on the 5/2 wagon, you know it works. Then treat yourself to say a new top or skirt/trousers when you get smaller, you may find people notice as your confidence will start to grow and you carry yourself differently!

Good luck :like: :wink:
Great advice given by all!

I'm in struggle town too, fasting today after a failed one yesterday and really not happy about it!! I'm just hoping that I'll eventually settle into it a bit better. For me I think I can cope whilst I'm working but not at home so that's one strategy!!

Good luck anyway-you will get there! And ignore the fact that no one has noticed! It'll come!!
Hi @kelkelkelster.

Great thread! I am sure there are many of us that can associate with your feelings and are very grateful that you were brave enough to raise them. Thank you :) :)

Debs mentioned a Melbourne get-together. At least a couple of us are planning to meet in the city at 2.30pm Thurs 30 Jan - would love to see you there. I will start a new topic with details a bit closer to the time.

Congrats on the successful fast today - hopefully things are turning around for you now.

Very best wishes! :)
Dear @kelkelkelster I haven't read everyone's replies but I'm sure everyone is singing from the same hymn sheet. If you love food this is probably the only "diet" that will work for you. Well, you know it is, look at how much you lost when you started out! Don't worry about whether people comment on your weight loss or not as most people don't know whether they should say something or not as they don't want to offend...and anyway you need to do this for you and no one else.

The good thing about this WOE is that you can adapt it any way you choose, just to suit you. For example, I can't exercise (well, a bit of yoga daily if I can) and I think I have the slowest metabolism on the planet. So instead of 5:2 I am giving the Every Other Day diet a go. I think I've lost nearly 3lbs this first week alone (although my scales are currently in Groundhog Day mode switching up and down one pound each day :) )

What you MUST say to yourself on fast days is..."I can eat what I want tomorrow" so if there are temptations at work...can you save it for tomorrow? Don't give CAN do it!

Bean :wink:
Couple of things, have you started wearing smaller clothes since you lost the weight or are you still wearing what you did? That could make a difference in people saying something.

Also, sometimes I think people feel uncomfortable saying something, especially if they are not sure if you lost weight or not. And sometimes it's a blessing. Sometimes when they say stuff it doesn't come out right. It makes you feel like you were REALLY huge before!

Just keep doing it for yourself and eventually people will notice. As far as fasting, get back into it gradually if you have to. Fast one day and then add the other day. It's tough getting back into our normal routines after the holidays, but you'll get there!
If someone could bottle all this positivity, we'd conquer the world.
But we are the lucky ones, having this wealth of support.
Success to everyone in 2014.
Hope all these great supportive posts have re-motivated you Kel and you are mentally back 'in the groove'. As others have said, I think many people are wary of commenting on someone's weight loss in case they feel it implies they were fat before! Catch 22 situation! But do it for yourself, for your own health and self esteem and keep posting to let us know how you are doing!
Well I was fighting against sticking my head in the fridge until I re read this thread. What is true for kel was true for me today!
I lost 3.5 stones and only then did people start to notice, I was also surprised that after a stone and then a couple of stones still nothing said.....maybe you hide your weight well
I'd love to meet you all but unfortunately I work week days :frown:
Hope you all have a good time though!

How has everyone else that was in Struggletown last week coped since?

I am doing my first fast since my wobble, and going strong. Really feeling that slow and steady wins the race. That's what I'm trying to keep in my mind.

Thank you again for everyone's help and advice last week, I've taken so much of it on board and it's helped me with my refreshed approach and motivation.

Thank you thank you thank you!! :heart:
Well you're doing better than me so far, so well done and get back on that horse!!!
And another thing which may have already been said. We have to change the way we think about this 'diet'. It really isn't a diet that you can do until you lose a certain amount of weight and then go back to 'normal'eating. Even when and if I get to a healthy weight, I know I have to keep fasting at least one day a week. I will do it for the good of my health. This is my life now. The other alternatives don't work for me. I adore food and cooking and this is why I choose this way of eating.
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