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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Sue.Q ♥ 51 weeks ago.
07 Apr 2014, 09:12
Well next week is my Fastiversary

(won't tag at bottom of page @moogie+@carorees)
:heart: :heart:
51 weeks ago I'd just read a comment in Mimi Spencer's weekly column as she mentioned 5:2 saying "diet" for two days each week and I thought I can do that 2 out of 7 easy.
Having just given up on dieting and resigned myself to an early grave I cleared out all my smaller sized clothes and footwear that no longer fit me all to charity, at this point I was in a very bad+dark place especially my oedema which had reached severe stage only able to wear gents sandals and we'd got bad snow hence I was almost housebound and very depressed.
Read that column sent for the book on the Monday it came on the Wed/Thurs I read it over a couple of days and as I'd got a day at home alone got stuck right in decided on small lunch and full evening meal, so morning drinks only went for a short walk came back with the intention of having lunch but I wasn't hungry at all, miracle because I thought I'd die from hunger, and for the first time in my life I listened to my body, what I hadn't realised it then but my walk was acting as a suppressant so I skipped my lunch went to have a long soak in the bath then prepare evening meal this I did 2 courses because I'd made the soup for lunch, and did OH a pudd, because it had gone extremely well for me on my trial day I actually did the next day also then one more in the week=4:3 I didn't even know this existed, then because I did eat whatever I wanted on all my normal days at the end of week one I'd got what I thought a small loss went on to week two with the same routine another loss,
About 2 weeks later after googling 5:2 I found this forum
The rest is history as they say I've actually learned far more from this forum than I ever took in reading the book and because you're surrounded by like minded people who've been doing 5:2 for quite sometime their knowledge is and was so inspiring and extremely helpful, I started to lose weight quicker because I'd read on here that carbs make you retain water and reducing may help, which I quickly put into action by doing all other days 16:8 cutting both calories and carbs in breakfast cereals, also dropping the bread from my lunchtime sandwich the result was and is absolutely amazing, now as my Fastiversary approaches I'm a totally different person and in a great place mentally, physically and far more healthier all because of all the lovely members on this amazing forum far to many to name and obviously moogie for having the foresight to see a need in society and carorees for all her medical knowledge and nerdy stuff.
At the close of last year 8 month in I'd lost 50 lbs which made it half way through my journey, unfortunately my body has been rebelling and maybe a very long plateau!! I'm fine with this because it gives my saggy skin time to pull back. Lol
Also as the average weightloss is 1lb per week my losses are bang on the average ish, and yes I'm still learning having read carorees advice to Debs last week I'm trying something different because "mixing" it up all last year worked very well for me as my poor body had no idea what was coming next.
Thank-you to all of you for your help and encouragement along my very enjoyable weightloss journey and yes onwards and downwards for the other 50lbs.
Re: Sue.Q ♥ 51 weeks ago.
07 Apr 2014, 09:24
Smashing Sue.
Hooray, for 5.2 and this forum.......
I'd like yo take hold of your hand and walk the rest of your journey at your side. You're always there for us when we need it. :heart:

I know you are not looking for compliments but you are such a lovely person. Amongst a sea of other lovely persons here.

Hope you don't mind but....
Still makes me giggle when I imagine you out in the snow in mans sandals. :confused:
Re: Sue.Q ♥ 51 weeks ago.
07 Apr 2014, 09:52
Fantastic post @Sue.Q :like: :like: :heart: :heart:
You :star: are an absolute star! :star: xx
Re: Sue.Q ♥ 51 weeks ago.
07 Apr 2014, 10:59
Congratulations, SueQ. You are an inspiration to others. Keep up the good work and all the very best of luck shifting the next 50lbs.
Re: Sue.Q ♥ 51 weeks ago.
07 Apr 2014, 11:06
Re: Sue.Q ♥ 51 weeks ago.
07 Apr 2014, 11:14
Congratulations and well done :like: :clover: :clover: :clover:
Re: Sue.Q ♥ 51 weeks ago.
07 Apr 2014, 11:26
Well done that girl, I'm sure your body will start to let go of the weight again some time soon. This forum is fantastic and it is people like you, and LOADS of others, that make it a special place. :victory:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Sue.Q ♥ 51 weeks ago.
07 Apr 2014, 11:30
How brilliant a piece, inspiring and heartfelt, all the things you are to us too {{{+}}}
Let's keep doing this and live forever :0)
Re: Sue.Q ♥ 51 weeks ago.
07 Apr 2014, 11:36
Thank you for your post SueQ you are an inspiration. 21kg gone, how amazing. :heart: :smile:
Re: Sue.Q ♥ 51 weeks ago.
07 Apr 2014, 11:42
Well done Sue, you are amazing with what you have achieved thus far and I wish you all the best for thenext part of your journey. I am sure that plateaus have much to teach us, as we all journey on. Real bother to keep up one's spirits but I like your style and spirit, again setting an example which inspires. Your generous support to others is also much appreciated. You are a :star: :clover: :heart: and you write well too
Re: Sue.Q ♥ 51 weeks ago.
07 Apr 2014, 12:47
Hey there Sue.Q, I am so impressed that you have persevered so hard and for so long. I know it is frustrating, plateauing now but 50lbs is very impressive and you must feel so much better for it.
We'll follow carorees's advice and fast for victory!! ,
Re: Sue.Q ♥ 51 weeks ago.
07 Apr 2014, 12:58
Wishing you all the best for the next 51 weeks Sue. Hope you reach your goal. Your determination and positivity is inspirational.
Re: Sue.Q ♥ 51 weeks ago.
07 Apr 2014, 13:03
Congrats for your journey so far, and good luck for the future!!
Re: Sue.Q ♥ 51 weeks ago.
07 Apr 2014, 13:41
Thanks for the lovely post, Sue, I'm full of admiration. I feel sure you can eventually reach your goal, you have such determined attitude.

:clover: :clover: :clover:
Re: Sue.Q ♥ 51 weeks ago.
07 Apr 2014, 13:47
Well, what can I say that hasn't already been said? Thank you for being there for me (like you have for so many others) when I needed to be dragged along this bumpy road. You are a true inspiration and I for one am so so pleased you are part of this forum. You have done amazingly well so far but you don't need us to tell you that, you must be so very proud of what you have achieved and so you should be. Good luck as you continue hun, just imagine the post you will be writing this time next year xxx May the next 50lbs leave you as easily as the first xxx :clover: :clover: :clover: :heart:
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