I notice a huge variation in people's target weight/BMI etc. I wonder if there is some magic figure to aim for that is a natural weight for person so no need to keep on diet? Up to time of having two children in my 30's, I was the same weight. I never regained that figure especially after last child when put on lot more weight during pregnancy. I have never really tried to shift the extra weight. Or does age have to be factored in? the infamous middle age spread and a maybe a slowing of metabolism?
I would like to think of achieving a certain weight and then to maintain without having to return to fasting save occasionally such as after a holiday/lot of celebratory meals. Or will it always be a battle? Is there some magic to the fast day that cannot be achieved by trimming down those unconsumed calories from each regular day? The more work we put into achieving our goal, surely will make us more dedicated about not going back up the scales?

I would like to think of achieving a certain weight and then to maintain without having to return to fasting save occasionally such as after a holiday/lot of celebratory meals. Or will it always be a battle? Is there some magic to the fast day that cannot be achieved by trimming down those unconsumed calories from each regular day? The more work we put into achieving our goal, surely will make us more dedicated about not going back up the scales?