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Would you like the forum to have an official weigh day?

Yes, once a month
Yes, every two weeks
Yes, some other time period
No thanks
Total votes : 113

Official forum weigh day?
14 Feb 2013, 12:13
Hi all

I was thinking about whether it might be an idea to have an 'official' weigh in day perhaps once a month? We could enter our progress on a weigh-in thread and at the same time update the progress tracker. By having the official weigh-in fairly infrequently it may help those of us who, like me, are constantly tempted to jump on the scales and then are disappointed not to have lost anything.

So, I've set up a poll to see what you all think...
Re: Official forum weigh day?
14 Feb 2013, 12:22
Love that Caroline, 50% each for month and two weeks with only 2 votes so far. I really don't mind which as I think it is a great idea. Shall look to see again how votes going.
Re: Official forum weigh day?
14 Feb 2013, 13:17
I like this idea too. I was thinking of just registering my weight either every 2 or 4 weeks.
I think it would give us a more realistic idea of how we are doing.
That doesn't mean to say I won't weigh myself in between of course.!
Re: Official forum weigh day?
14 Feb 2013, 13:27
I'm sure many people would weigh in between the official weigh in but for myself I find that if I weigh before my personal official weigh day, mentally I don't count it as being 'real'. Hopefully, then, having an official weigh day on the forum would help people not to mind about weight changes between the official day and with a long-enough gap between the official days, everyone who is wanting to lose weight will see a decrease each time.

Does that makes sense? I reread it and thought it might be gibberish!
Re: Official forum weigh day?
14 Feb 2013, 13:33
Your gibbering makes perfect sense to me. Lol.
Re: Official forum weigh day?
14 Feb 2013, 19:33
I'll join in with an official weigh day, but I'll still update my stats once a week anyway! :lol:
Re: Official forum weigh day?
14 Feb 2013, 21:15
Now i've read your 'gibberish' I've changed my mind! Initially I thought 'No!' but then again if the scales aren't kind one week.......... So I'll vote yes for a monthly weigh in!
Re: Official forum weigh day?
14 Feb 2013, 21:21
Fantastic idea Caroline. I think it will suit me quite well as I'm probably going to be a slow loser (about 3 lbs in about 3 weeks so far). I've voted for fortnight but would be very willing to do it monthly if that's what the majority plump for
Re: Official forum weigh day?
14 Feb 2013, 21:27
Ooh it's neck and neck!

I allowed people to change their vote cos I thought there might be some debate in this thread so folks might change their minds.

Not enough votes yet though. Let's aim to decide before 1st March...that gives 2 weeks for us to poll a reasonable number of members.
Re: Official forum weigh day?
14 Feb 2013, 23:02
I honestly don't care if it's two weeks or one month :-) But I think a forum weigh in is a fun idea :-)
Re: Official forum weigh day?
15 Feb 2013, 01:10
Hi Caroline, good idea to see what others think about a weigh-in day. I voted for monthly, as this is my first week and by March I hope to have lost something!
Re: Official forum weigh day?
15 Feb 2013, 10:47
I voted for monthly as then we can see good progress. Sometimes it seems slow and like nothing is happening but this should encourage us.
Re: Official forum weigh day?
16 Feb 2013, 15:08
I'm doing a monthly official weight at the start of each month in stones and pounds, and a 'keep an eye on which way it's going' in kgs more frequently. The metric means little to me, being old, so I don't fuss about it, but it's good indicator of direction. I did check in imperial today as the kgs had dropped a lot this week, bound to go back up of course! Lost 10lbs this year so far. Woohoo!
Re: Official forum weigh day?
16 Feb 2013, 15:17
I changed my mind to a monthly official weigh in after saying no, but would still like to maintain my own weekly weigh in tracker.
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