I watched the Horizon programme last year and found it fascinating and spotted the book at WH Smith at Manchester Airport just over a week ago and so bought it !
I'm hoping this way of eating will work for me. I have been dieting pretty much constantly for about 8 years and nothing works anymore. It's probably an age thing.
There is a pattern to my dieting failures. I count calories and do weigh everything but lose weight very slowly indeed- about half a pound a week or less. I usually lose about 4 pounds over a period of about 9-10 weeks, then it's usually a holiday..Easter, Christmas, a trip away...I eat like a normal person during that time (ie; I don't go mental, I just don't diet) and then all the weight I took months to lose piles pack on plus a pound. I'm slowly getting fatter.
I use myfitnesspal and on a daily basis the data base tells me at the end of the day that 4 weeks down the line I will weigh 8 pounds less..but I never do.
I'm trying this 'cause nothing else has worked and I'm fed up. I did 2 fast days last week and am on fast day number 3.
I'm hoping this way of eating will work for me. I have been dieting pretty much constantly for about 8 years and nothing works anymore. It's probably an age thing.
There is a pattern to my dieting failures. I count calories and do weigh everything but lose weight very slowly indeed- about half a pound a week or less. I usually lose about 4 pounds over a period of about 9-10 weeks, then it's usually a holiday..Easter, Christmas, a trip away...I eat like a normal person during that time (ie; I don't go mental, I just don't diet) and then all the weight I took months to lose piles pack on plus a pound. I'm slowly getting fatter.
I use myfitnesspal and on a daily basis the data base tells me at the end of the day that 4 weeks down the line I will weigh 8 pounds less..but I never do.
I'm trying this 'cause nothing else has worked and I'm fed up. I did 2 fast days last week and am on fast day number 3.