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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

36 posts Page 1 of 3 marks another milestone on my 5:2 journey!

Having been appalled with myself starting at 86kg, I am delighted to be down to 69.8kg this morning. What a psychological boost seeing a 6 at the start of the scales again! Woohoo!

Apparently this also takes me down to 10.99stone, first time I've been under 11 stone since... oh around November 2010 (and even that was a fleeting visit to the weight ;)).

My BMI is now just under 26, nice to see the 25 for a change, almost healthy weight again!

My (initial) goal of 65kg looks so much more reachable now. I really didn't think I'd lose any weight this week, in fact I expected to gain. I fasted Mon/Wed last week due to Valentines Day. So, last week was really indulgent - pancakes on Tuesday, Valentine's dinner out (after having pancakes for lunch - leftover batter!), big dinner Friday, feast with friends (and snacking all night) on Saturday, unplanned dinner of chips on Sunday followed by Ben & Jerries... and yet another 1lb off. I can't believe it!

I don't eat like that every week, I guess we all have ones that end up a bit like that once in a while.

Strangely though my fat % seems to be back up a little bit this week. Well, maybe it's not so strange considering the way I ate over the last week ;) Nevermind, that'll balance out again I'm sure.

Maybe I will make a cake today afterall - all I could think about in bed last night was cupcakes with buttercream. No idea why, guess it's just been a while since I had cake (though plenty of choc & biccies!).
Well done Moogie!
Brilliant! You are an inspiration!
Well bl**dy done you Moogie ! I'm genuinely thrilled for you and hugely grateful for the inspiration. Hearing your story and that of the other long termers on the forum has really made an enormous difference to my usual mindset and approach. It's made me feel totally relaxed about looking at this as a long term approach and I have never felt like that before. I am going away in April for 3 weeks and I am fully aware that I will probably not be anywhere near my ideal weight by then BUT I will certainly be in much better shape that I was 4 weeks ago when I started this - and when a bit more of me returns from holiday (which will undoubtedly be the case)-I'll just pick up where I left off.I now feel safe in the knowledge that it will come off in the end.This, instead of going for something difficult to sustain, unrealistic and drastic in order to lose as much as possible in a shortest time achievable. This has never got me to the 'target' anyway-and whatever loss and more piled back on just as quick. Your results and those of the other great folk on this site are providing such great motivation-thanks again and congratulations !
Fabulous, well done. I understand your excitement. I think we all can't really believe this is happening. Targets are something I avoid, maybe wrongly? It's just setting yourself up to fail as in the past. Maybe I should be more positive and take the bull by the horns.
Delighted for you Moogie, and I think this news absolutely warrants your own thread.
Yes you are a major inspiration, and if it wasn't for you having set up this forum I would feel very much alone and not nearly as positive about the whole thing.
Well done girl, and thank you. X
Well done you. .. . . . brilliant. Even though I have only lost 2lbs in four weeks (!! and then not consistently, hey ho), you are an inspiration. I will stick with it as I have said on other threads previously. Something has to give at some point surely ?? lol Loving this forum as everyone is very friendly and there are huge amounts of information being shared that's for sure. xx
Fantastic.....with achievements like that you deserve to blow your own trumpet and we deserve to hear about it.
Fandabbydozie Moogie. Thats great news. I also had a bad week last week due to various events but hey we are all allowed one bad week.
Keep up the good work.
its nice when the first digit of your weight changes ....
mixing metric and imperial makes it happen more often :-)
Well done Moogie that's a fantastic result, I had the same excitement when I weighed 9st 13 this morning, first time I have been 9 something since my wedding day 6 years ago !! and then within a week I had gone back up to 10. Not going to let it go back up this time though 5:2 is the way forward.
Well done Moogie!

Also what a great week last week - all that lovely food and still a loss! You have got to love any WOE that lets that happen!
Well done moogie!

It's people like you posting that gives us all the inspiration to try this WOL.
Many thanks for all the hard work you & your team put in to making this such a great forum.
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