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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Hello, I have tried everything to lose some weight, now age 50 and ideally would like to get down to 10 stone, so one stone to loose, are there others like me that think this diet might be more difficult with age? I have done it now for a week and have lost 4Ibs which I am really pleased with, but realistically one pound a week loss, long term, would be fantastic!
Hi fionanaylor...I'm 53 and have dieted using WW and SW in the past, losing up to 3 pounds a week on extremely good weeks, whereas with 5:2 it's slower going so far...but I much prefer this way with the freedom to relax about food on 5 days of the week. Umm I will say that I have tried to be a little more careful to keep an eye on my calorie intakes on feast days as I think that initially I became a bit too greedy and possibly being in my 50's my body is less forgiving and less willing to relinquish the body fat? Good luck :
The progress tracker says yes if you look at the forum stats. However, I'm 53 and lost 1 kg per week for the first couple of months. It has slowed now to about 0.5 kg/week which is the forum average.
Hi Fionanaylor
I'm 57 ...6th fast tomorrow and so far have lost 6lbs in 2 weeks ....I had been on a calorie controlled diet for 4 weeks before going onto 5:2 and had already lost 6 lbs (12 in total) so had nt expected any big numbers on 5:2 .....amazed at 3 lbs per week....if I average a pound per week from here on in I will be delighted ...that could mean that by my birthday in August I could have another 2 stone off ....that just blows me away!!!!!!and I dont feel deprived guilty or any of the other negative feelings I have had on other diets!!!!!!
Hi Fiona,
I'm still fairly new to 5:2, just in my fourth week, but after battling for years with the traditional calorie/fat counting, this is definitely working better for me.

I'm 58 and for 6 weeks before starting this WoE, I'd been sticking religiously to 1400 calories a day, but still only managed to lose 4 lbs over the 6 week period. I know it definitely is harder to shift the weight since turning 50 and hormonal, but I've lost another 4 lbs in just 3 weeks on the Fast Diet, so I'm really happy with that.

Even if it does slow down though, it's just so much easier to stick to, not feeling deprived every day of the week, so hopefully it will work out much better in the longer term too.
I am 51 and over five weeks I have averaged just over .5kg a week. I am ecstatic as I spent the last year trying to loose weight and only ever increased. I have found that if I eat more on my non fast days, I loose more weight that week. However, my more seems to mean eating to my tdee as I was so used to eating to around 1500 calls rather than 2200.
It's definately harder/slower as you get older, I'm 54 end of this month, 4 years into the menopause, I'm just glad it's moving downwards. I feel so much better in myself...and it's easy doing 5:2
Thanks all, I have lost 4Ibs so far and its end of week 2, I am pleased with that and if it goes, even slowly, thats a result as far as I am concerned! Well done to all and thanks for the input, very encouraging! :-)
I am 69 and after years of dieting thought I would give 5:2 a go. It is really slow going for me, only a couple of pounds in 6 weeks i have also seen a gain but I feel my clothes are a better fit and so I am happy to continue. Anyone else in my age group having more success?
I have spoken to a friend about 5:2 and she took it on board and has lost lb,s but has a lot more to lose and is seeing great results.

I'll never be a model but I would like a normal BMI.
I have high BP which I have been on prescription medication for for years, and my cholesterol is rising so will keep an eye on both of these and hope that they both go down
It depends what you call old. I'm 55 and have been using IF for 2 years or more after reading Brad Pilon's Eat-Stop-Eat. When I turned 50 I had let myself go somewhat and
was over 15 stones wearing 36 waist trousers when I was in 34 waist in my 20s and 30s.

I had tried lots of cardio at the gym and it was boring and not very productive.
IF in it's various forms I have found excellent. I use it to maintain a weight between
14 stones and 14 stone 7 lb which is what I was in my 30s and keep fit with kettlebell and bodyweight exercises so don't need the gym membership any more. No 36 inch trousers either.

When I saw the Horizon Michael Mosely programme he had been researching it for it's health benefits and life extension possibilities. I confess that I had been doing it to get back to my old shape and fitness but being healthier is an added bonus. Win win.

Now 1 or 2 days a week I fast, usually from waking until 5pm, and other days we eat what most people would consider a healthy diet. Plenty of fresh fruit and veg, meat and fish and go easy on the bread and cakes. If I splurge on fish and chips or a pizza I'll probably fast the following day. It works for me. If I want to drop some body fat for a holiday or post Christmas splurge being a bit more vigilant I can drop 7 lbs in a couple of weeks quite easily.

When I started I thought hunger would be an issue and the first couple of attempts it was but my body soon adapted and a few large glasses of water or various cups of black coffee or herbal teas stave off the worst effects.

I recommend it highly whatever your age and there should be good results if you stick with it. Experiment and find what works for you since we're all individuals.
Hi fionanaylor. I'm 57. I've lost 11lb since 8th January. The way I see it is this. I've been on this for 8 weeks, so that's the equivalent of 16 days of restricting what I eat out of a possible 56.So 11lb lost in 16 days is pretty good going if you ask me :lol: Don't be discouraged if you don't lose like you might on other diets -other diets don't let you have 5 days a week off :P
I'm 60 and down 11lbs in 2 months and hoping this trend continues 'cos there's another 20lbs to go!
Hi! I'm 64 next week and in five weeks on 5:2, one of which was non-fasting because we were away, I have lost 10 and 3/4 pounds. My husband, who is 65 next week, has lost 10 and 1/2 pounds. On non-fasting days we are eating what 'normal' people would eat, rather than what we would 'normally' eat, so too many cakes, biscuits and puddings have disappeared from our diet, although we still have enough to keep us happy!
Hi I am 64 and lost 2 pounds in the first week my next weight check is Sunday, what I am looking forward to is when I next have my blood test for cholesterol and a B.P. checked at doctors, as I am on tablets for both , it will be interesting if there will be any change
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