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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I struggle to eat 2000 cals on these days. I roughly count cals in my head but don't really get above 1500 calls (a little bit of fear I think of putting on weight, got to get the diet word out of my head).
To days food - no breakfast (have not eaten breakfast for a long time)
Lunch - beef paste sandwich
Pk crisps
Snack - 2 homemade buns (baked today, 1st time in ages)
Tea - chicken in green Thai sauce, rice, skinny chips
And just had another pk crisps to get my calls up (love them!!)
Would be nice to see what other people are eating to compare.
Today I have eaten some homemade veggie and black-eyed pea/potato curry with a naan for tea and a bit more now for a snack.

Snacks - a Penguin and then a bit more chocolate to finish the packet off. Two oatcakes with lumps of cheese.

Lunch - some bread (homemade spelt bread with a tomato/jalapeno crust and a couple more slices of plain) with egg and bacon and 3 cherry tomatoes.

I'm not sure if I had breakfast today, I can't seem to remember. However, brekkie can be a banana smoothie with yoghurt, oats and cinnamon or porridge and pear.

I like to cook and I like to eat! :-)
On fast days I just have tea and then either beans or scrambled egg on toast or a pot of soup - only one meal.
On normal week days I have tea, a small sarnie and family supper
On the weekend I have pizza, wine, roast dinner, you name it.
Missed breakfast as have a streaming cold so had a lie in. Lunch was cheese and pickle sandwich and an apple. Dinner lasagne with peas, glass of medicinal red wine and a piece of DS's birthday cake! About 1500 cal.

Fast days are nothing until evening when i have a small piece of baked salmon or chicken with either stir fried or oven roasted veggies.
Well, on my fast days I have either porridge, or 1 warburtons thins with laughing cow triangles and 2slice of wafer thin ham. Then for dinner a oven baked chicken breast with a potato waffle or 75g cooked rice, and a rowntrees sugar free jelly.
My feast day is usually
a slice of toast and peanut butter,
sandwich for lunch with maybe a bit melon,
then pk crisps or some chocolate in the afternoon
then dinner of chicken fajitas or curry or something.

Today my partner and I stopped off at krispy kreme( where they gave me a free warm one!!!! well it would be rude not too) so that was breakfast! lunch was a roll on bacon, then dinner was chicken caesar salad, and ice lolly, and sadly another donut for supper ;-)
I'm fasting today, but I'm looking forward to cheese on toast and yogurt for breakfast in the morning, probably soup for lunch and chicken curry with rice and naan for dinner. Wine, cheese and biscuits. Chocolate. Lots of.
Will probably rein it in a bit when the day breaks :-)
Fasting today so had supper of liver casserole with cauli and spinach.

Feed day tommorow I'll have a bacon and tomato ommlette for a late breakfast after the gym, then probably a Waitrose soup for lunch, then going out for an Indian in the evening, with a few Kobras.
You might be interested to see my weekly meal plans, and also what I have had on the last 16 fast days? - I like to be creative with my calories!
What I normally eat:

Breakfast: Smoothie (half banana, blueberries, strawberries orange juice, plain yogurt, flax seed oil); vegetarian sausage, coffee

Lunch: rice cake with hummus, tea with soy milk; large salad with mixed greens and an assortment of raw veggies

Snack: dark chocolate

Dinner: roasted vegetables (egg plant, onion, red pepper), quinoa, garbanzo beans
Belindab wrote: You might be interested to see my weekly meal plans, and also what I have had on the last 16 fast days? - I like to be creative with my calories!

Awww, lovely food on you website. Are you vegetarian? I'll try the spinach and feta pastries
What time do you add your daily recipes on? :like:

Otherwise I do eat my full 2000calories on normal days. It's on my name pascalinehumphrys
Hi Pashcaline, no I'm not vegetarian but I am consciously trying to cut down on animal protein. I don't have a fixed schedule, it all depends on when I have the time and how inspired I have been!
Good morning!
Today, after fast day yesterday, I had homemade pancakes with berries and mango fruit salad, and a little maple syrup.
for lunch I'll have a wholemeal bread sandwich with tinned tuna or goat cheese and salad, and more fruit
for dinner I think we'll have take away Thai( I do try to avoid the coconut milk options) and prob some ice cream.
Also a glass or two of red wine- well, it's Friday night!
On my fast days I'm having my first food at about 12MD, a couple of rice cake thins and fruit, then nibble on celery in the afternoon if i get too hungry. Dinner is lots of steamed veges and fruit, maybe a yoghurt or an ice fruit sorbet bar.
I've just had my 4th fast day so still very new but happy so far. : )
I also have a blog, like Focus On Flavour - mine's not so detailed and the food isn't beautifully photographed, but I hope it might give people ideas/inspiration/ recipes to use. You can find me at

Yesterday (feast day) I had a slice of toast with a slice of cheese, and a Danacol yoghurt for brekkie. Home made veggie soup, a lump of French bread with jambon persillé, and a chocolate biscuit for lunch. Some Twinnuts for a snack (a very large handful). Sausage casserole with more bread for dinner, with an apple and some KitKat balls for dessert. No idea how many calories.

Today (Fast day) I'm planning: coffee, fruit tea to drink. A CuppaSoup + seeded thin for lunch (about 150 cal) and Teriyaki salmon with loads of veggies for dinner. I think the Teriyaki Salmon is in fact one of Focus on Flavours' recipes!
Nuts, cheese, avocado are all very easy ways to up your calories if you're low.

Today is a "normal" day for me. I fasted yesterday, so my breakfast treat was potato bread, creme fraiche, smoked salmon with a blob of caviar. Husband and I are at the theatre tonight, so we agreed we'll split a Chinese takeaway before we go out (probably a prawn and broccoli one). Havent decided on lunch - I have a range of soups here in my office, so I'll see which one I fancy. And I brought in a mini soda bread to toast along with that, probably spread with a cheese triangle. Snacks wise I've had a mini babybel, and will have a Nakd Banana Bread this afternoon. I'm driving tonight, so maybe only one glass of wine or Scotch when I get home, plus I'm doing a 5k Park Run tomorrow morning so I want a good nights sleep.
On a fast day I have nothing until dinner usually, this is most often some fish or chicken and roasted veg - I did have spag bol this week on one fast day! Sometimes I have a cuppa soup in the day if I need it.

On 'normal' days anything goes! Yesterday I had no breakfast, an apple mid morning, a ham and chicken sandwich from M&S with a fudge bar, then a milka bar mid afternoon (bad choc day!) then for dinner I went out and had some delicious gnocchi with roasted butternut squash, sage butter, rocket and parmesan - it was yummy! Later on I had a couple of glassed of white wine and a babybel light! Who doesn't love a babybel!!
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