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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I went to see my Doctor today for a routine check up, which includes checking my blood pressure. I've not had high blood pressure, but my doctor commented that my blood pressure was better than normal (126/62), so I told her that I was doing the Fast diet.
I'm really pleased to say that she was very supportive of it and I told her how well I was doing with my weight. So she said "impress me then & get on the scales". The last time I saw her in September, I was 99kg (clothes & shoes on) and today I was 86.5kg - half a pound short of 2 stone lighter!! Needless to say we were both very pleased. I weighed 6lbs lighter than on my scales at home, but it's given me such a boost & I feel so positive with this WOL.
Great work. Interesting to hear how supportive the medical profession is of it.
Wow! That's brilliant! Well done
Chris P wrote: I weighed 6lbs lighter than on my scales at home

How unfair! I weighed 7kg heavier at the docs :cry:

Well done you though :victory: Fantastic that the doc was supportive! Hopefully she'll tell some of her patients about it!
Brilliant! The latest weight watchers magazine ( I have a subscription I will not renew) has an article about breakfast. It says there is scientific evidence fasting and missing breakfast makes you eat more during the day! Followed by adverts for weight watchers porridge and breakfast muffins! Am I too cynical?
Well done, what a lovely surprise!
Well done Chris - good news and great to have a supportive GP - enjoy that feeling :smile:
Congratulations! You must be feeling so pleased! And so must your doctor!
Wow Well done its nice to hear a supportive doctor,I am due for my check up soon and I must say I am a bit apprehesive about telling him because I dont want him to discourage me,I have not made up my mind yet to tell him
I told my GP about it last week and he was quite supportive. He had loads of questions about long term maintenance, so I provided him with the details from this forum. He was happy with my weight loss and my blood pressure (although to be fair I have never had a problem with my blood pressure).
I saw my GP today and she was VERY supportive of the 5:2 diet. Because I have high blood pressure problems and migraines I am on various things to help keep BP down and migraines at bay..However, the Doc is referring me to have blood tests and talk to the dietician as she says that I should be losing weight faster than I am..(I have stayed around the 4lb loss then gain then loss then gain) since I started on Jan all is looking this space and many thanks to Carorees who suggested I saw Doc!! x x x
It's great to read that you are doing so well and that your doctor is so supportive. We need that kind of back up on wavery days. I expect I will have one of those birthday check things next year when I turn 60 and I'm determined to be a healthy weight. I'm afraid I have no idea who my GP is as I never go, having a healthy distrust of the medical profession. It's not that I don't look after myself though as I'm a regular at the chiro for my back issues and now I'm doing 5:2 as well.
My mother started doing the 5:2 last August and had had a conversation with her GP about coming off her statins to see if it relieved certain side-effects. She went back in December to have her bloods tested and the results were so positive that she was able to stay off her statins. She'd also lost 16lbs. Her doctor was so impressed that now she's following it!
That's all really encouraging thanks for sharing. I am losing weight despite having good days and bad so I am encouraged. I am doing my 6th fast day tomorrow
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