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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Hi - I'm fairly new to this WOE - 4 fast days so far and each time getting a bit easier (although I don't "love it" yet). Last fast day was Wednesday and I planned to wait again til Monday and enjoy 4 fairly carefree days - problem is I feel somewhat guilty "eating normally" and now am thinking of a Sunday fast to "get it over with" before Monday - but its never really over with, is it?

I should probably just relax and follow my plan and not get obsessive or I might burn myself out on the whole thing.

Just wondered if anyone else is feeling like this ??? Or, is it just me ?????
nope, eat the food, get the munchies phase over, get to works...
YES! On Monday it's a huge holiday in Greece and it's a tradition to go out and eat the Greek version of fish and chips (fried cod with garlic mashed taties). I still can't bring meself to make plans because I feel guilty for going out to eat and for probably not being able to fast on my regular day either (family dinner) but postpone it for next day (Wednesday instead of Tuesday).
Not actually guilty but I do sort of miss my fast days...

Also I have found myself "testing" this way of eating and weightloss by eating a lot on a couple of days when non fasting to see if I still lose weight......and I have been pleasantly surprised :cool:
I just finished my 6th fast day yesterday, so I am fairly new to this, too. I have also had some guilty feelings on non-fast days. Obviously I have some issues with overeating or I wouldn't be dieting, but I'm also trying to remind myself that this diet is only supposed to work if you eat "normally" on non-fast days. Cutting corners on regular days will supposedly stall your weight loss. I'm an expert dieter and have a history of being really great at diets for 3-6 months and then start to slack off. I eventually get tired of the constant thinking/obssessing about food, so I'm trying to not be too neurotic with this. :)I'm hoping the fasting and regular day eating patterns will become second nature soon. I have noticed a decline in my overall hunger already, though. And I've already lost 5 or so pounds in the first 3 weeks.
I don't. I enjoy my food more now and savour every bite
Yes, I do, I think it's because there is no other diet like this one. When you start a usual diet,it's generally 24/7 until you finish it, but with this one you really can have 5 days "off"!! I do feel like I'm cheating on those days and I'm still struggling to get my head round it, it feels to me that I'm going to 'undo' all my hard work (and suffering!) on the feast days, well, time will tell as they say!
Bye the way, do you have a parrot? I have an 11 month African Grey and he's gorgeous and very soppy!!
Toni x
Hi - My parrot is a white-faced cockateil - he's very small (quite the "runt" of the brood no doubt) but very cute. He loves my hubby more than me and will follow him everywhere - I love them both, tho.

I think you have many of the same feelings as me re the 5:2 - glad I am very much not alone and love all the comments and help on this site!!!!
I feel the same way, well I did for a while. After years of yo-yo dieting and feeling guilty every time I ate something bad, I found this WOE to be a bit of a shock to the system. I'm used to it now though, I enjoy my food without guilt on my feed days but when I over-do it a bit I really look forward to my next fast day :-)
I feel guilty too! Only on my second week but I wonder if my normal eating is really 'normal', for example today I ate:
Breakfast: 3 scotch pancakes with flora light and a dash of maple syrup and lemon.
Lunch: A 186 calorie feta cheese and couscous salad
A piece of Baklawa (made with honey)

Dinner: Burger with small fries and 3 onion rings

Sorry to bore, but would be grateful for some honest feedback as to whther this is too much.
2 rich tea biscuits
Hi I know what you mean.I think its because on other diets you feel like you've blown it if you have a day when you're not restricting what you eat. I suppose we will be more confident once we start to lose the weight (fingers crossed).
Sunday_Girl wrote: I feel guilty too! Only on my second week but I wonder if my normal eating is really 'normal', for example today I ate:
Breakfast: 3 scotch pancakes with flora light and a dash of maple syrup and lemon.
Lunch: A 186 calorie feta cheese and couscous salad
A piece of Baklawa (made with honey)

Dinner: Burger with small fries and 3 onion rings

Sorry to bore, but would be grateful for some honest feedback as to whther this is too much.
2 rich tea biscuits

Hi Sunday_Girl, it doesn't look like a lot for a non-fast day to me, but if you want help to keep an eye on your non-fasting intake I'd recommend myfitnesspal. Helped me get a grip on what 2000 calories looks like. Just don't get obsessed about the Days we're meant to have "off"
Because I am adjusting my attitude to food I know I eat too much on feast days. The difference now is I enjoy my food. I have got over the guilt that weight watchers instilled in me. I enjoy the fasts because it is a clear demonstration I can control food. Slowly I am eating less on feast days. One of these days I will dig out the scales and have a pleasant surprise but as that is another obsession they are banned. My size 10 skirts and jeans fit but are very snug, my size 12 are loose, jeans I can remove without undoing. I want to get to the point where the 10's are comfortable and the 12's too big. If I stay at 12 that is fine too as I feel I look ok.
I need to go on 6:1 now as I've reached my target weight (my size 10s are very loose now), but I'm scared of losing the discipline of 2 fast days a week which have been quite good for me. I eat well on non fast days (not what I want, but things I probably shouldn't eat like chocolate and cajou nuts) and I'm worried that one fast day a week won't be enough to let me continue doing this.
Yes, I feel that way too! I feel like I'll undo all the progress I've made so far. Trying to eat everything in moderation but have a weakness for all things that are chocolate! :)
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