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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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14 lbs since Feb 28 I've been walking on the treadmill at 4 mph for an hour every day.
Our weigh-in day isn't until Sunday am but up to last Sunday, I had lost 14 lb in eight weeks and my husband had lost 10.5 lb (he tends to eat more than me on non-fasting days!) We don't do any exercise - especially when it's this cold!

PS Congratulations, Gaitless!
I have lost 8lb in 8 weeks. I lost 7 lb in the first 3 weeks then nothing until this week when I had lost one more pound. I have done 2 lots of exercise so think this must have helped. I was feeling a little disheartened so really pleased albeit just one pound -will def keep on. Think It's a case of sticking with it for the long term. :smile:
Hi everyone,

Just reading all the posts on how much everyone has lost is very inspiring. I've lost 13lbs so far in 9 weeks but weighing-in day is tomorrow so I'm hoping for another 1lb fingers crossed or I'd settle for no gain. :clover:
Well it wasn't a bad start but I am a bit disappointed as I weighed today and the scales have not moved, nor has the tape measure hey ho hopefully I will lose something next week. The week before I gained a pound! As it stands it is averaging out at less than 1 pound a week now so maybe it does not work for everybody!
Seven pounds in two weeks, so far. :)
Mrs H-R a word of comfort!

I am on this forum a lot and one of the major themes that I have noticed is the huge range of ways in which weight comes off. Some lose steadily right from the start and others have incredibly up and down weigh-in results. As yet, no-one can identify the 'optimum' way to lose weight on 5:2, but I do know that it is a relatively painless, life-changing (for many people) WOE and is worth sticking to for at least three months. Use the forums for information, advice and support and I'm sure that you will be able to make it work for you!

Good luck for your next weigh-in. Let us know how you get on!
Thanks for your positive words StowgateResident - I need some encouragement! I will stick at it as I think it's a way of eating I can adhere to (unlike slimming world). Getting married in August so getting a bit panicky and impatient I think!
This definitely works better for people not in a rush, don't know why, it just seems to. You're pretty on track though.

Have a play with the tracker for your demographic to see what can reasonably be expected.
2.5inches off my waist
3 inches off hips
2 inches off thighs
1 inch off upper arms
Been 5.2 15 weeks
I decided not to weigh myself, I used tape measures.

6 months ago my waist was 108cm and my hips 110cm now they are 96 cm and 106 cm.

Weight is a very bad guide to how your diet is going.
15lbs in 9 weeks plus gone down 3 belt notches :-)
Mrs H-R
I've been 5:2ing since October, with a wee break and back on properly this year. Done 24 fasts since and am losing slower than you are. Had a sneaky weigh yesterday (weigh and measure monthly) after 2 weeks of visitors and managing 6:1 for that time. Weight and cms have gone up- BUMMER. Back on track today but hanging in there. I'm slower than average but feel so much slimmer, even if the tape measure isn't showing it, and can fit into clothes better.
I'll probably skew the tracker results! It's slow and working and easy. And we must be getting hte health benefits.
Hang in there! We're all rooting for you :)
And everyone else of course!
Mrs H-R wrote: As it stands it is averaging out at less than 1 pound a week now so maybe it does not work for everybody!

I'd say that since you are losing some weight, then 5:2 IS working for you, just at a slower rate than you hoped. Mind you, I've only just started so am pretty clueless, but from reading lots of posts on here I can see a huge variation. I'm resisting weighing/measuring myself for at least another week, because I don't feel any different yet. (The opposite of my dad, who has weighed himself every day for years and records it all.)

Plenty time till August, so don't panic... :clover:
I've lost about 7.5lbs in 10 weeks so I'm also averaging less than 1lb per week. I'd love it to be quicker but have accepted that it's not going to be. I have always lost weight slowly so it's no surprise really. I like 5:2 though, find it easy and feel like I can stick with it for the long term (having an Easter break though!).
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