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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I've been doing 5:2 for about 11 weeks, happily plodding along losing an average of 1 lb/week.
When I started in January I set myself my first mini-target of 1 stone lost by the end of March.
As of weigh-day last week I had lost 12 lbs so I really wanted to see if I could try to lose 2 lbs this week to met my first target. I thought if I can lose 1 lb every week on 5:2 maybe there's a slim chance I could lose 2 lbs doing 4:3 and eating well but normally on my 4 feed days...
Stayed the same. 3 days of fasting in one week and I stayed the bloody same :frown:
So disappointed.
Anyway I'm in it for the long haul and I know missing a target isn't the end of the world so back on 5:2 I go **stuffs face with buttered crumpets and tea**
Shame it didn't work for you - I am doing 4:3 and it works for me because it reminds me not to overeat which I have a tendency to do sometimes on normal eating days.

I'm not sure this way of eating is a fast way of losing weight - apart from at the very start but for me it is effective and easy to stick to.

You could try keeping a record of your measurements - they might have changed too.
Hi I'm not sure you lose more weight on the 4:3. There are two of us in work doing this . I am doing 5:2 and another is doing alternate days and our weight loss is the same - the only difference I can see is that I go to the gym twice a week and she doesn't. My target is a stone and I have just 3lbs to go - been 9 weeks now - it feels like is progress - but at least it IS progress. Don't get despondent you are still doing brilliantly! X
Jenny, as the average weight loss with 5:2 is 1lb a week, you're on target! 12lb is so nearly a stone anyway! Well done!

But: remember the water retention thing could be masking that 2lb change after all, so I'd weigh again tomorrow just in case!
Agree with Caroline weigh again tomorrow.
Out of interest I'm using the true weight app for a wee while & it's been a real eye opener how much my weight fluctuates day to day.
You're doing brilliantly 1lb a week is 52 in a year & this way is so much easier never mind cheaper than most other diets around.
Yes, I got an app that has a trend line and it makes such a difference. My weight chart goes up and down like crocodile teeth but in the centre of it all is a big red line that is progressing stadily downwards! It does take the panic out of the up-swings. We all know that the scales lie but common senses goes out of the window when they go up. There are various free apps out there, just look for one that shows the trend.
Thanks for the replies :grin:
I'm not exactly unhappy with losing 1 lb/week, I'll be at my target weight well before Christmas at this rate. It's just slightly frustratingly slow and I have to stop thinking about short term losses and concentrate on my long term goals. I just didn't think 14 lbs in 2 1/2 months was too much to ask but as you say 12 lbs isn't exactly far off!

I will weigh again tomorrow and see if it's any different but I can't see it being any better as this morning I weighed after a fast day, tomorrow I'll be getting weighed after eating.

I think I'll go and have a look at that app too, thanks Ginty and Miffy :like: . Caro, what's the calorie counting app you use, is it fat secet or something like that? x
Hi, I've often decreased after an eating day which shows how much water retention was going on.

Yes, it's called calorie counter but it's linked to the fat secret site so you can enter data in the app or the website. I'm on Android but I assume there is one for the iPhone etc too.
Most weeks I do 4:3 and I lose no more than anyone doing the 5:2. The thing about the 4:3 is it keeps me in the groove as it were. My main days are Monday and Friday as definite fast days, and Wednesday I use as a fast day, if I am not eating out with friends. It works for me as I tend to over eat on the other four days, so it balances it out a bit. My darling husband does 5:2 and has started losing weight after losing nothing initially. He is nowhere near as dedicated as me but has lost half a stone in 3 weeks. He's 6'2 and currently weighs in at 14stone 10lb. He is 58. He's never been what I would call overweight, but according to the books he could lose a bit more. I hope he does. I want us to live to a fit, ripe old age, God willing :lol:
Hi Jenny,

I know how you feel. I've been doing the diet a similar time - 9 weeks - & lost a similar amount - 13lbs - & desperate to hit my mini target of 1 stone too.
I've tried a mixture of 5:2 (4 weeks) & 4:3 (5 weeks) & have lost slightly more on my 5:2 weeks - 7lbs to the 6lbs on 4:3 weeks. So I don't think it makes a lot of difference fasting an extra day - hasn't to me anyway.
We just have to remember just how much we've lost while still enjoying the foods we love. My weigh in is a Saturday so have my fingers crossed for tomorrow & I'll keep them crossed for you too :clover: :smile:
I'm on the iPhone Caro but I'm sure they'll have it, will check it out later. I'll be interested to see if my weight is any different tomorrow, I've always tried not to weigh myself more than once a week but I'll make an exception for this week being a 4:3 week. If it shows I've gained I'm not recording it though, I'll take my today's result instead!

Yeah Monty it seems there's no difference between 5:2 and 4:3 losses on the forum in general. I just thought I'd automatically lose more because I was used to doing 5:2 and the calorie defecit from an extra day fasting and being a bit more restrained on my feed days would mean more weight loss but, as the nerdy section of the forum shows, it's just not always that straightforward.

Thanks Scotty, that's very sweet, good luck to you too :clover: :grin: xx
I'm also chasing the elusive stone off, had no loss this week for the first time. I've literally a third of a pound to go...

Was doing ADF, changed to 4:3 this last week but think no loss was because I lost more than usual last week so still on exactly average loss pw.

Ironically, the last two weeks I've been eating much better on feed days, ie less food and much more healthy (eg, lamb curry on spinach!). I'm going to have to go back to the chips if this goes on! :-)
Ha ha that's a good point, by far my best week was when I went mad and had a big fat Dominos pizza and rather too many beers. Lost 3 lbs that week.
Even I can't keep that up though!!! :lol:
Jenny: If you want to weigh daily, can I recommend the Libra app that kencc tools me about? I think they have an ios version. It trends your weight over 7 days so takes account of ups and downs. You need to weigh daily or nearly to get the best trending. Its very reassuring!
carorees wrote: Jenny: If you want to weigh daily, can I recommend the Libra app that kencc tools me about? I think they have an ios version. It trends your weight over 7 days so takes account of ups and downs. You need to weigh daily or nearly to get the best trending. Its very reassuring!

Thanks Caro, that is interesting, might give it a go. Just slightly concerned I'll get a bit obsessed with the old scales again! :wink:
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