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To lunch or not to lunch.....
02 Apr 2013, 12:44
I'm just trying to work out if skipping breakfast and lunch would be better for me. I understand that a lot of you guys go without right through til dinner but I tend to really struggle once it gets to around 1pm and I feel like I really want some lunch!

I'm fasting today and for the first time I'm going to try and go through til dinner without lunch but I'm wondering if, for all of you, it's purely a preference thing to go without lunch or are there other benefits -health/higher weight loss etc?

I've been doing 5:2 for 5 weeks and have lost 9lbs, which is amazing. I have found it OK so far to have a little lunch and a slightly bigger dinner so if it's a case of whatever I find easiest I'm thinking of eating lunch like, 10 minutes ago!

What do you think? Is it purely about whatever works for you? Have I just answered my own question?! :oops:
I am like you - I find I really need something around lunch so I usually have a banana or some other fruit. I might have a tea or coffee with milk too (shock horror - I know everyone says you should have it black). I find this can usually get me through to an early dinner. I can then eat with the family so long as I skip the carbs they might be having. I am not always down to 500 cals but I don't think the 100 either way makes a huge difference in the long term.
From what I have read on here, the jury is out about whether it is better blow the allowance in one sitting or eek it out over the day. I tried eeking it out at first, frightened of what would happen if i didn't eat for 10 hours, but I found it torture. I still feel bad that I am not having brekkie but it is much more manageable for me not to eat until the evening.
Your regime is working for you though so if it's not broke.....
I think you have Pirateship :grin: Good luck with whatever you decide
I can't make it thru to dinner without a little something during the day. Even if skipping lunch gives better results, I won't do it. I tried it one fast day and I just didn't feel good at all that day.

I was having a piece of fruit my first couple of fasts, but have managed to whittle that down to a bit of miso paste dissolved in hot water. I use milder white miso at less than 20cal in a cup. I'm hoping that since it has such a low GI that it doesn't mess with my sugar levels much...I want the health benefits of 5:2 as much as the weight loss. Would something like that work for you?
I had a cup of lower salt Knorr vegetable stock about an hour ago and it staved some pangs. Am def feeling the hunger though, I think I would prefer to have a little something for lunch, just a 100 cal salad or a portobello mushroom and red pepper or something. I'm sticking with it today though so that I can see if I appreciate the massive 500 cal dinner I can have! Got a feeling I won't even be able to make my way through it though!
I went right through for the first time yesterday and prepared in advance for it though (see blog for details) on the basis of the reported health benefits of giving your body the best chance at kicking in to 'fix it' mode.
I have no health issues that restrict this choice and am now looking forward to the next one this week.
Good luck with whatever you choose though as it will undoubtedly be right for you :smile:
When I started on 5:2 I had breakfast and dinner as I couldn't believe I could survive all day with nothing.

However I found I was hungry again at lunch.

Now I have nothing until dinner and find it easier to manage.

It is now the evening I struggle with as once I have dinner I just want to eat everything!! I try and save a few calories for a little snack before bed!
I tried having lunch (100 cal) on a couple of occasions, and found I was just as hungry half an hour later as if I hadn't had any, so I went back to saving my cals till dinnertime.
I have lunch around 1.30 - 2pm, which usually gives a good 16 hour fast. Just can't seem to manage to go all day without any food.
I have a herbal tea at lunch time and 'eat' it with a spoon as if it was a cuppa soup. It seems to fool my brain into thinking I've had lunch!
I used to have a light lunch but like caro, found that I ended up feeling more hungry afterwards. Now, I find it easier to go straight through and have a proper dinner. I just have a large black coffee at 'lunchtime' or go out to the gym/park and distract myself.

Now I don't find it too hard to go through to 7.30 or 8pm and today it was 9 since I went to the gym after work.
I usually just have a cup of hot bovril drink while everyone else is eating their lunch (maybe dipping celery sticks in so I have something to chew on). As much as anything it stops all the questions /comments about not eating!! I find this a lot easier than splitting my calories - once I've eaten I just want more, more, more!
Today I had a few prawns and small salad (150cals) and felt hungry all afternoon. Will def stick to saving cals for evening meal in future!
If what you're doing us working for you.... Then keep doing it! Doesn't matter what others do, there's a recognition that one approach does not suit all.
I'm on my 3rd week, and still trying to figure out what works best. :confused:

Your doing great with your plan, so unless you just want to try it, stick with what works.
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