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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Hi all
I started the Fast diet on the 4th March weighing 9st 8lbs and I am now 9st 7lbs. I incorporated 2 fast days every week apart from last week which was just 1 fast day due to an Easter mini break....However I had a complete and utter blow out and even though I wasn't losing weight on the diet it really helped with controlling my over/binge eating...a habit I have had for years...but since the weekend it is back with a vegence! Yesterday I binged on 3 chocolate bars and this week again looks like I can only do 1 fast day. I really feel my motivation flagging and don't feel in control anymore....not sure its even working. Has anyone else felt like giving up? :frown:
Hi RooRoo,
I can definitely relate to the binge eating thing and it is funny reading your post because I guess everything is relative! I did a fast day on Monday but if i was honest with myself I had 5 chocolate bars yesterday, one packet of sweets, half a packet of crisps, two bowls of cereal and lunch, and dinner. However I don't feel like I am off the wagon because I am still fasting on my 3 days a week. I should state that yesterday was a really bad day and the huge amount of chocolate still in the house since Easter did not help, however my non fast days always include some chocolate. The way I am thinking of it is first off, get the fasting sorted, then I am going to pick one thing at a time to improve in my diet - I have given up diet coke and ignoring yesterdays slip I don't eat crisps. If you know this works don't beat yourself up about one slip off the wagon, take it step by step and you will regain control - sorry very long winded way of saying that!
Really sorry to hear that you're struggling. I think it could be really useful for you to try and break the cycle of feeling guilty about food. It may sound a bit cheesy but try and think of all the positive things you have achieved instead of focussing on the negatives. Instead of thinking that you are failing for only fitting in one fast day this week, try and think that one day fasting is still much better than if you hadn't been following this plan at all!
Easter is a difficult time for us chocoholics and sugar addicts - so much temptation everywhere! I think most of us over-indulged this weekend. But you are allowed to go mad and really enjoy yourself every now and then! In fact, some people find a little break or blow-out can really help kickstart wieghtloss the following week. I'm sure one or two fasts would immediately undo any over consumption that may have happened recently.
So try to regroup, start again and we are all here to support you!
RooRoo wrote: Hi all
I started the Fast diet on the 4th March weighing 9st 8lbs and I am now 9st 7lbs. I incorporated 2 fast days every week apart from last week which was just 1 fast day due to an Easter mini break....However I had a complete and utter blow out and even though I wasn't losing weight on the diet it really helped with controlling my over/binge eating...a habit I have had for years...but since the weekend it is back with a vegence! Yesterday I binged on 3 chocolate bars and this week again looks like I can only do 1 fast day. I really feel my motivation flagging and don't feel in control anymore....not sure its even working. Has anyone else felt like giving up? :frown:

Hi RooRoo - I'd like to help so firstly why did you start? Serious question, and what has changed regarding that purpose? (and you don't need to share it here if you'd rather not of course)

After that - why was that so important to you? And once you've got that answer then why is that so important to you?

Then - what is so important to you about binge eating to sabotage things that it is strong enough to be more important to you than the important things above?

Once you have your own answers to those questions you will be part way to understanding why your motivation has lapsed. Given the years of an alternative lifestyle to the 5:2 you need a pretty strong motivation to break the habits (of a lifetime) and if you don't have that then I invite you to find one that becomes strong enough to drive you to change. Sometimes just wanting to give something new a try isn't enough.
These, by the way, are not meant to be harsh words, merely helpful questions to allow you to search for your own drive and life purpose/mission. Mine is to live a long and healthy life for what's left of it in a body that is absolutely fit for purpose so I can love and care for my family for as long as possible.

Hope that helps. :smile:
Hi Roo Roo, if it's any consolation I too struggled for the first month and really did not believe that this diet worked for all. Also like you I did not have much to lose and found it easy enough to give myself plenty of excuses to pack it in...friends telling me I was thin enough etc Anyway I stuck with it, I like the discipline it imposes and after the first disastrous month I have lost a pound every week since! I am 1 lb off my goal but I may continue as I like being able to indulge at weekends guilt free. Hope that helps.
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