I'll be your pal, Lidl do 1 clove bulb garlic and it makes great hummus! But I nearly aphixiated a builder.
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The doctor would not put you on BP tablets if they were not necessary they will monitor you and if your BP lowers the doctor will take you off them, once you stop the steroids if they are causing your BP to rise

Moving around, standing up, sitting with legs crossed, talking, having eaten, coffee, being cold and of course exercise all increase blood pressure. Sometimes by a great deal. That's why all the risk tables are based on resting bp. If the bp cuff sensor is not level with the heart the reading will also be wrong.

Coffecat wrote: Again, check your BP a couple of times after resting etc. before you classify yourself as hypertensive . Knowing your blood lipids might help to tell you more about your risk.
You could also check here http://www.qrisk.org/lifetime/index.php
Salt may be hidden in unexpected places (some ice creams for ex., and yes, bread). You can also increase potassium. http://www.bloodpressureuk.org/microsites/salt/Home Alcohol also plays a role.
I sympathize with preferring not to take meds - but I don't think there are a lot of "natural" alternatives if you really need to lower blood pressure. Besides, the concentration of active ingredients in herbal product may vary wildly, in contrast to "official" drugs. Anything that really works can be harmful whether it comes in the form of a pill or a tea.
Thanks for the great links. I'm hoping I can manage without the meds--as I'm interested in living a natural lifestyle I'd prefer to do without them. Here in the US there is so much iatrogenic illness that I hesitate to take anything, particularly if there are natural remedies available. Even smoking weed is said to have fewer side effects than typical pharmaceuticals. In any case, I will try increasing potassium sources and garlic.

tompan wrote: Thanks for the great links. I'm hoping I can manage without the meds--as I'm interested in living a natural lifestyle I'd prefer to do without them. Here in the US there is so much iatrogenic illness that I hesitate to take anything, particularly if there are natural remedies available. Even smoking weed is said to have fewer side effects than typical pharmaceuticals. In any case, I will try increasing potassium sources and garlic.
You're welcome, good luck with that. Regardless of whether you actually have hypertension, lowering salt intake won't do you any harm. Garlic is one of my favorite ingredients - ask my neighbours about side effects

Once you get to actively ingesting a "remedy" - "natural" vs. "pharmaceutical" - I understand your concern about US health care (certainly given disappointing the results compared to other countries). But herbs may have medicinal effects. Therefore, they should be subjected to the same standards as other medication. Just being "natural" doesn't make them less dangerous (many drugs are based on plants). Several have turned out to have serious side effects - see St. John's wort and Cava cava for examples, not to mention the infamous Chinese weight loss tea/herbs that cost a couple of people their kidneys. "Natural" drugs have not been as rigorously tested for effects and side effects, concentration of their active ingredient varies, and may contain contaminants (arsenic, heavy metals).
The pharmaceutical industry is definitely to blame for hiding side-effects, inventing diseases and pushing drugs with little added effect. Lately, several have been taken to task (also financially) by regulators and courts, and the scientific communities work on getting all clinical trial data released for scrutiny. The "natural remedy" and supplement industry also makes vast profits, pushes ineffective drugs, ignores side effects, but is less controlled by scientific and regulatory standards to boot.
Coffecat climbing of pedestal. Recognizes symptoms, declares medical emergency and trundles off to ingest her favorite natural poison - the first morning coffee. Love the side effects

Er, skunk weed and severe psychotic reactions...??
Coffeecat speaks the truth. I'm also losing weight to avoid bp meds as I've seen what drugs do to people but it's a pet peeve of mine that people will self-medicate with other things, not labelled drugs and not realise how active the ingredients are.
Coffeecat speaks the truth. I'm also losing weight to avoid bp meds as I've seen what drugs do to people but it's a pet peeve of mine that people will self-medicate with other things, not labelled drugs and not realise how active the ingredients are.

Not everyone that has High BP are over weight,I was diagnosed in my 40s and was not overweight at the time also my cholestrol was not low enough,I did everything I could to lower it, lowfat diet etc reduce salt it didnt hardly make a difference,you see its in my family my dad died age 49 of coronary throm.so I have to be on a beta blocker and ace inhibtor and statin ,I have kept low salt as we get enough hidden in food ,also my weight has crept up over the years and I am trying to do something about it now ,as I dont want to end up diabetic ,I have not a lot to lose but would like to be a bit lighter,believe it or not my doctor says Im fine,I was quite shocked at that ha ha

i want to lower my blood pressure and was wondering if the most effective way of doing this on a fast day was to ensure a 12 hour or more gap between meals, or does this not matter and you will get the same effects if meals are spread through the day
thank you
i want to lower my blood pressure and was wondering if the most effective way of doing this on a fast day was to ensure a 12 hour or more gap between meals, or does this not matter and you will get the same effects if meals are spread through the day
thank you

Speaking as an ex nurse and married to GP, I seriously would've do anything that isn't recommended by my doctor. I certainly wouldn't take medication bought off the high street regarding such an important health matter...

Hi fififlower can I ask you what does your husband think of this diet ? I am deluctant to tell my GP as I dont want him to discourage me from doing it

tompan wrote:Coffecat wrote: Again, check your BP a couple of times after resting etc. before you classify yourself as hypertensive . Knowing your blood lipids might help to tell you more about your risk.
You could also check here http://www.qrisk.org/lifetime/index.php
Salt may be hidden in unexpected places (some ice creams for ex., and yes, bread). You can also increase potassium. http://www.bloodpressureuk.org/microsites/salt/Home Alcohol also plays a role.
I sympathize with preferring not to take meds - but I don't think there are a lot of "natural" alternatives if you really need to lower blood pressure. Besides, the concentration of active ingredients in herbal product may vary wildly, in contrast to "official" drugs. Anything that really works can be harmful whether it comes in the form of a pill or a tea.
Thanks for the great links. I'm hoping I can manage without the meds--as I'm interested in living a natural lifestyle I'd prefer to do without them. Here in the US there is so much iatrogenic illness that I hesitate to take anything, particularly if there are natural remedies available. Even smoking weed is said to have fewer side effects than typical pharmaceuticals. In any case, I will try increasing potassium sources and garlic.
Update: Wow! Good news from my doc...bp down to 135/84 without any meds. The only thing I've really changed in the last 6 months is IF...

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