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Started this journey 8 weeks ago in order to lose weight, though the health benefits obviously a great advantage.

Although have had weekend binges I have kept off the 2 lbs I lost from week 1. Loving the FAST days and my Hairy Biker Receipe Book and finding it fairly easy though confusing somedays at how much to eat on Feast days!

Gone into this week very positive (through messages/support on this forum) and decided to keep going at 2 x fast and 5 x days random up and down but trying to keep within TDEE (as appears some of you benefit from eating more and less on different days).

However, after 2 x FASTS this week I have gone up to my starting weight, gone up 2 lbs.

So, obviously this has put me in the frame of mind this WOL just doesn't work for me. I think I need to be on a more restrictive diet?

Thinking of giving up

Please don't give up.
Remember this isn't a quick fix weight loss programme.
The majority of us are losing around a pound a week.
I'm sure somebody more knowledgable will be along to advise you on how you might tweak what your doing to start the weight loss again.
Perhaps you've not been eating enough on your non fast days?
I have always done better on any eating plan when I've eaten more than the recommended TDEE.
Just give it a little longer. X
Don't give up!

I was feeling a little disheartened with not much weight loss (i am in week 5) - but as i only really have about 10lbs to lose to be at my goal i am telling myself it will be a long slow drop off of the lbs. I have however lost INCHES!!! Please please please measure yourself in key areas and just watch them drop off. This is where the positivity towards this WOL comes from for me! Whilst not exactly overweight, i have always just felt a bit plump. With the inch loss i can see a much "neater" figure trying to get through!

If you hadn't measured yourself in the beginning just do it now and then again in about 3 weeks or so.

Don't give up!
I lost 7lbs and this week put a lb on. Not happy, but I agree, measure yourself. I managed to get into a pair of trousers yesterday that I haven't been able to wear for 18 months! Keep going!!
Does a restrictive diet work for you?

How much do you need/want to lose and what BMI are you starting from? If it's already low, it's going to be a slow loss.
Stick at it, I'm not losing much weight either so am trying to tweak here and there to see what changes. Try and remain positive that the results will show eventually!
Stick with it, I think when we gain or stay the same it's just the body adjusting, water retention doesn't help as well. When I stayed the same or there was 1 week I gained I always remember the biggest loser, there is always a contestant where some weeks they stay the same or gain, but than they start losing again. If it can happen to them where they exercise long hours every day and are monitored what they are eating everyday than I am positive that the weight loss for me will start again.
Have a look at this thread before you give up Why do the scales show an increase when I've been so good?
That will help.

The over all trend is weight is down, but your weight will fluctuate disappointingly...
Thanks to you all for encouraging messages.... did have a little binge today as feeling so low but decided to stick with this 5:2 for another month and tweaking it every week.
I would say...keep going. What I've noticed for myself are unexpected results--one week I lose a few...the next week I stay the same or even gain a little...followed by a drop the following week. Hard to explain, but overall I think the fasting subtlely affects one's eating habits for the better, even on the "feast" days. I find myself eating more disciplined and less of the grazing that has become second nature here in the US
What are the options? Go back to 7:7 and eat and eat and gain and gain, or go to 5:2 and try to eat normally on the 5 days?

I need the fast days just to keep my weight and appetite in check. For me, it gives my body a rest from constant munch, munch, munch.

I would say stick with it. If you need to lose more, try to not eat before noon on the other five days or stick to some kind of 8 hour eating window.

I think TDEE's and calorie diaries are tricky, because most people under report on how much they are eating. I don't believe they are very accurate. Plus it is so tiring to be constantly writing everything down.
What were you eating before? Were you following a diet? Have you checked your thyroid lately?
Also, how did you calculate your TDEE?
give it more time.
Kinda like the stock market with ups and downs daily but hopefully up (stock value not weight) over the long haul. Try not looking at the scales for awhile.
Plus if you loose just a little and reap the other health benefits then you are much better off.
I just got into a pair of jeans that I have been segregated in my closet for 1 year. NOW that feels much better than what the scales may say.
Good luck and good health.
Adding some thoughts: Have you measured yourself, to see if any loss is happening there? How about physical activity? How much do you need to lose? Do you eat a lot of snacks/sugar?
I'd give it another month - we still don't know if this works for everyone, and there are individual differences, but it works for many. If your weekly calorie balance is negative, fat loss should follow.
Good luck!
I think Rufus is right. If you give up what are you going to do instead? I'd decide on that before stopping this, because at least you are doing something and even if it is not giving a great weightloss, you're not gaining, which is a good thing! If you're enjoying fasting and being able to eat some treats on feed days you must be better off than having to be careful every day just to avoid gaining IMO!
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