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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Hey friends:) Im currently around 237 lbs my colories are around 2550 which means that a quarter of that would be 637, im not sure wheather to eat 637 on fast days or stick to 500?? As far as seeing the best results. I havn't realy seen alot of people with a LOT of weight to lose on hear... so this is a shout out:)
My husband has 70-80 pounds to lose. He lost 18 pounds the first month and on fast days did 600 cal. and we do not count on non-fast days. He is doing great :). Good luck to you :)
Have you seen this thread:


I'm currently 224lbs so in the same boat as you! Let's take an oar each and see how far we get.
Thanks for that link, its nice to know that im not the only one with a lot to lose:)

Robnem, sounds good Im hopeing to be below 200 in a few months I hope I can do it:) Good luck to you as well
The 500 calorie limit is not set in stone...if you eat more it just means you will lose a little slower....

I had over 60 to lose and have lost almost 40 (we'll find out for sure next weigh in this weekend) since December 2012. Some fasting days I did eat over 600 cal for a man, but some days I ate less also, and didn't notice a huge difference from week to week.
216lbs (15 and a half stone) when I started - currently 168 (12st) - aiming for 140 (10st) by Christmas. So for me it can be done. Lost quite a bit by calorie counting before discovering 5:2 last year. Since becoming a 5:2er I've realised this is the easiest way of shedding weight for me that I've ever come across and one I feel that I can maintain for a lifetime - so it's all positive. Weight loss has been gradual but I'm not worried about that - it's a lifetime commitment and the road ahead is looking sunny.
I tend to stick to 500 on fast days, but sometimes I'm under and sometimes slightly over - the weight loss still seems to be going downward :lol: Good luck, hope it's as successful for you as it seems to have been for me :clover:
I have more than 60 lbs to lose although if I think of it in those terms it feels overwhelming. I have only just completed my first week so I don't have any helpful data for you but I wanted to thank you for posting the question because the responses you have gotten from people who have lost considerable weight make me feel hopeful.

I stuck to the 500 for the first week though like you, the numbers would probably allow me more. Lucky for me I hate math so Ill just stick with the 500 rather then try to figure it all out. hehe :)

Good luck !!!
I'm aiming for somewhere between 40 - 60, and just getting started. It's a long road, but I knew that going in.
Hi Krista, I'm in the same boat as you but my boat is even bigger. I have over 100lbs to loose. I have just started - third day - and have lost 3 lbs. So here we go into the wild blue yonder. I am optimistic and ready to shrink my boat to a kayak. :smile: Be well
Paula (aka Rockyjp)
Me too, over 100 to lose. And just starting. But I already love it, so I am hopeful it is also successful for me.

thanks for all the comments, they gave me much hope.
Started out with 112lbs to lose - now 93. I stick to 2000 cals on feed days. I am allowed more, and 500 on fast days just because it feels like a proper fast and it's working!
I have over 100lbs to lose to get to a healthy BMI - hard to imagine for me as I haven't been that weight since I was 18 (now in my 40s). I have only done 2 weeks so far and haven't weighed myself yet. I think I am going to weigh myself 4 weekly so that any blips get ironed out. I don't know how I would feel if my weight went back up (I know it would have sent me off the rails on former diet plans!). Clothes definitely feel looser though so I definitely think things are going in the right direction. I can imagine doing this as a long term plan so if it takes a long time to get the weight off that's okay. After years and years of being so overweight, I think losing it quickly might be too much for me to deal with anyway.
Good luck to everyone with lots to lose!
When I started out on this WOE on Jan 22 I had 116 lbs to lose. I've lost 36 so far , so 80 lbs to go, maybe less than that now as tomorrow is my weekly weigh in.

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