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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I think that the evidence is us.
Pip: If you go to PhilT's list of clinical trials (link above) and look at the ADF trials authored by Krista Varady you will see that the ADF subjects lost more fat mass and less non-fat mass than the control group.
carorees wrote: Pip: If you go to PhilT's list of clinical trials (link above) and look at the ADF trials authored by Krista Varady you will see that the ADF subjects lost more fat mass and less non-fat mass than the control group.

WOW!! :cool: Would that explain the inch loss being more pertinent than weight loss?

Why do you think that is? I'm guessing you of all people will have a hypothesis? :wink:
My theory is that lowering insulin levels is the key. During fasting our insulin levels drop lower than if we just cut down the calories a bit. Insulin packs fat away and inhibits its release from fat stores. If you have high insulin levels the body can't burn fat very well so has to turn to making glucose from the protein in your muscles is you don't consume enough calories. By fasting we allow insulin levels to fall so the body can use fat for energy rather than protein. Also insulin levels are linked to abdominal fat so fasting helps reduce that especially. And yes, that's why the tape measure is a better guide to how you're doing!

This explanation also works for a low carb diet...if you keep carbs down you keep insulin down. Another good reason to keep carbs down on fast days.

If you don't have high insulin levels none of the above applies (or at least, less so). However, most obese people do have high insulin levels, probably fewer overweight people do and fewer normal weight.
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