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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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People will always be sceptical, so I'd leave tehm to it and simply enjoy your life and the fact that it's working for you on the basis that you should never try and teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig.
It's far more natural to go a day without food than it is to have as much as you want. In the affluent West I think it's fairly obvious which choice is causing more problems.
Bookwyrm wrote: you should never try and teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig.

Years since I heard that it! :lol:
If it's so unsafe, I wonder why there hasn't been an outcry from doctors on the matter? Why hasn't the publicly funded BBC been brought to task for promoting an unsafe lifestyle? Why do I personally know several people (myself included) who class themselves as skeptics and yet are trying this precisely because it is not like other fad diets?

I am skeptical of their skepticism.
Skepticism is one thing but misrepresenting a WOE is another thing altogether.

One of the respondants wrote this:-

"still a fad diet imo, and don' think that any person will be able to do this forever or keep the lbs off once they stop. Eating 500 cals a day sucks, especially over the weekend, try it sometime and see how much energy to do anything by day two."

Two misconceptions, firstly the fast days are not consecutive and secondly, there are five feast days, where is it written that you do two consecutive fast days 'over the weekend'? :roll:
I only read a few of the responses over there before I got annoyed. I hate this smug 'just eat less and exercise more - durr!' attitude. I KNOW that's the way to stay healthy and slim, but I also know myself. I know I can't live the rest of my life obsessing every day about what I'm eating and denying myself food that I like. For me sticking rigidly to a healthy eating plan is doomed to failure because it would just make me miserable and more likely to give up.

I have a friend who often posts details of her meals on Twitter and I admire the fact that she's able to eat so well and exercise so hard (and the fact that she's slim and beautiful, haha!), but there is a part of me who finds the fact that she weighs all her food every day slightly depressing. It works for her but it will never work for me.

Viva 5:2!!! :smile:
Wow those people are really negative!
I actually haven't told anyone about this WOL except my OH.

I want my results to do the talking, I'll wait for them to ask me :cool:
carorees wrote: Very few people base their opinion on scientific evidence these days...most science info is gleaned from the newspapers and media where it is written by non scientists and aims to shock rather than inform.

Which is one of the reasons I stopped buying a daily newspaper several years ago ! after all, they're there to make a profit, articles are there to sell newspapers, accuracy of reporting is irellevant. Our neighbours regularly quote their newspaper and believe its contents 100% :confused:

Ignore the skeptics and go your own way :like:
Interesting comment from the link:

"I couldn't sustain the diet as I found my fast days were just too hard to get through. I could never get used to the foggy brain and gnawing growling stomach. It made me very short with my kids."

I worry about this myself. I'm finding fasting pretty grim and dread my fast days.
"Foggy brain"? I've never experienced anything remotely like that.
Your Funny Uncle wrote: "Foggy brain"? I've never experienced anything remotely like that.

I find that on a fast day, if I go into a group environment I can't focus on what people are saying, or respond intelligently, and all I want to do is curl up and sleep. Fasting makes me very anti-social.
I find that people are aware there is something different about me, but they can't quite figure out what to say! If asked I just say that on two days a week I eat less calories and on the other days I try to eat healthily and that I am doing more exercise and I feel much better for it.
Pip- I was super foggy too for the first few weeks, yesterday was the first day I didn't feel that way and sounds like it takes even longer for others.

I sympathize with the woman who says she is short with her kids....again, I felt that way the first few weeks and last week when I fasted my husband was out so I had the kids alone and I was really short tempered even though I'd just eaten.

I fasted yesterday and it was my best yet and I had a great evening with my I think it just takes time for some of our bodies to adjust!
Pip wrote: I find that on a fast day, if I go into a group environment I can't focus on what people are saying, or respond intelligently, and all I want to do is curl up and sleep. Fasting makes me very anti-social.
Pip you are such a tonic! No feel-good nonsense here. So downbeat it makes me smile, sorry. Fortunately you can't punch me.
I'm 3 months in and today I had no trouble fasting. It's really becoming second nature, no hunger pangs at all.

I'm going to maintainance next week, fingers crossed but I'm doing monday on 500 cals and then Thursday fast all day but eat what I like in the evening. I hope this works

I'm simply don't want to give up the 2 day fasting, I think I would really miss it now.

I NEVER thought I'd say that!

Skeptics can do one as far as I'm concerned. I'm really enjoying it, I've lost weight and feel really well so :razz: :razz: to them!
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