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Enough is enough!
26 Apr 2013, 07:58
I am so frustrated with myself!!!! :-x
Yesterday (I can't believe I am going to admit this) I ate - not all in one sitting - three packets of crisps are FOUR chocolate bars! :shame:
My willpower has been shocking! Every time I do something like this I think, this is the last time - but it never is and I've had enough of my own excuses!! I don't know why I do it, I literally just think "sod it, I don't care" and go on a binge & ultimately it makes me feel like crap. :frown:
So enough is enough, I've shamed myself by admitting it on here and I'm hoping that that will help me to stop doing it. I'm going to set myself one evening in the week where I have a little indulgence and apart from that I am going to rein it in. I'm driving myself nuts!! :bugeyes:

Had to get it off my chest...
Re: Enough is enough!
26 Apr 2013, 08:07
Well done on admitting you did something silly! You'll change your ways sooner or later if you really want to. I still have occasions where I eat way too much and I know it - but it's not everyday so I don't worry too much. Once in a while we all splurge, it's just making sure it's not all the time which is important :)

Put it behind you, learn from it & move on. You can do it!
Re: Enough is enough!
26 Apr 2013, 08:12
Haha naming and shaming yourself! It's a good idea but I can't bring myself to tick you off. You've been doing 5:2 for a while now so I'm slightly surprised you're still fighting the urge to overeat, or it is just occasional? In which case I wouldn't worry. Overall you'll even out. If it's worse than that, maybe you should consider a 36 hour water fast - caution if you have any medical conditions etc - as many people including me, have found it really helps reset hunger on non fast days. Check out Wildmisses 36 hour thread.
Re: Enough is enough!
26 Apr 2013, 08:20
Oh wow!! How impressive, were they good?
Now put it behind you, another day has dawned, another goal to be achieved, you can do it.
The only way I cope with these binges is not to buy the bad guys, more difficult if you have children though.

Good luck. X
Re: Enough is enough!
26 Apr 2013, 08:22
@redhead, can you give a link to the 36h water fast description?
Re: Enough is enough!
26 Apr 2013, 08:24
Today is a new day! We all have our weak moments and you were very brave to admit it on here! Just start a fresh and you will do it :)
Re: Enough is enough!
26 Apr 2013, 08:25
Hi Sophie,

Don't beat yourself up just because you are human, unlike some of us! I've been doing this since last Autumn, with great success but I still have days where I could eat a scabby dog and the chocolate biscuits go down faster than the Titanic. Do I beat myself up? You bet I do! So you see, you are just being normal. These urges will lessen but they will always rear their ugly fat heads now and again, learn from them and at least enjoy the binge otherwise it will have been a waste (or should that be a waist?) of junk food.

Forgive and move on, you will be fine, honest,

Ballerina x
Re: Enough is enough!
26 Apr 2013, 08:34
Here the link to the Wildmisses 36 Hour Club -
Re: Enough is enough!
26 Apr 2013, 09:02
Eat a scabby dog!!!! I love it - thanks for my daily roar of laughter Ballerina
Re: Enough is enough!
26 Apr 2013, 09:05
Thanks guys. New day, new rules - stop binge eating! I'm going to make myself confess on here if I do it - that should be another incentive to not do it!
It's not all the time, mainly if I've had a bad day or if it's approaching my time of the month.
Onwards & upwards!
Re: Enough is enough!
26 Apr 2013, 09:08
We all do it - unfortunately
Re: Enough is enough!
26 Apr 2013, 09:18
Me too, I recognised the signs this morning when I woke up, this is the precise point in time in the past when Ive been following a 'diet', that I would have sabbotaged my efforts and fallen into the spiral of binge eating and low self esteem. At least you have recognised and admitted it too sophieh.
Re: Enough is enough!
26 Apr 2013, 09:43
You're only human Sophie and unfortunately we all overeat now and again. I've been experimenting and I've found that one day a week splurging (this week i ate four choc bars too!) whilst I fast three days and eat my TDEE on three days has led to a good loss over the last couple of weeks. I have been counting calories though to make sure it all evens out over 7 days. But I think it does my metabolism good to keep changing things up all the time, so that my body doesn't get used to the same calorie intake day after day.

ETA: I'm not suggesting you should binge regularly but just pointing out that overdoing it once a week needn't be the end of the world, and actually may even do some good in terms of weight loss.
Re: Enough is enough!
26 Apr 2013, 09:53
I have days like that. Monday was bad for me, I have a kilo easter egg left (Thorntons called it 'The Beast') Once I started eating it I didn't want to stop at all, made my fast day the next day rubbish. But like everyone said it was just one day, and I have a hen doo thiss weekend O.o
Re: Enough is enough!
26 Apr 2013, 10:31
Last Friday night...had a lovely healthy dinner...butttttt spurred on my a glass or 3 of red wine....I wanted a choc fix!!!!
Now any 'normal' human being might have eaten a couple of squares of chocolate?.....even on a bad day a bar?
I have a recipe for chocolate cake that cooks in 6 minutes in the micro!!! its delish
so...made choc cake and thought...mmmmm wot will I have with it....
errr made hot chocolate sauce....mmmmmm now I need vanilla ice cream to go with that
Sooooo hot choc cake...choc sauce...vanilla ice cream wolfed savouring each mouth full for this piglet.... did you know if you eat it quickly there are less calories!!! lol
but have nt binged since...we all need to let rip now and again!!!
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